[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/su1oRzt.jpeg[/img][/center] [center] [color=cecece] [sub] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/j274XxU.jpeg[/img][/center] [b][Location][/b] Landow, Estren [b][Time][/b] Sunday, 07:00 AM, September 15 [b][Interactions][/b] [@Mirandae] [@Vietmyke] [/sub] [/color] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] [color=808080] The man was boisterous, his laughter feeling larger than life, he wondered for a second how would such a man fight, his large frame would be terrifying as a grappler but the way his posture always seemed secure to the ground spoke of excellent footwork, any punch thrown would have the weight of a mountain behind it. She was different, more agile. A quick style with a smaller blade, or ranged maybe, she was a little trickier to imagine. He pondered for a second then his gaze slipped back to the man at her side, this time with another perspective, slowly he looked at the large number of people surrounding the temple of Gaia and the pieces fit a little better. Then they seemed prepared to give their answers and he found himself focusing on them. ...Then he blinked as the answer to his second question registered in his mind. Unbidden, a smile formed on his face, and a small chuckle escaped his mouth before he raised a hand to cover it, taking a couple of seconds to get back under control he responded [color=ff2400]"My apologies Miss, I must confess it has been some time since this happened to me, to answer your question where I am from people tend to refer to the Dominants as 'THEY' or 'THEM' out of respect and I think I slipped into the old habit out of respect"[/color] [color=ff2400]"As for your other answer, fret not, an honest answer given freely is worth more than I can pay you"[/color] Then he looked in the direction of the Regalia of Titan [color=ff2400]"I must say, your answer is especially deep Mr. Lafaele, 'your worth is seen through your every action, and in them you see Titan', indeed that is a powerful statement"[/color] A hand went to stroke his chin as he digested both answers. Originally he had approached his fellow Regalia out of curiosity but now he was overjoyed to find someone who thought akin to him. Maybe it was fate that brought him here after all. [color=ff2400]"Ah my apologies Miss Genevieve, I forgot to introduce myself"[/color] Calmly he brought his right hand to his chest while the other was firmly at his side, just like the old man used to do [color=ff2400]"My name is Mathias Voss"[/color] He paused for a second debating before deciding to proceed, anything less would be too much like lying [color=ff2400]"The Reg-"[/color] Alas, before he could share enthusiastic exclamations and calls sounded all around him, making him turn around just in time to see the skies falling above them. It was a beautiful show, the way the lights danced across the sky like a flowing river of comets, however as much as he found the show pleasant his attention was eventually brought back to the shrine, reminding him of the other people waiting their turn to speak with the Regalia in front of him. Time he was hogging for himself despite already getting more than what he was hoping for. [color=ff2400]"I must apologize again, it appears I have been quite selfish with your time"[/color] Again he bowed towards the two Regalia [color=ff2400]"Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me, may you have a good day, I hope we speak again one day"[/color] Gifting them a nod he signaled to the next person that his turn was done, then moved towards the next shrine. If he was not mistaken it was Leviathan's wasn't it? [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]