In-Game Character Registrar: ... INSERT NAME: Tarkin ... HOW OLD ARE YOU? 36 ... WHAT IS YOUR CHARACTER'S PERSONALITY? Most of what Tarkin says is through his actions. He believes you aren't truly strong unless you can protect those around you. He looks down on the people that would abuse their power to get ahead. ... WHAT DOES YOUR PLAYER LOOK LIKE? Tarkin is a wall. He's very tall and muscular. The expression on his gruff face doesn't change often. ... LEVEL: 1 HP: 75 MP: 25 SP: 25 STR: 15 DEF: 15 MAG: 5 MAG DEF: 5 ACC: 50 EVA: 50 SPD: 5 ... WHAT WEAPON WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE?: Twin Kite Shields ... LASTLY, WHAT SKILL WOULD YOU LIKE TO CREATE? ( Will it consume MP or SP? ): Immovable Object [SP]