"Max," Qaymu calls out quietly, but the figure on the bed didn't stir. "He's sleeping all the time now, sergeant," the nurse said. "And he's stopped eating. We're keeping him hydrated, but it's just a matter of days, now." "I see...." Qaymu sighs, feeling the tears forming. "Is it okay if...?" "Of course," the nurse smiles. He waits until the nurse closes the door behind him before stepping over to the bed. "Last week, you were chasing nurses and complaining about the chow," he said, raising his hand from his hat, "this is just too... sudden." Qaymu glances about the room, making sure there were no cameras and the door was closed behind him, then straightens his index and middle finger. "[i][color=00ff66]Ŷmen indmthą otën oũryth indmthą; ŷmen hōughtsthė otën oũryth hōughtsthė[/color][/i]," he intones softly. A small yet elaborate magic circle appears spinning over his fingertips, then he leans forward to touch it to Max's temple. [quote]"Hey!" Max said, still running his hand over the stubble left on his head by the boot camp barber, pointing at Qaymu's mustache with the other. "How come dey didn't cut dat off?" Qaymu shrugged and grinned. "I don't think they noticed it."[/quote] [quote]Bullets zipped through the leaves overhead while Max frantically tried to cover his head with his hands in the little hollow. "We gotta do somethin'!" "I got this," Qaymu said, a fireball appearing between his hands for a second while Max looked on wide-eyed in disbelief, then it shot through the brush and exploded. The VC screamed briefly. "What da hell was dat?" Max demanded, stunned. Qaymu grinned, tapping his temple with his index and middle finger. "Magic!" "Dat's some trick! You gotta teach me dat!"[/quote] [quote]The music swelled. Max and Qaymu turned to see Mary, resplendent in her wedding dress and escorted by her father start up towards the altar. "Can you believe dis is happenin' ta me?" Qaymu smiled, leaning forward. "No, you lucky sonna..."[/quote] [quote]"Hey!" Max said, still running his hand over the stubble left on his head by the boot camp barber, pointing at Qaymu's mustache with the other. "How come dey didn't cut dat off?"[/quote] "Sergeant? Would you like something to drink?" the nurse asks, leaning through the doorway. She frowns as Qaymu steps back, tears trickling down the old man's cheeks. "Are... are you okay?" "Yes," the dragon says hoarsely, wiping the tears away as he sat down heavily in the chair beside his buddy's bed. "Just... reliving some memories. I wouldn't mind some coffee, thank you." "Of.. of course," she says, smiling as she closes the door. Qaymu checks the drawer next to the bed and pulls out Max's signet ring, slipping it on the soldier's ring finger. It flares for a moment. "Don't forget, this comes to me."