[center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (22/60) Location: Avenger Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Grabbing a bit of grub before he went to bed, Roland made his way to his room and flopped on the bed. Even while sleeping, he'd keep his gloves on just in case something happened. There wasn't much of a reason to sleep with his mask on though, even though he was used to it when he worked as a fixer. Roland, once he got to sleep, had a bad dream much like he usually did. While his time in the library had helped him resolve some of these issues, he still had them from time to time. A nightmare about a collapsed house, a destroyed city block, and a musical piano performance by a multi armed man turning anyone who heard the songs into the fleshy keys of his piano. A piano Roland would be too late to stop, and a fight against that massive, massive instrument... But as the dream went on, things started to catch fire. At first it looked like it was just a part of the dream, the piano starting to burn as its conductor was being hacked apart, but soon the fire started to burn the background of the dream itself, almost like it was a fire burning on a film strip. This was only vaguely noticed by Roland, as you don't really remember the specifics of a dream, just the broad strokes if anything. But as the dream's reel burned in scarlet fire, it finally snapped and Roland was left in a dreamless state, settling his real world self and allowing him to get a bit of decent sleep, and Grimm had managed to claim another nightmare for his ritual.