[h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2] I step back, lowering Roukanken. He's surrendered. It almost seems like the fight broke out based on some kind of misunderstanding, though I can't say I understand why. Why would any of these abilities be associated with curses? Curses were something negative, and while one could view Fujiwara no Mokou's immortality as a curse it certainly benefited her while she was fighting. Didn't curses only benefit the one who placed them in the first place? Didn't they sometimes backfire on those people anyway, or just condemn them as part of the process? Did this guy come from a world where all power comes from curses? Maybe that's the reason he attacked so quickly. I can't imagine such a world being pleasant. "I can't say I'm happy about it, but I know that jiangshi's owner." If Kaku Seiga is here--- No, maybe she isn't? Maybe Miyako Yoshika is just here on her own. Kochiya-san still has her connection to the Moriya Shrine's gods, so maybe it's similar with this brainless jiangshi and her mistress? I hope so. "I'd rather not have to deal with her," I add. While I'm certain I could defeat her, and wouldn't exactly hate cutting her down again--- She's creepy. She's really creepy. I don't like the way she looks at me. Or the way she talks about me. Or the way she talks about that jiangshi. Or any of her behavior in general. And that's putting aside the kind of spells she uses. "While I have no problem slashing him if he causes trouble, I don't think we should do anything to him unless we have to." I glance towards the strange, summoning monk. He's acted strange, but I don't think it's enough to warrant anything else. He already surrendered, after all, and completely dropped his defenses even though I certainly could have killed him. Still--- "But maybe he should come with us for now, just in case." [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]The Scarlet Devil[/h2] I can't say I'm happy down here. The darkness suits me perfectly fine, of course. It's not as if it impedes me in any way. The dampness and somewhat odd scents, not at all. Ugh, why can't Sakuya be here? At least she'd be able to help keep my dress clean. Geh, what if this tunnel is full of those--- ... This rattling sound, this clanking... The shambling shapes enter my view. Yellowed bone, clad in plate armor and wielding blades that weren't in their best conditions, but could still cut. Really? This is what's down here? "Skeletons?" I cock my head to the side, a smirk crossing my lips. "Is that it? The murderer's really uncreative, aren't they? There's no style or flair here at all!" They're lacking blood. That's annoying. But my stomach isn't empty anymore, thanks to the Hourai Immortal. I think it's time to see how much I've been restored. The skeletons can't resist Lewa's efforts. I don't remember seeing him pull off something like this before, but I can't act as if it's not useful. Not that skeletons would be a problem for me, of course. But immobilizing a good number of them and pushing them back makes picking my first target a lot easier. I place one foot forward, leaning as I do. A lady should be elegant. So I'll elegantly destroy these wastes of space. I stretch my wings behind me. The world stretches around me for an instant, blurring as I launch myself forward--- Bone cracks. My hand grips the skeleton by the head, my fingers in its empty, dusty eye sockets. Pulling it free is trivial. Crushing it against the cavern wall is just as easy. I slam the headless skeleton down beneath my feet, tossing its shattered skull aside. Animated bones are the cheapest and most uninteresting undead familiars. But at least they're not that messy. Oh? Still moving, huh? I wrap my fingers around its wrist and pull, tearing its right arm from its socket and tossing it into the other skeletons as they attempt to renew their advance. If it's still moving after that, then--- I reach down and grab the visible portion of its spine, protruding from where its head once was. It'll take a bit more effort. I'm still not as strong as I should be. My fingers tighten. I twist my arm sharply, a snap resounding through the cavern. "Unless you're stupid," I comment, rising to my feet, "You should go for their spines. Just taking the head off won't be---" I step back and raise my arm in the same motion as a dull axe swings down towards me, catching the skeleton by its arm and yanking it off balance. Is there such a thing as being too stupid to even call literally brainless? Even as a mindless undead, was there a reason for it to try and make that work? My right hand balls into a fist and I step back--- And thrust it into the skeleton's torso, forcing it backwards. ---Grrr. That should have gone right through the armor and shattered its spine! I seriously, really need more blood already! [@VitaVitaAR][@Lugubrious][@Drifting Pollen][@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Rezod92]