[quote=@Morgannis] I know that the Holloways and the Graves are neighbors, but should we situate everyone else on the street? I can draw up a very, very crude map if we want one. X'D[/quote] I think it was [@Force and Fury] that plotted out the street map with me in the past RP, but I don't have a copy of it anymore. It was rudimentary and everyone was essentially next door neighbors, but if people would like to live slightly further apart this time around we can work something out (as long as it is on the same street, given the concept). [quote]How far down the lane would you say the Holloways and the Graves are? I also assume that there are two entrances to the neighborhood? At least two, not including unfenced backyards. Are there any notable features around the neighborhood? Any lakes/ponds in the general vacinity? Any wildly overgrown forests?[/quote] They were somewhere in the middle last time. Their proximity was also a tool to explain the differences in houses (Micki had mentioned that there could've been a fire in the past that had wiped out much of the old brick colonial homes in the area, hence the differences in housing). The street has two main entrances and exits. In New Hampshire (or at least small town) fashion, they go one way from each direction. One way goes deeper into town, the other way starts to take you out. The road itself isn't a concrete parking lot, it is skinny in size like the example below. [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MnAgQ74.png[/img] [/hider] There are a few points where the road breaks off to other streets, but they aren't numerous. The only notable feature that has made it outside of concept stage, is the park-esque gazebo in the Mulberry neighborhood. It had a wheelchair ramp once, but assholes told FnF's Lila to get fucked because it "disturbed the historical character of the gazebo". The gazebo has the same name as one of the nearby school teachers (Mrs. Merriweather, who had been teaching first grade where Jason first met Holly and most likely others), so perhaps there is a connection to be made. Or maybe it's just a coincidence and no one noticed. I don't know. :lol I can say that the town (and in turn the street itself) is surrounded by forest, though. If you look at the example town inspirations I mentioned, much of it is woodsy. As for lakes/ponds, yes and no. Huddeen doesn't have one but there are spotted ponds/lakes near by (Baboosic, for example). Edit: I should really make a guide to Huddeen, huh. Trying to remember all this information after an overnight shift is tiring lol