[center][abbr=Pit][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][/abbr] Word Count: 3366 (+4 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]8[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 135/80 [i]Monday Night.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Skyworld ➜ The Avenger[/center] When Absalom fell and Palutena's forces sang out in celebration, Pit was quick to join them. He let out several loud cheers before alighting next to the bulk of the Seekers, and then a few more after that too. Once the soft glow of Lady Palutena's power was shed from his wings, he flicked them out a couple of times to get the last remaining tension out of them before tucking them in close against his back. The heavenly host was already beginning to depart, and the Seekers were swiftly preparing to return to their mobile base of operations. It felt like things were going a little too quickly to Pit. They'd only just defeated the Corruption and freed Skyworld from its danger - did they really have to leave so soon? Couldn't they at least celebrate for a night back at the temple? Pit knew that being here was always a temporary thing, and that as soon as a way to get through the Dead Zone's timefall was figured out the Seekers would be called back into action, but... it had only been a week! A week spent fighting practically the whole time. He didn't want to leave yet. When Uriel approached to ask if they were really going, Pit even started to deny it - but there was a resounding variety of affirmative answers that cemented the decision. Even Edelgard and Edward were planning to take off and board the airship. After a moment of waffling, Pit decided that he wasn't going to go with them. At least, not at the moment. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Um, actually... someone else can take my fulton,"[/color] he started, crossing his arms over his chest like he'd have to defend his choice. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I'll meet up with you guys later. Somehow. I don't... I can't just leave Lady Palutena now."[/color] He glanced at Uriel, and at the Centurion Strongarms that had been part of his unit waiting in the wings to give their captain a ride. Those big guys seemed glad that they weren't losing their commander like some other squads were losing theirs, which kind of validated his choice for him. Pit nodded at the Centurions, then turned back to the Seekers. Even if he wanted to keep fighting alongside them, he definitely couldn't leave without at least speaking to Lady Palutena about it. So he gave another nod, this one shorter and more for himself. As Uriel departed and his squad came to collect him, Pit offered the Seekers a wide grin. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I know Uriel already said 'on behalf of all Skyworld,' but... thanks, guys. Thank you for helping us protecting our home!"[/color] He turned and left after that, clasping arms with the Centurions so that they could hoist him up and fly him back to Palutena's Temple. [hr] The atmosphere on Skyworld's main islands was definitely more jovial than somber after the battle was over. Grief might come tomorrow, but tonight there was an overwhelming feeling of pride and relief. The guard that had remained behind greeted their returning brethren with gusto, and their returning commanders with cheers and applause. It was a proper hero's welcome back. The plaudits followed the captains as they entered Palutena's Temple, where the celebratory mood was more reverent. Palutena herself lauded them as well, and after putting the brief in debrief she bid them to do as she'd suggested earlier: be proud, return home, and sleep soundly. Pit accepted all of the praise that was thrown his way, eventually coming to stand by Palutena's side while she dealt with the last remaining loose ends of the day. When finally the goddess too was free to relax, she let out a deep breath. [color=springgreen]"You can leave the room to us,"[/color] she told her tiny cherub assistant, who nodded and flitted away, closing the door to the viewing room as he exited. With just herself and Pit left in there now, Palutena could let her hair down, metaphorically speaking. Standing in for an unknown god for all of the various angels of her new host kept her on her toes, and she found herself sticking to being professional about it, for lack of a better word. Pit too pretty much dropped all pretense, letting out a yawn. It had been a long day, and the bureaucratic stuff right at the end as he waited for Palutena was pretty boring. He stretched his arms out over his head until there was a satisfying crack, easily shaking out any tiredness, then he turned to the goddess. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Well we did it! Train derailed, corruption cleaned up, and fake angels felled. Pretty good, right?"[/color] [color=springgreen]"Pretty good indeed,"[/color] Palutena laughed lightly. [color=springgreen]"I didn't doubt any of you for a moment."[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Heheh, I know you didn't."[/color] He'd been beaming at her, but his smile gradually shrank as he considered Skyworld's next steps. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"So what are we gonna do now?"[/color] [color=springgreen]"I'll have to decide what to do about everyone that's still gleaming,"[/color] she said. Freeing them all at once wasn't possible, and even if it was, she had no idea how that would affect the state of Skyworld. A mass defection was possible once the non-native members of her army knew the truth, which would leave the defense of the temple and possible Skyworld as a whole in shambles. Then again, doing nothing would allow a Consul to assume control of any of them - or so Palutena had been told. Deciding who, how, and when was going to be something she'd have to think long and hard about. [color=springgreen]"And figure out a way to deal with the Flame Clock."[/color] Pit nodded. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I think we'll need some kind of new defense system too. It would be great if you could use some kind of cloaking power on the whole area."[/color] [i]It sure would,[/i] Palutena thought. She could most likely use her Power of Transparency on her temple's island, and maybe the entirety of Skyworld if she really tried, but that was in no way sustainable. Plus it wouldn't do much to stop any invaders from sensing the area, nor landing on it. So until she could determine a way to stop anyone from being able to wreak havoc here, improved defenses were just going to be another thing on the to-do list. [color=springgreen]"What about you?"[/color] She asked, changing the topic slightly. When the only reply she got out of Pit was a confused "huh?", she said, [color=springgreen]"What's next for the Seekers?"[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Finally destroying whatever Guardian is still in the Dead Zone, I think."[/color] [color=springgreen]"I see. I'm surprised you didn't go back with them."[/color] Pit blinked, evidently surprised that she was surprised. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I wanted to talk to you before I left! You know, say goodbye, to Uriel and Celia and everyone too. And see if you needed anything else. And make sure Skyworld's gonna be okay if I leave."[/color] Palutena rested her hands on her hips, amusement showing on her face. [color=springgreen]"Pit, you could have done most of that without coming all the way here. I can talk to you telepathically, remember?"[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I know! I just... wasn't sure if it would still work outside of Skyworld. It didn't before."[/color] [color=springgreen]"It will,"[/color] Palutena promised. [color=springgreen]"Now that my mind's crystal clear again, I can be in yours 24/7 - so I hope you enjoyed the break while it lasted."[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I'd rather hear you all the time than not all, Lady Palutena!"[/color] Pit said, which was the honest truth. It had been pretty hard not being able to fall back on her during some of his rough moments. If their connection was re-established for real now, it would be such a weight off of his shoulders. It went both ways too - if something happened in Skyworld and she needed him back, he'd be able to know right away. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"So if you can reach me wherever I go now, does that mean you can keep using the Power of Flight on me?"[/color] he asked, eyes big and hopeful. Unfortunately, the answer wasn't exactly what he'd wanted. [color=springgreen]"I'm not so sure. Strictly speaking, the distance between us shouldn't matter... but in this world, it might end up being a problem. There are a lot of different overlapping rules of reality to worry about now. Not to mention I can sense a lot more gods out there, and you know how touchy gods can be if another deity pokes their head into their territory."[/color] The young angel's shoulders and wings drooped. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Oh. So if I leave Skyworld and go back to the Seekers, it'll be impossible to fly again...?"[/color] Palutena raised a brow at the word [i]if.[/i] He'd been using a lot of [i]ifs[/i]. Had Pit considered possibly staying in Skyworld instead? Although she would love to keep having him around, Pit could probably do more good out there on the front lines in the war against Galeem. She smiled at Pit, which was already enough to raise his spirits. [color=springgreen]"I didn't say impossible, Pit. I just need some time to figure out this divine tangle. I wonder where I could find a good multi-dimensional paralegal..."[/color] The goddess tapped a finger to her cheek, head tipped in thought, before something else quickly occurred to her. [color=springgreen]"In the mean time, why don't you borrow someone else's wings?"[/color] Since Palutena had been freed, the Seekers had filled her in on a lot of the general condition of the world, with Pit happily filling in the rest so that his goddess was completely up to speed. So she knew about the power of spirits, and had given a general suggestion to her army to collect the spirits of fallen comrades if it was safe to do so. Given that an unfortunate amount of her army had fallen that day against the Corruption, there were several of them in the temple as Palutena decided what to do with them. Giving some to her guard captain would be a good use. Pit quickly caught on to her meaning. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I was meaning to ask you about that. Do you think it's... kinda weird?"[/color] [color=springgreen]"How so?"[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I mean isn't it kind of similar to how the Underworld Army does things? Using people's souls and stuff."[/color] Palutena chuckled. [color=springgreen]"And you're worrying about that [i]after[/i] you've already done it?"[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I was worrying about it before that too! And these were from, like, a vending machine or something anyway so..."[/color] Pit retorted, grasping at the front of his fusion-changed outfit. [color=springgreen]"Uh-huh."[/color] She gave him a knowing look. [color=springgreen]"Well, you're not wrong that it does seem a little like the Underworld Army's process. But Hades turned those souls into monsters - a much worse fate. These ones are going to be used to help rescue the world."[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I guess that makes sense,"[/color] Pit said after a moment of reflection, scratching his head. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"If I got turned into a spirit, I'd rather have someone turn me into a sword and use me to beat up bad guys than fade away..."[/color] [color=springgreen]"If you're still worried about it, then I'll give you the official Palutena seal of approval for spirit usage."[/color] Palutena leaned over, reaching out to flick Pit's forehead. Though the angel rubbed the spot on his head afterwards, he grinned at her too. If the Goddess of Light said it was fine, then it was fine - no need to think about it anymore. In truth, Palutena would normally be against such exploitation of souls... but she could be pragmatic when she needed to be. If it was for the sake of the world, for the greater good, then she knew that sometimes the good guys needed to do whatever it takes to prevail. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Hm... Lady Palutena, do you think I'd turn into a sword or a bow? Or maybe a staff?"[/color] [color=springgreen]"Let's hope we won't have to find out."[/color] Palutena turned to go collect a suitable spirit as Pit followed, chatting away. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"You know they have this thing on the ship that let's you pick where you want to change. If I use it on my wings, maybe I really will be able to fly!"[/color] The bonus of giving a spirit another way to stay and fight the good fight was nice, but the prospect of potentially being able to fly was what really excited Pit. [color=springgreen]"You just need to use the spirit on your wings? I could help you out with that. Here, turn around."[/color] Pit did so, but the look he gave Palutena over his shoulder said he wasn't so sure. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Uh, I don't think it's gonna work like that."[/color] [color=springgreen]"Who's the goddess here, Pit? Besides, I haven't gotten to see a fusion up close yet. Just hold still..."[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Ow! You pinched my feathers!"[/color] [i]Fwooosh.[/i] With one hand holding Pit's wings out away from the rest of his body, Palutena pushed the spirit of a fallen Feathersword into them with the other. A light engulfed Pit, bright enough that even the Goddess of Light almost had to look away. She watched on, curious, as her angelic guinea pig underwent changes right before her eyes. [center][hider=For Pit]Spirit consumed: [b][url=https://i.imgur.com/g7FXXnc.png]Feathersword[/url][/b] The host's hair has gotten shorter again, with the blonde tips lengthened into sandy streaks. His laurel wreath is now shaped more like feathers and its glow more white. His wings are longer, stronger, and better-developed. The purple and orange accents in his outfit have turned red again. He's gained a chestplate (front only) and forward-facing armor plates on his legs beneath his singlet, both a pale gold like all of the metal on his person. This spirit grants the Ability [b]Momentum Swing[/b], granting a special attack with either a shield or sword. Spiral Sword will temporarily buff his evasion and debuff his target's, while Shield Smite will temporarily buff his defense and debuff his target's. This spirit also confers the Weakness [b]Pierce the Heavens[/b], increasing the damage dealt to the host by projectiles that deal pierce damage.[/hider][/center] Following the fusion, Pit immediately wriggled free of Palutena's grasp and spread his wings out wide. He only felt a little different for the first few seconds before everything settled into place. He felt the weight of new armor pieces, and no longer felt the tickle of his hair at the base of his neck, so he could tell that Palutena's plan hadn't actually worked as intended. His wings, though - that was the important part. He knew them better than the back of his own hand, so he could tell that something had changed. Closing his wings around himself, Pit found that they were definitely longer. They felt sturdier too. He whirled around to face Palutena and exclaimed, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"How do they look? Flight-ready?!"[/color] Palutena had been studying the changes too, trying to puzzle out how and why certain aspects changed and others didn't. Of course, she was going to need a lot more data to come to any real conclusions. Though her interest was mostly for scientific curiosity, she did frown slightly when she noted Pit's laurel wreath. The golden leaves were part of her iconography just as much as her halo was, so she wasn't sure how she felt about her symbol marking Pit as part of her host being transformed. She didn't dwell on that for long though, instead shifting her gaze to Pit's wings once more before giving the angel a smile. [color=springgreen]"Well why don't you try it?"[/color] He didn't need to be told twice. Pit launched himself up into the air, beating his improved wings until he was up as high as the ceiling would let him go. He was a little quicker in the air, and so far he was airborne for a little longer, so for a few moments both angel and goddess thought that the fusion had worked. Then, sustaining himself in the air became too hard. His wings faltered and he started to fall, with no amount of frantic flapping stopping him from dropping back onto the marble floor. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Nooo, ugh!"[/color] Pit lamented. He brought both of his wings around towards his front again, inspecting them in more depth. Having that little bit of hope come crashing down felt like a gut punch. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I really thought..."[/color] He trailed off, staring at the crisp white feathers in his hands. Then he sighed and let them go, his wings going to rest at his back. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I guess it wouldn't be that easy, huh?"[/color] Palutena wondered why it wouldn't be. While she remotely viewed the battlefield earlier, she'd seen her once wayward commander Edward Portsmith fuse and become capable of flight, however limited. Was it because he'd absorbed two angels? Pit already had a set of wings, but was their flightless defect so great that just one flight-capable spirit wasn't enough? Or was Pit's physiology as an angel of Angel Land just that different from the angels of Albion? If the latter flew under their own wing power rather than the force of their soul channeled into their feathers, then all fusing with them would do is make Pit's wings more powerful - it wouldn't fix the inherent issue. That was the most likely problem, then. Pit seemed to be coming to the same conclusion, though a bit slower. He glanced at the remaining spirits and considered trying again before shaking his head lightly. [color=springgreen]"You'll be alright, Pit. It won't take me long to figure out the long range boons - we'll have you back in the air yet,"[/color] Palutena offered, at which Pit forced a smile onto his face. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Yeah, no problem. I've been fighting for longer without the Power of Flight anyway,"[/color] he said. It would just be back to the more of the same, except this time he'd have Lady Palutena's guiding voice in his head to make things easier. While he was out in the world, he could try and find some other methods of flight too. That was, of course, only if he did return to the ranks of the Seekers of Light. Pit brought one arm up to self-consciously rub at the other. He did want to help fight against Galeem. It kind of felt irresponsible not to. He was there, on that cliff, when Galeem first appeared. He was one of the first to stand against it. It was an important mission, probably the most important one in the world at the moment, and sometimes the adventure had even been fun. But after being separated from Lady Palutena for so long, he hardly wanted to leave her side now that he was here. Would it be so bad to resume his position as captain of her army and stand guard in Skyworld? Sensing his hesitation, Palutena laid a gentle hand on Pit's shoulder. He looked up at her to find a reassuring smile aimed at him, and when he smiled back this time it was more genuine. Then Palutena stepped back, summoning her staff to raise it and bring it down against the floor with an echoing [i]thump[/i]. [color=springgreen]"Are you ready for your next mission, Pit?"[/color] The angel dropped down onto one knee with his right fist pressed against his heart, his head bowed and his wings spread out low. Palutena threw her arm out as she spoke, her voice taking on a commanding tone. [color=springgreen]"Go, join the battle to free the people of this planet, and bring this World of Light to an end!"[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Yes, Lady Palutena!"[/color] Pit hopped back up to his feet, Palutena's order having flushed away all of his doubts. To serve her was his calling, and if she decreed that he be there personally to hunt down Guardians, fight off Consuls, and help take down Galeem then he would gladly do it for her. Easing up slightly, Palutena spoke again. [color=springgreen]"Now picture someone aboard the Avenger."[/color] A couple of faces flashed through Pit's mind before he realized what she intended. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Are you going to–"[/color] [color=springgreen]"Warp you? Yes. Hope you have someone in mind."[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"You didn't give me a chance to say goodbye!"[/color] Pit complained, though it was without any real bite to it. [color=springgreen]"Goodbye for now, Pit,"[/color] the Goddess of Light said, exchanging a last smile with her angel. She pointed her staff at him, its head beginning to glow a bright, sparkly blue. [color=springgreen]"[i]Warp![/i]"[/color] [hr] There was very little warning at the other end of the warp point that a whole other person was about to pop into existence there. In the end it was Roxas, his friend and roommate's face that Pit had pictured as the divine power took effect. If he was lucky, Roxas would already be in their room and Pit wouldn't even have to do anything else before trying to get to sleep. For the Keyblade wielder, small shimmering blue lights began to form in the open air next to him, quickly growing larger and more frequent until within moments space itself distorted and opened up, dumping the angel out next to him. Pit landed ungracefully with an [i]oof[/i]. It had been a little rougher than usual, maybe because the Avenger was moving? Nevertheless Pit quickly got up and dusted himself off, announcing himself with a pleasant call of, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I'm back!"[/color] [center][hider=Pit Level Up!]New Power: [b]Patron Goddess[/b] - As Palutena's dedicated servant and her personal angel, Pit and Palutena's bond is tightly woven. Now that they have reunited, so long as their connection remains uninterrupted Pit is able to access temporary divine powers granted by the Goddess of Light. It is limited by distance at first, but is able to grow in strength over time. It is hindered by abilities that prevent divine intervention or other similar effects, can be voluntarily severed (and reestablished) by either Pit or Palutena, or come to an end if something were to happen to Palutena. No matter how many powers are available to Pit through his bond with Palutena, he can only use one at a time. [hider=Tier 1][b]Palutena's Guidance[/b]: The only ability available at this level. Telepathic communication between angel and goddess, Pit can reach out to Palutena and ask her questions, for advice, or just to chat. Though hailed as an all-seeing, all-knowing being, Palutena is not actually omniscient... though she does possess a vast array of knowledge to pull from, including information about worlds other than her own. The factual information Pit can receive is limited to both what Palutena knows and chooses to tell him, otherwise he may end up with anecdotes, her own subjective deductions, or mere well wishes that he makes the best of the situation on his own. Being a form of telepathy, this ability can suffer interference from anything that blocks psychic powers in addition to being affected by anti-divinity effects.[/hider] ***[/hider][/center]