[center][h3][color=green]Lewa[/color][/h3][/center] Tension levels continued to rise as the makeshift crew delved deeper into the mystery of what could have possibly befallen this ill-fated shop. Lewa remained on edge, though given his current company, he reasoned that he probably had no reason to fear. Even if something should jump out at the team that could pose a genuine threat to him, one of the ladies could no doubt handle the issue with little more than a snap of her fingers. He couldn't be happy trusting in these strangers for security, but then again, he couldn't be happy regardless--not when an untimely demise would leave his land and his people defenseless for good. Not for the first time, Lewa languished under the weight of a single thought: what was he doing here? Creeping around in some basement for any reason (other than a surefire way to get home) felt like an abysmal waste of time, and every second the toa lost going with the flow in this accursed world was one in which a poor Le-matoran might breathe his last. But Lewa had no choice other than to press forward, both in general, and into this disquieting darkness. It almost came as relief when his keen senses clued him into something tangibly wrong. A section of the wall didn't quite match up with the rest, and with axe in hand he volunteered to clear the blockage. Even if one of the others could do this much faster, it helped his mental state a little to be able to help or achieve something in any way, no matter how small. His mechanical strength put the unrelenting protodermis edge of of his weapon to work, and it wasn't long before Lewa's labor opened up a gap large enough that everyone could see through. To his surprise, he found a huge undergrand chamber stretching out before him, as dark as it was spacious, but far from empty. In the shadows, bones clattered, and metal scraped. Undead warriors clad in iron lurched and staggered toward the living, their gait unnatural, the rictus grins of lipless teeth horrendous. Any human who looked upon these impossible aberrations might be filled with fear, but not Lewa. Neither toa nor matoran had bones, after all. These shambling horrors were not ghastly reminders of his own mortality, but merely enemies to be eliminated. So as he sized up the opposition, the spirit of air kept his cool. Those bones looked thin enough that the heavy blade of his axe could splinter and crush them, but their metallic exoskeletons would deaden his blows and dull his blade. Blunt force would be more effective, but out of all his brothers, only Pohatu wielded such an instrument in the form of his reinforced feet. Still...even if Lewa lacked his brother's equipment, that didn't mean he couldn't kick them over, especially given his height. Better yet, his axe could be used as a hook to snatch the skeletons' feet out from under them. One way or another, these monsters would end up on the ground. The only problem was... Right that moment, Anne destroyed a skeleton in a single strike, preempting Lewa's kick-based strategy. As one of the most powerful otherworlders she would be a force to be reckoned with, but circumstances demanded that the fae child weigh her down. Other than her, Lewa would need to worry about running afoul of Remilia, but other than that...well, unlike the battle at that prairie village, there weren't so many otherworlders around that any effort of Lewa's would pale in comparison. Right here, right now, he could actually prove himself in combat. He could show the others what the Spirit of Air was made of, and why his presence in Le-wahi would be so sorely missed. With a burst of wild laughter, Lewa charged into the fray. These skeletons might be well-equipped, but their blades would find no more purchase in his body than his would in theirs. He lashed out with long limbs like giant pistons, bashed with the shaft of his axe, and used its bottom edge to rob the fiends of their balance. If his foes came at him unarmored, his gusts might have blown right through them, but their plate mail would catch the full brunt of his elemental power. As he stirred the still air in the depths of the shop, Lewa worked to whip up a perimeter around himself and the others, buffeting the skeletons back while the four of them stood tall in the eye of the storm. This much, he could do.