[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve - Red Light District[/h3] [/center] “It’s not real it's not real there aren't people burning just keep fighting” Ranyna rhythmically told herself as the illusion of a town around her began to, well, not burn, but perhaps remember what it was like to burn. It was unclear, but it was not pleasant. Unfortunately her insistence that no one was burning came to a quick end when, the non flier of their trio got stuck in some kind of oil and… “Ahhh! No no no,I can get you out, I can-” Rayne cried out in a panic as she tried to race towards Quin, intending to link with and evacuate her, only to be too slow as the woman was evaporated by the flames in close to an instant after making contact with the butterfly. “No!” Or perhaps her being slow was a good thing, as Sanae yelled at her to not even fly over the black oil at all. If she had gotten close enough for her plan, maybe she would have just gotten stuck too. Even with the warning, she was still perilously close and the oil was now also rapidly approaching her. Not that she was really thinking about this trade off. All the hyperventilating Witch Knight could do was stare at the spot Quing had been. She’d never really failed someone like this before. Not really. She’d had deaths on her hands, but they had been slow and, in a way, unavoidable, or choices made by others. This however was, in her mind at least, all her fault, and she did not cope well with this anywhere close to Sanae, and that was saying something Unaware of Sana considering calling for divine intervention, Ranye threw everything she had out, which in this case involved exploding as she unleashed Armageddon, the spell card blasting both land and sky with a wave of devastation around her. Then she equipped a triple shot cannon and started blasting wildly towards their foe while screaming “you monster!” at her with furious anguish. She at least had enough of her mind to retreat while doing so rather than get caught by the oil