[sup]F O R E W O R D[/sup] Welcome to a short fight against an incredibly easy opponent. Meet the Ukobach. [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1e683374-e10a-400b-9026-c9a997e48fa1.jpg[/img][/center] A bounty is placed on the cute little demon's head, an inconsolable amount of zeroes preceding a non-zero digit and a dollar sign. Beyond enough to give anyone an early retirement, or maybe wonder as to what organization or government would desire such a creature and why. Ukobach will not be the world's first successful capture of a demon, as there have been many that preceded him. Extensive biological research has been done regarding their kind, including testimonies from the more cordial types. We know that demons never truly die, for they simply discard their mortal forms as they're sent back to Hell, therefore it is obvious that the bounty requires the [i][b]safe capture[/b][/i] of a [i][b]living[/b][/i] Ukobach. Through the efforts of several charred corpses of bounty hunters, the lonely Ukobach has finally been cornered within the [i][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2529066]West Point Back Alley[/url][/i]. [hider=West Point Back Alley][sup]Name: West Point Back Alley Size: About 150 yards long and 12 feet wide. Properties: All brick walls can be damaged but alley stays intact as an alley. Many street items on the floor broken bottles, bonfire barrels 2x4 planks etc. Player Capacity: up to 3 players. (human sized) Description : [img]http://davewares.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/backalley-beauty.jpg[/img] Flavour Text: One the most dangerous alleys in the city, the site of 23 murders in the last year, this alley is home to homeless, pickpockets and stick up men from all over the capital. Enter at your own risk.[/sup][/hider] It shrieks, sulphuric tears in its eyes as it waves its oversized spoon, conjuring a self-sustaining wall of fire (that can be doused) in an attempt to ward off its few remaining pursuers. "[i]KHEEEEEK!![/i] I just want to be left alone! What did I do to deserve this!?" While the wall of fire rages, the Ukobach starts hovering upward at a glacial pace of about a meter per second. It's trying to escape, emphasis on [i]trying[/i].