[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tJg106o.jpeg[/img][/center][hr] [center] [color=cecece] [sub] [b][Location][/b] Landow, Estren [b][Time][/b] Sunday, 07:00 AM [B][Mentions][/b] [@Teyao][@Mirandae] [/sub] [/color] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] [color=808080][color=cyan]"You are a kind sort, no doubt!"[/color] Akamu grinned, scratching the back of his head as the man before them introduced himself as Matthias Voss. Akamu didn't recognize the name, nor did he quite put two and two together with the man's more fiery personality. Akamu had never considered calling Mother Gaia or Titan a 'they' or 'them', but he supposed the customs of people were different in different regions of the continent. Accadians at the very least had a very 'familiar' style of worship when it came to the Dominants. Especially among South Accadians, shrines, rituals and prayers to the Dominants were often performed at the community level, with an intimacy close to that of families or neighbors. A bit unfortunate on the man's part that he'd found the two Accadians to ask such a question of, at least if he were looking for something a bit more philosophical. [color=cyan]"Unsure if I'd call my line of thinking 'deep', as my kaikuahine says, for us, Hakuna Matata is sort of a way of life. We're a simple people- we just do what needs to be done."[/color] Any further discussion was derailed by the presence of some countless number of falling stars, which captured the attention of most of those around them- particularly the children, though Akamu was no exception himself. He'd never seen so many fall in such quick succession, even during the clearest nights in Accadia. As Matthias excused himself, Akamu offered a friendly, if a bit confused nod, and waved him off regardless. [color=cyan]"Next time then, hoaloha!"[/color] Feeling rather than hearing the sound of his own head of security, approaching in tandem with Laura's, Akamu leaned over as the man beckoned for him to listen, gently dropping the children hanging from his arms to the ground. [color=silver]"Mister Lafaele,"[/color] the guard more or less echoing what was being said to Laura. [color=silver]"We recommend moving away from the harbor. Our security specialists recommend relocating to the Downtown area."[/color] Akamu cocked a confused eyebrow at the man. [color=cyan]"Why? Is there something dangerous happening?"[/color] Akamu asked quietly, his voice low enough to remain undetected by the children around them, though his demeanor grew a bit more serious for a change. [color=silver]"Unsure at this time."[/color] The security personnel replied, [color=silver]"Unlikely at best, but this is just a precaution. Miss Genevieve's team will be relocating her to the Downtown area as well. I think it'd be safest to keep both Accadian Regalia fairly close so our teams can support one another in case of any actual danger."[/color] [color=cyan]"I suppose that makes sense, strength in numbers and whatnot."[/color] Akamu nodded after a moment of thought. [color=cyan]"If your team can spare it, reassign a few of them to Gaia's detail. I can make do with less- just, don't overcrowd her. Or make it too obvious."[/color] [color=cyan]"Wait for me, Kika!"[/color] Akamu chuckled boisterously, any hint of seriousness quickly hidden away as his bounds overtook Laura's smaller steps quite easily. There were more cheers and giddy laughter as Akamu's broad arms popped one of the children onto his shoulders, the child pulling at his hair and pointing forward excitedly. [color=cyan]"Can't get rid of me that easily,"[/color] He chuckled, his eyes glancing over as his security captain walked alongside Laura's, their two helmets dipping closer together as they exchanged words and nods, coordinating their next steps. Catching the polarized faceplate of Laura's security captain Akamu gave him a subtle nod, but didn't acknowledge the shifting of personnel otherwise. His eyes spotted the rather obvious figures of other security personnel from other teams- all of them starting to filter their charges towards the Downtown area as well. Akamu may have been a bit concerned, but as his own security had told him- this appeared to be mostly precautionary. [color=cyan]"Seems we're not the only ones with a similar idea,"[/color] Akamu noted, glancing around, his height allowing him a better view than Laura might have had. [color=cyan]"Anyway, I hear Landow is known for its seafood, wonder how well it stacks up to back home ah?"[/color] [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]