[right][h3][b]The Ronin[/b][/h3][/right] [color=A9A9A9]Shimura ran through the halls of the facility, sliding and wall running his way, he could feel his implants beginning to heat up again. He could feel the skin grafts over where he'd burned away his skin before starting to loosen. Damn it but this shouldn't be the way it always goes. And then he slides to a stop. That wall wasn't there before. He narrowed his eyes, and heard a boom from behind. He growls, "Fine!" He stepped up to the wall, measuring distance, thumping it, yeah this is an outer wall, shouldn't be hard. He took a step back and and centered himself. He remembered the teachings of his sensei. He blew out a slow breath, a gout of steam exiting the grille of his mask. He let his eyes close as his hand slid to the hilt of his family sword. One of the last things left of his family. His Father Gone, dishonorably killed. His Mother passed in his youth. A brother gone in a Yakuza fight years ago. No other siblings, he was the last of his family. But the Kingo blood still flowed his in veins! And that gave him strength! It's a smooth series of motions. The draw of the sword, and three slashes. And if this had been an anime the near perfect triangle of wall would have slid out and free easy. instead though he turns and kicks, the piece of wall bursting out. And then a moment after, Shimura came arching out of the facility. And out over the water, arching out then down into the water below, a moment or two later coming up and swimming for their SDV he grabbed one of the handholds and coughed, "I'm getting too old for this." He says as he leans against the vessel.[/color] [right][h3][i]The Battle Goddess[/i][/h3][/right] [color=Gold]Freya had almost run over Wilkes when she got to him. Luckily her helmet is closed so Wilkes can't see the tears in her eyes. Feeling somewhat betrayed after encountering Laura. She pants and nods, "Go! I'll follow." And she creeps along with him. And soon she realizes what's happening. Wilk can get out of the main door there. She waits until he's clear. Then kneels, aims, and clicks the AEW over to her most used mode! Shhhrack! The arc of lightning cuts out, then up, around wickedly cutting through the wall of the facility. And a moment later she comes arcing out of the facility too. As she fell she fired several times into the water. Wilk and Shimura are lighter, them hitting the water won't be like over a ton hitting it. She's moving much faster, and it could kill her! she needs to break up the waters surface make it easier to land. The shots break up the waters surface all the more. And she hits like a torpedo. For a moment, it's almost like she's not coming back up. Then she breaks the surface floating there, looking around, "Frigga...reporting back in. That was a trip." She swims for the SDV, and hopefully their trip home.[/color] [right][h3][u]The Castle[/u][/h3][/right] [color=DodgerBlue]He stood amidst flame, and carnage and destruction. Bluefor jogged forward, to finish off the last of the resistance in this area. He nodded as they went by. He'd fired his rocket pods dry. Used every last reload, and had about 400 rounds maybe left for his HMGs. He could hear fire off in the distance, and radio comms sad there were small left over pockets of opfor retreating further inland. Bluefor asking for additional troops to hunt them down. He felt a bump, and turned, thinking one of the blues had thumped into him. Oh hey it's the hovercraft. He looked up and nodded, "Madam Harris, yes, we made a merry mess of this place didn't we?" He almost sounds poetic in the moment, "Everyone dies you know." He begins, "Alas not all of us get to choose how, or when." He hums his helmet clicking open and he spits a wad of bloodied saliva to the side, "For the rest of us, we do what we need to, to be remembered as warriors." He spits again "I bit my tongue during one fight. Almost clean through." He nodded, "Would love a ride." He grabs a handhold and pushes himself up onto the skirt and then higher onto the hard walk way on the inner edge of the skirt, "Command want us to go further in? Or are we done here? I'm pretty sure I'm almost dry on ammo count. And I don't think I have any more rocket ammo left on the cart here. I might be able to reload on HMG ammo though if we must." He looked up again then over towards where the 20m is firing, squinting abit, "It was a pleasant jaunt out yes. A good days work." He nodded to a group of Bluefor jogging past. A few of them flashing a salute and crowing about it being an honor to work beside the Scion. He chuckled, "Though I think the Blues have what's left covered. Think we can go home?"[/color]