[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ziR5Pse.png[/img] + [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 4449 (+5) (+5 rapport for Jr and Roxas) [b]Level 9 Roxas:[/b] 34/90 [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 14 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](171/140) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]/////////(90/100) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Avenger [/center] For a dozen or so minutes, anyone passing by the training room would be able to hear something strange, namely, the muffled sound of yelling and screaming. Perhaps not the oddest thing to come out of said room, some people did get very into their training and very vocal with their violence after all, but it was odd both because there was no sound of said violence, and also odd that anyone would be training at this time of day, particularly given the amount of activity all of the seekers had been up too. Roxas was in the next room over in Professor Koa’s lab in order to show him Titan. During this brief conversation he heard the shouts and screams from the Training Room next door. So, out of curiosity, he bid the Professor good night and then made his way next door to see what was going on there. Upon the door sliding open to the sound of bowser jr yelling [color=SpringGreen]”-leaving me behind and going off with-”[/color] only for his mouth to snap shut as his sister, who was looking both tired and out of breath where she was sitting on a chair conveniently facing the door waved at Roxas. [color=Aqua]”Hi there. Did you need the room? We where just about done”[/color] [color=gold]”I heard all the screaming.”[/color] Roxas said with some confusion on his face, [color=gold]”Are you guys… okay?”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”What? No? Yes? Everythings fine!”[/color] Jr insisted far too frantically while Rika simply started to tell the truth, saying [color=Aqua]”Primrose suggested we scream to release the pressure of-”[/color] only for Jr to interrupt. He pointed one finger at the new pokeball the Nobody was sporting, and stated the obvious [color=SpringGreen]”You caught another pokemon”[/color] and then declared that [color=SpringGreen]”we should battle! That’s what trainers do when they lock eyes”[/color] having apparently at some point over the week looked up pokemon trainer ‘etiquette’ on his new phone since they last met. Rika just looked sort of bemused by this, before shrugging it off. If Jr had learned trainer etiquette then there was no getting out of a battle this time. So Roxas would just have to give the prince what he wanted and battle him. He jogged a ways across the training room in order to take up a position, [color=gold]”As a matter of fact I did catch a new Pokemon.”[/color] Roxas said, grabbing Titan’s Poke Ball and throwing it in order to send it out. [color=gold]”Go! Titan!”[/color] Upon its release from the Poke Ball, the Golett struck a pose by flexing its arms and then began awaiting orders. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKOG5UM202Y[/youtube][/center] [color=SpringGreen]”Pff, ‘Titan’ but it’s so-”[/color] Jr began to taunt before recognizing that he and the pokemon were practically the same size, and promptly pivoting to [color=SpringGreen]”-cool, whatever it is”[/color] [color=Aqua]”Golett, the Ground Ghost Automaton Pokémon apparently”[/color] Rika helpfully informed him, having stolen her brother’s rotom phone out of his duffle bag mainly so she could goof off on it while the trainers did their thing, but providing a bit of help while she was at it. [color=SpringGreen]”huh alright then…. Mimi, I choose you!”[/color] the prince decided after a moment’s thought, plucking a pokeball from his bandolier and tossing it forth, summoning his Mimikyu to the field. Titan surely towered over her, but didn’t let this intimidate her, the pikachu mimicker running electricity through her stick tail in her own little show of power… only to realize that such a power was no threat to her grounded foe and to look a little less confident. [color=SpringGreen]”Yeah we won’t need that. Mimi hone your claws so we can make the next hit hurt!”[/color] Jr commanded, prompting the speedier mon to flick out a tendril and run its digits down the stick tail like it was a scratching post. Then when she pulled them back the claw tips flashed as the move boosted her attack and accuracy. [color=gold]”Use Shadow Punch!”[/color] Roxas called, prompting Titan to go lunging forward at the Mimikyu with a ghostly-powered punch with its fist. The move was nearly impossible to avoid due to its nature and its typing was also in fact super effective against a fellow Ghost type like Mimikyu. Unfortunately, rather than hit the specter's real body, the punch hit her disguise, bopping the fake head so far back it looked like its neck had snapped, leaving the mon herself unashamed. Physically anyway. Emotionally she was quite upset by this, such that she relished to obey the command of [color=SpringGreen]”Shadow sneak!”[/color] from her trainer. She darted away, and then shoved her freshly sharpened claw into her shadow itself, causing it to twist, elongate, and then slip under the opposing pokemon. Once it was long enough to be out the other side, a shadowy copy of Mimi arose and lashed out with sharpened claws at the foe. That attack hit Titan hard. He wasn’t down just yet, but he would be unless Roxas did something about this. [color=gold]”Stomping Tantrum!”[/color] Roxas called out, eliciting a move from the Golett that was exactly as its name implied. Titan stamped its feet repeatedly and generated a weak tremor in the room that would deal Ground type damage to the Mimikyu and hopefully throw its balance off long enough for Roxas to call out a follow up, [color=gold]”Iron Defense!”[/color] To which Titan responded by ceasing its stomping and then curling up defensively while a metallic sheen covered its body to sharply increase its defense in anticipation of another potential Shadow Sneak. [color=SpringGreen]”Hey no fair, ”[/color] jr complained, before commanding [color=SpringGreen]”hold it together Mimi!”[/color] but unfortunately the little mon with her busted disguise was rather susceptible to being shoogle this way and that by the stomping strike, the poor little thing being thrown about like she was on a bouncy castle during an earthquake. Only when the shaking stopped did she manage to recover, prompting Jr to call out [color=SpringGreen]”Finally!”[/color] before following it up with a command to [color=SpringGreen]”shadow sneak it again!”[/color] only for this hit to do far less damage to the iron defense of Titan. Even with sharpened defenses, super effective damage was still nothing to sneeze at. And at this point Titan was getting dangerously close to fainting. As such, Roxas figured he should recall the ghost type and let it rest, but not before getting in at least one more attack. [color=gold]”Use another Shadow Punch!”[/color] This prompted Titan to launch another shadowy rocket punch at the Mimikyu. At this rate, it seemed like both Pokemon might just go down and it was only a matter of which would fall first. The spectral fist the size of herself blasted towards the tiny mimikyu, and to say it hurt was an understatement, the little pokemon benign sent tumbling back by the blow, and only barely managing to keep herself up after the strike. [color=SpringGreen]”Come on you can do it Mimi, take them down!”[/color] the prince commanded, prompting the mon to initiate another shadow sneak right as Roxas prepared to swap out. [color=gold]”Return!”[/color] Roxas called, quick enough on the draw to withdraw Titan to its Poke Ball before the attack came, [color=gold]”Your turn, Scamp, go!”[/color] This prompted Scamp - who had been standing at Roxas’ side watch, to go scampering into the battle. But the shadow sneak was still coming, and so it was Scamp who took the attack instead. But he was fresh into the fight so it wasn't too difficult for him to shake off the damage. [color=gold]”Use Nuzzle, Scamp!”[/color] The heavily damaged by the big hit she’d taken, Mimi attempted to evade, but though she’d done her best, she went down to the nuzzle without scoring a K.O, much to her trainers annoyance. [color=SpringGreen]”Sneaky… but let’s see if you can handle this!”[/color] the prince retorted to this setback, recalling Mimi and then tossing out a fresh pokeball with a [color=SpringGreen]”Go, Peeka!”[/color] With a little flash of light, the ball opened and released Jr’s modified fusion Flutter Mane, the necklace of living purple eyes around her neck glancing to and fro before locking onto her target alongside her own. [color=SpringGreen]”Hit it with a confused ray!”[/color] the prince called out, prompting all of the mon’s eyes to blink, go wide and then shoot a flurry of muti-colored pulsing orbs that showered towards the nimble Scamp. [color=gold]”Fight through it and use Nuzzle!”[/color] Was Roxas’ call. Scamp appeared to stumble a bit before hitting himself in his confusion. Not the best of luck, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t shake it off next time around. [color=SpringGreen]”Now, get in close and hit it with a Dazzling gleam”[/color] Jr commanded, taking advantage of the confusion to have his mon deliver a point blank shot. Peeka swooped in, her necklace of eyes glowing brighter and brighter before delivering a powerful flash right before Scamp’s eyes. Of course, that did leave her right in melee range where the special attacker should probably have not been. A more experienced trainer would have taken advantage of this to inflict a status ailment then use the opportunity to switch to another Pokemon with a clearer type advantage. Roxas… was [i]not[/i] that experienced. [color=gold]”Use Spark, Scamp! You can do this!”[/color] Instead the less experienced Roxas went for a high damage hit which in itself was a bit of a gamble due to Scamp still being confused. But his luck held out this time as Scamp rammed his body into Peeka while it was electrified for a physical electric attack. The Flutter Mane was physically knocked back, tumbling end over end till she caught herself with her ghostly levitation. [color=SpringGreen]”Fly up and stay evasive Peeka, that’ll be the last hit you take!”[/color] Jr commanded, getting his ghost to float up to the ceiling before commanding her to [color=SpringGreen]”Psybeam!”[/color] prompting the mon to shoot a thin pink beam of psychic energy down at Scamp that connected, the mon’s confusion making it difficult to avoid attacks. At this point Roxas finally decided to pivot to another strategy. [color=gold]”Return!”[/color] He withdrew Scamp back into his Poke Ball and selected the third from his belt. If Jr wanted an aerial battle, then that’s what he would get. [color=gold]”You’re up, Shocker! Use Air Slash!”[/color] As soon as the Fan-Rotom was out of its ball, it floated up a bit and then rotated its fan-blades to send up a blast of razor sharp wind at Peeka. Peeka did a half tumble to avoid some of the damage, prompting Jr to command her to dive down and [color=SpringGreen]”Wish!”[/color] causing a golden glow to start shimmering around the spot the mon was hovering at, that seemingly had no effect. Yet. Not yet noticing any strategy in play, Roxas kept up the pressure. [color=gold]”Keep using Air Slash!”[/color] He called to the Shocker, who did as commanded and continued to use its fan-blades to blow sharp blasts of air at the Flutter Mane. Before the strike landed, Jr grabbed two pokeballs, using one to call back Peeka, and then tossed out a replacement with a command of [color=SpringGreen]”Go Dazzle! Stay in the light”[/color] His Brionne landed in the glowing aura Peeka had set up, took the air slash, and then, right after, the Wish came true, revitalizing Dazzle back to full hp. Now that he was out, the prince commanded [color=SpringGreen]”Now! Icy Wind! Freeze that fan!”[/color] prompting his minion to blow a bubble, slap it with his tail, and release a slowing gust of frost filled air towards the flying fan. Thinking on his feet, Roxas issued his command, [color=gold]”Double Team!”[/color] Prompting the Rotom to start darting around and leaving afterimages in its wake. This would help throw off the accuracy of the Icy Wind and prevent a super effective hit, at least for now. Indeed, the second icy wind failed to land a strike, the blast of wind hitting nothing but doppelgangers, but after Rika leaned in to point something out on the koopa prince’s phone, he had an idea. [color=SpringGreen]”Disarming voice!”[/color] he commanded, prompting the mon to let loose a barrage of sound that it swept across the room, the charming cry entirely unavoidable if unfortunately less effective than the icy wind it was replacing. Now was when Roxas noticed that they were grabbing tips from Jr’s Rotom Phone. Well two could play at that game. While Shocker was hit by the Disarming Voice, he wasn’t down for the count yet and was ready to make another move. Roxas meanwhile had used his Rotom Phone and learned something interesting about one of Shocker’s moves. [color=gold]”Return!”[/color] He called, recalling the Rotom back into its Poke Ball and then tossed Scamp’s back out. A bit damaged from before but no longer confused thanks to having been withdrawn previously, Scamp barked his usual “bow-wark!” before Roxas issued his command. [color=gold]”Nuzzle!”[/color] Scamp barked and charged for the Brionne, a Pokemon that didn’t look very mobile while it was on dry thanks to having a tail instead of hind legs. It certainly wasn’t and especially not with its tail having been turned from sealion-like to ghost-whale-like. However that transformation had left it with an alternative. [color=SpringGreen]”Counter charge it with a… dive dash?”[/color] Jr commanded with just a bit of hesitancy, lacking the proper name (twisting dive) for his fused pokemon’s illegal 5th move. As such, the super effective strike landed on the poor mon, and so rather than a counter charge it was more of a retaliation, as a wash of water surrounded Dazzle as it lunged forwards, briefly stunning Scamp as the electric dog was pushed ahead of the dash. Then, when it ended, the pup was also struck by the concussive splash of the water which continued to wash forwards while Dazzle himself landed on the ground. Luckily for Dazzle, Nuzzle was not a strong damaging move. So while it was super effective, it wasn’t as hard of a hit as a move like Spark would have been. But on the flipside, Nuzzle making contact also meant that it ensured the Brionne was inflicted with paralysis - halving its speed and incurring a 50/50 chance that it wouldn’t be able to move in order to attack when commanded. But wanting to follow through with the hint Roxas earlier learned from his phone, Roxas made the choice to recall Scamp once again. [color=gold]”Return!”[/color] Once Scamp was safely back in his Poke Ball, Roxas readied the ball that Shocker was in. [color=gold]”Back to you, Shocker!”[/color] And he threw it out, sending the Rotom back into battle. This was the part that was a gamble, since Dazzle could get in a pre-emptive attack if it managed to fight through the paralysis. But Roxas made his call as well. [color=gold]”Electro Ball!”[/color] which would prompt the Rotom to fire a sphere of electric energy at the Brionne. The hint Roxas had learned would come in here, as Electro Ball could deal more damage the slower the target was. So hitting it with Nuzzle earlier to make it paralyzed would, if this hit, allow it to deal boosted super effective damage. Indeed, the electro ball careened straight into the very slow sea lion with no chance for it to dodge, dealing devastating damage and taking it down with a singular blow, resulting in an expanded growl from Jr who’d als not been quick enough on the draw to switch out before this happened. He paused for a moment as he grabbed his final ball, realizing [color=SpringGreen]”Wait… wait.. How am I down to one pokemon and you still have all three!?”[/color] utterly bemused at being out played like this, even if a lot of it was a result of bad type match-ups. [color=SpringGreen]”Gah, then it's all down to you Peeka!”[/color] He called out, as he re-deployed his paradox pokemon, the specter floating up into the air to face off against its fellow ghost type. Unfortunately, his one had no ghost type moves at the moment, and she’d also already taken two wind blasts to boot. [color=SpringGreen]”Eye blast it, slow it down!”[/color] jr commanded, again not knowing the correct name for Peeka’s new plasma fuson, but that didn’t stop her from being able to use it. Twin orbs of purple plazma burst from the ghost’s necklace of eyes, which had the curious property of benign able to split a part at a pair of right angles to their path whenever the mon desired, making them quite tricky to dodge (and if they did hit, the target would be slowed to a crawl for just a few moments) Neither Roxas nor Shocker knew what to make of the eye blast attack. It didn’t seem like a normal kind of move for a Pokemon to be using. But then again, there was still a lot about this Roxas didn’t know, so he shrugged and went with it. As for Shocker, being switched out meant he was no longer benefiting from Double Team like earlier. So he took the attack and looked to be in rough shape afterwards. [color=gold]”Air Slash!”[/color] Roxas called, learning only now that the attack had slowed down Shocker. [color=SpringGreen]”Dazzling Gleam, close range!”[/color] Jr called out, prompting Peeka to dive right up into Shocker’s face as it pivoted too slowly to line up the shot, resulting in it receiving an eyeful of fairy lights when it did manage it. Shocker wasn’t going to stay up much longer. Roxas needed to make the next one count. [color=gold]”Confuse Ray!”[/color] He called, hoping Peeka’s close proximity helped in making this hit, which it did indeed. [color=SpringGreen]”Come on, finish it off! Give it another!”[/color] Jr commanded, only for the mon to fumble the charging of the next flash, instead searing herself around the neck as the dazzling gleam sputtered and backfired. [color=SpringGreen]”No no no! Snap out of it!”[/color] Roxas had to be quick, [color=gold]”Return!”[/color] Then he fumbled a moment for Scamp’s Poke Ball before finally sending him back out. [color=gold]”Use Nuzzle!”[/color] But his momentary fumble with the Poke Ball meant the attack wasn’t as quick on the draw as he was hoping. That meant Peeka could try to dodge or attack in spite of the incoming Nuzzle. [color=SpringGreen]”Up up just move, that’s easy!”[/color] Jr commanded, and indeed gliding into the sky wasn’t something Peeka could really mess up. Or well. She could. She went down instead. But being a ghost the result was, frankly, even better as she simply phased through the floor. [color=SpringGreen]”Uhhhh”[/color] jr went as he glanced around, only for Peeka to pop up behind him and to rise up into the air, now seemingly back in control of her senses, allowing jr to command [color=SpringGreen]”Wish again quick!”[/color] without fear of her hurting herself. Great, now what? Not only could Peeka stay out of reach, but was about to get healing thanks to that move. Not unless Roxas had some way of inflicting damage over time to try and counterattack, but he was pretty sure he didn’t have that… right? A quick look at his Rotom Phone later, and Roxas found his answer… and it was a risky play. [color=gold]”Stay on guard, Scamp, be ready to move at the first sign of movement.”[/color] Roxas was choosing not to make an attack for now. Instead he dug into his trainer bag and pulled out one of the potions from the medicine pocket. It was sort of like a spray, and Roxas used it… on Titan’s Poke Ball. Apparently these potions were specifically designed to work even on a Pokemon still in their Poke Ball. [color=SpringGreen]”Oh, we’re doing that are we? Well in that case”[/color] jr replied to this use of a potion, by pulling out his own, which he hadn’t had much use out of given that he could, well, heal with magic. As a result of this combination of jr spraying Peeka with a potion and the Wish landing unopposed put the prince’s final mon back at more or less full HP. Really the only one complaint about this time use was Rika, who gave a little sigh and, bluntly, requested [color=Aqua]”Can we not make this training battle take forever please? Save those for actual important fights. Plus I am tiiiiired”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”What, he did it first!”[/color] Jr retorted, but his sister was having none of it and simply replied [color=Aqua]”K. Now can both of you stop? N’ no magic either”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”I wasn’t gonna!”[/color] In his defense, Roxas had no idea Jr would mimic his move. But Rika had a point, so was this only potion Roxas would use. And Jr healing may well prove to be a mistake. Since now that the Flutter Mane was out from hiding in order to receive the potion, that meant Scamp could attack. [color=gold]”Quick Scamp, use Nuzzle while it’s back out in the open!”[/color] The mon had indeed had to come down low so Jr could spray it, resulting in Scamp being able to dart in close to paralyze her, slowing and, unluckily, causing her to fail to respond to her master’s command to strike back. [color=SpringGreen]”gah, these statue moves are really strong”[/color] the prince complained/observed, though he had also gotten somewhat unlucky with those as well. Roxas withdrew Scamp. Now was the risky part. He selected Titan’s Poke Ball and threw it to the floor. The ghost automaton struck its pose after releasing from the Ball. [color=gold]”Use Curse!”[/color] The move summoned a nail-like stake that stabbed into Titan, dealing damage and in return inflicting the Flutter Mane with the Cursed status. This would cause Peeka to lose 25% of its total health after every attack it made. The only way to get rid of the status was to switch, which Jr currently couldn’t do as his other Pokemon were both fainted. Now the battle was on a ticking clock. Either Peeka would finish off Scamp and Shocker, or Peeka would go down to the damage from Curse. It all came down to how long Scamp and Shocker could last and press their luck with Peeka’s paralysis. And so Roxas sent Scamp back out. [color=SpringGreen]”Peeka eye blast”[/color] Jr commanded, the mon pushing through the shock to launched a plasma fusion blasts at Scamp, before demanding to know [color=SpringGreen]”What did he do?!”[/color] when the mon took damage from this as a result of the curse. [color=Aqua]”3 attacks before she’s down, and that’s if she takes 0 hits”[/color] Rika replied simply resulting in a panicked shout from Jr, followed by her grabbing his paintbrush to stop him from trying to cure his mon with magic. The girl really wanted to get some sleep at this point. Still unfamiliar with that strange move, Scamp was unable to avoid it and took the hit. He staggered and stumbled, struggling to stay on his feet. Then, he flopped down, fainted. [color=gold]”Return!”[/color] Roxas withdrew Scamp, and was now also down to his last Pokemon. [color=gold]”It’s up to you now!”[/color] He released Shocker from its Poke Ball, who also was looking damaged. It really was down to wire now. [color=gold]”Double Team!”[/color] Roxas called. A bit longer. Just a bit longer. He just had to last… [color=SpringGreen]”Gah but that’s so… Peeka try to hit em both with an eye blast!”[/color] Jr commanded, seeing what the strategy here was, and hoping this could counter it. His mon swooped round til she thought she had an angle, and then shot fourth the twin plasma fusion blast, which then split in between the doppelgangers, one orb shooting off towards each one. That did it. Shocker was down. The Rotom didn’t have the energy to take any more hits than that. So with Shocker fainted, that was the last of Roxas’ Pokemon. [color=gold]”Close call.”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”Yesss ahaha!”[/color] Jr cheered and laughed with elation, while Rika did a little [color=aqua]”woo”[/color] of support that was genuine despite her tiredness. Still once the rush was over Jr really did have to agree that [color=SpringGreen]”Wow yeah, it really was a close one huh?”[/color] as he prepped and then used his magic to cure his final badly beat up mon of her curse before she fainted from celebrating her sweep (or really her just barley executed cleanup of Roxas’ beaten and bruised party) too hard. In short order he’d use that same magic to heal up all their mon as well. [color=gold]”Well, better luck next time I guess.”[/color] Roxas said with a grin and a shrug. [color=gold]”Hope the battle cheered you up from whatever was bothering you earlier.”[/color] Said Roxas with a yawn. [color=gold]”But we really should be getting some sleep now.”[/color] [color=aqua]”Mmm hmmm”[/color] Rika agreed, while Jr had paused for a moment, gave a [color=SpringGreen]”I uh. huh”[/color] before looking at Roxas a little suspiciously for a second. Then he raised and offered a slightly hesitant fist bump even as he insisted that [color=SpringGreen]”Yeah, good luck next time. You’ll need it, coz I’m gonna be even stronger then”[/color] Roxas widened his grin and accepted the fist bump. [color=gold]”Deal.”[/color]