[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OHf0AL9.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OnizJ1D.png[/img][/center] Trinity looked up from the bar as she heard footsteps nearing her. Ooh, it’s the candy recruit. [color=ffccFF]”Hi, Matthew. I’m Trinity. You’re right, I’m new. I just got my stamp, see?”[/color] She tugged at her collar to better show him. While her hand left the strings of her harp, it continued to play. The not-longer-wandering bard nodded to his questions, [color=ffccFF]”thanks, I’m glad you noticed. I’ve played for about as long as I can remember, it’s really fun.”[/color] The golden and shimmering Energy Make construct, made of springs and rods of various sizes in a complicated shape, hovering over her shoulder, let her clearly hear the approach of someone from the kitchen, as the man came by with food for Matthew. Not hers, yet. She couldn’t help but ogle his plate, it looked delicious. [color=ffccFF]“As for my magic-”[/color] [color=0072bc]"Okay, so which one of you ordered the egg toast?"[/color] [color=FFCCFF]”Yes, that was me.”[/color] Trinity raised her hand and turned to face the voice that had called. Hm. Something in the way he had said that... Had she used a name for the dish that wasn't recognized here? Maybe she should have asked for a menu.. Ah well. She turned back to Matthew, her hand returning seamlessly to playing her instrument herself, [color=FFCCFF]”Did you see? It’s called Bard’s Legerdemain, and this,”[/color] she motioned to the construct over her shoulder, [color=FFCCFF]”I made with Maker magic.[/color]