[centre][h2]Morgana Faith[/h2][/centre] How does one fight a god? As far as everything Morgana had ever read or heard told her, you didn’t. Or at least, you didn’t and expect to win; history and myth was full of tales of mortals who sought to challenge the divine one way or another and while some of them were able to succeed, at least in the sense of achieving their goals and not dying in the process, those stories were usually [i]cautionary[/i] tales for a reason. According to Amanda, the director strongly suspected they knew the identity of the elusive Mr X, that Mr X was likely a god, a particularly ancient one at that and that [i]they[/i] were now expected to prepare to fight them. It was likely only her exhaustion that prevented Morgana from vocalising exactly what she thought about [i]that[/i] series of revelations. As it was, rather than yelling the witch tiredly turned her mind towards ideas of how she could ensure that she survived the upcoming fight; there wasn’t much she could do beyond that until she knew for certain who or what it was they were up against.