[color=gray] [center][img]https://r2.fivemanage.com/pub/doubdm0v7ugm.png[/img][/center] [color=slateblue]Time:[/color] Nighttime [color=F0E399]Location:[/color] Camping event [color=slateblue]Mention:[/color] [@Potter]kira [color=F0E399]Interactions:[/color][@CitrusArms] Captain [color=F0E399]Appearance[/color]: No shoes|[hider=Dress]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71RjYAbtk0L._AC_UY350_.jpg[/hider][hider=Bag] https://i.pinimg.com/736x/59/0c/06/590c063e4183e6495209e6cdd92de13b.jpg [/hider] Ariella stepped down from the carriage, her bare feet sinking into the cool, soft earth as she took in the breathtaking campsite with a gleam in her vibrant green eyes. Her long, fiery red hair cascaded down her shoulders in wild curls, almost like flames dancing in the evening light. She adjusted her green corset, her calve-length dress flowing around her legs as she moved with a lightness that came only from the joy of being outdoors. A worn, brown satchel hung at her side, carrying little more than essentials. She hoped she could find more interesting things to bring back to her altar. The warm glow of lanterns hanging in the trees and the scent of pine and woodsmoke made her feel alive, her pulse quickening with excitement. Every detail felt perfectly crafted, a beautiful blend of comfort and the raw beauty of the wild. Her gaze traveled across the scene to the central fire pit, where the golden light flickered and danced. She felt fully at home here, more so than she had in any ballroom or parlor—this was freedom. Something strange hung in the air though, she couldn’t quite put her finger on it but as she felt the earth under her feet she felt a shift…something changed. She looked down quizzically at the ground. What is that? The staff greeted everyone with enthusiasm pulling Ari from her thoughts, the redhead woman’s cheerfulness drawing an amused smile from Ariella, and she found herself exchanging an eager wave. There was something special about Pinebrook’s camping event; it was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. When the camp staff began organizing tent assignments and hinting at partnered activities, Ariella’s excitement only grew. She felt a surge of anticipation—this night was already turning into the best event she’d attended, a night of wild beauty under the stars, and she was ready to embrace every moment. She looked around attempting to see anyone she knew. She noted the woman who stood off to the side she didn’t seem too excited staring at her with such a gaze Ariella couldn’t help but nervously smile at her. Attempting to find some kind of excuse to move, she noticed the captain standing off to the side. Skipping excitedly Ariella approached her with a smile nearly ear to ear [color=slateblue]“ Beautiful night isn’t it!”[/color] she said clapping her hands together and resting them against her legs as she swung on her heels slightly[color=slateblue] “ This should be quite the evening I think. How are you feeling after my brother's party? “ [/color] [/color]