[center][h2][color=92278f]Sectonia[/color][/h2] Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (48/120) Location: Avenger Word Count: 525 [/center] The defeat of Absalom was celebrated by the angels, although Sectonia didn't share in their celebration the same way. Another horrid ugly creature was removed from the board and the world was more beautiful as a result as it should be. Thus she was more stoic about the whole situation than their angelic allies. [color=92278f]"Such a hideous creature..."[/color] she said as she looked upon the spirit of the creature. She wouldn't be taking it, but if anyone did and didn't try to make some kind of weapon out of it, she'd have choice words for them. Their little celebration would be over soon as the Avenger appeared and gave everyone their Fultons to get on board. While she didn't take them before, a bit of curiosity gripped her this time and she actually grabbed one this time. Although she found that after this point she'd probably only take one if she couldn't locate the Avenger and fly to it on her own, as the way up she could handle, but the waiting to be picked up she couldn't. Not without a mirror or something anyway to pass the time. At least unlike some of the others, she didn't pass out and when she was on the Avenger so late at night she made her way to the showers to clean herself off and get rid of any of Absalom's corruption gunk she got on herself. At least there was one that accommodated her size, but it still took her a good bit to get as clean as she'd like. Plus now she had a good amount of time to just look herself over int he mirror and pretty herself up before she went to bed. So far no one had chosen to bunk with her, meaning she had a room all to herself. She wasn't against bunking with someone in all honesty, but they'd have to take care of themselves. [hr] [center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (63/130) Location: Avenger Word Count: less than 750 [/center] Blazermate, not being someone who needed to actually sleep, took some time to head back to her room. Since she took a good amount of time, she saw the next group of people get picked up and go about their business with Blazermate more or less floating around and vibing a bit before she went back to her room. Although what she saw when she got there was... Well, she knew Nadia and Ace had a thing for each other but she wasn't expecting to walk into that. They could've put a sign on the door or something! [color=0072bc]"Well, guess it was about time huh?"[/color] She moved aside to let Ace out as Nadia gave her quite the look. [color=0072bc]"Uh, yeah. Well, guess I've seen that so things can't get more awkward from here."[/color] Blazermate said, walking into her room and plopping herself face down on her bed. [color=0072bc]"Don't think because I'm a robot I don't know what was going on there by the way."[/color] She said, turning her head to talk clearly. [color=0072bc]"If you guys need privacy, just put a sign or a tie or a ribbon or something on the door."[/color] she said in a deadpan voice, before going on. [color=0072bc]"I've been on the internet, I know these things. By the way, when your a popular girl medabot, don't search your own name."[/color] She then flipped onto her back and decided to try to get some sleep, seeing as Nadia would be doing the same before long and to her knowledge not many would be up at this hour anyway.