[h2]Fujiwara no Mokou[/h2] Mokou gave a shrug. It wasn't like she was that familiar with most people in Gensokyo; she had no idea if feeding people to the jiang-shi would be approved of or not. Maybe as long as it wasn't anyone from the Human Village then they would be okay? But being eaten alive was messy enough when you had large mouths; being eaten alive by just a human one… or maybe she could take huge bites. Not that she was about to let anyone be fed to youkai, she hadn't been dealing with those in the bamboo forest for generations for no reason. "Yeah, this," she said, lifting up the nearly-regenerated hand, "Has nothing to do with curses. It's just immortality." Well, there was obviously slightly more to it… but it was immortality at its most basic. "And the fire is magic."