[@LupusIntus] "Just a moment, Max!" Achieng's cheery voice sounded out as she finshed tying an artful knot in the bright scarf around her head. Yesterday's full moon had brought the tide with it - she'd been out swimming last night. She felt fantastic, honestly. She always did after a long venue in the ocean. But now it was back to reality - and to class later that morning. She wheeled herself to the door, not bothering to put on the strangely stifling magical bracelet. Among other things, it turned the reality of her glittering sun-orange fin into a pair of legs, but it couldn't actually make her walk. Thus the chair. Sometimes humans stared, but apparently they just did that sometimes. Other humans in wheelchairs who went to the college had commisserated with her about the rudeness of such behavior. They thought she was a transfer student from another country. It wasn't a lie, despite not being the truth of the matter. But the cover story helped to explain away little differences, cultural and otherwise, when she failed to be ordinary. "Good morning, Max!" Achieng offered him a sweet, dimpled smile as she opened the door. None of her teeth were on display. Some people were easily startled by teeth - she'd learned that one the hard way. "Would you like some tea? The kettle should be singing any moment." She rather liked Max. He was sweet, even if he was the most anxious being she'd ever met.