[center]Ukobach [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1e683374-e10a-400b-9026-c9a997e48fa1.jpg[/img] [sub]Loyal servant to the Lord Beelzebub; monitors and regulates the fires of Hell.[/sub] Ukobach's Fire [sub]Uses a spoon of any size to conjure and shoot fire at his will. Added bonus of being able to create floating, self-sustaining gouts of fire in mid-air that can burn for an indefinite duration and be doused like any other flame.[/sub] Hover [sub]Take flight at an incredible speed of [i]three entire meters[/i] per second.[/sub] Hell's Disposable Minions [sub]Respawns back into Hell when killed.[/sub] [sup]Has an unusually high innate mana pool, unbefitting of his lack of any real magic spells. Has been exiled from Hell as a guise to [i]'take a long vacation'[/i].[/sup][/center]