[center][h2][color=cyan] Gerard Biserus [/color] [/h2] [/center] [color=cyan]"[i]Love[/i] the optimistic outlook, boss."[/color] Gerard chuckled sarcastically, but didn't otherwise argue the point. The princess for her part seemed to be concerned at the thought that others might have known about her innate properties without telling her- though she seemed most alarmed at the fact that she was only now learning about this, from what more or less amounted to a group of enemy soldiers no less. Unsurprisingly, none of them- save Silje seemed too keen on being particularly kind to her, not that she could really blame them. Collette more or less fell silent, stiffly nodding at the suggestion/declaration/order to continue the mission. It was true, the sooner they parted ways, the easier everything would likely be for all parties included. Not wanting to waste Ivan's stock- but not necessarily having the ability to smuggle things through checkpoints, the squad took what they needed, and shoved what they could into necessary mist pockets. An impromptu bonfire later, and the WARDENs were piled back onto the truck and on their way. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GTkGN45.jpeg[/img] [h2]Dunbarton[/h2] The next day.[/center] Following the crash site, the drive was surprisingly uneventful- luckily for them. Save for a rather large pothole that rattled their breakfasts, the next day found the WARDENs once again unmolested until the city of Dunbarton began to show up on the horizon. Dunbarton was an old city- older than the Capital city of Orestia by far. Supposedly having been around since the late middle ages, Dunbarton originally began as a trading outpost, connecting the upper cliffs of the region with the forested lowlands, and for a stretch of time during the budding years of Rassvet as a nation served as its Capital for a time. The old bones of the city had been rebuilt several times at this point, both old and new buildings combined together in a hodgepodge of styles and purpose. Nowadays, Dunbarton wasn't really forgotten about, but it was hardly a tourist destination. Outside of some centuries old museums about ancient heroes and the site of the nation's oldest power plant. Their were rumors of an undercity built in the wall of stone underneath the city proper, but no official acknowledgement of it had ever crossed the WARDEN's notice. [color=cyan]"We'll be out of your hair soon enough, princess."[/color] Gerard commented idly, poking his head out of one of the flaps on the side of the truck to observe the oddly arranged city skyline. [color=cyan]"Just gotta find Veld's agents in all of this. Speaking of, how are we-"[/color] As if on cue, Gerard's phone- the one they'd used to contact Veld with, buzzed. It was a text from an unknown number, and the message had nothing but a series of numbers. [color=cyan]"Oh, of course, why send us an address when they could just give us a coordinate string. God forbid someone types out a street name."[/color] Poking his head into the truck cabin itself, Gerard took a peak around. [color=cyan]"Veld's boys sent nothing about getting us past a checkpoint, so I guess we're on our own with that."[/color] Gerard remarked, as the Barghest's truck slowly pulled into a small line in front of the city checkpoint, a quartet of tired looking guards waving vehicles in one at a time. [color=DarkKhaki]"Halt."[/color] Came the tired command of one of the checkpoint guards as the battered old truck rolled up. [color=DarkKhaki]"Papers. Purpose of visit."[/color] He recited tiredly, basically off a script as another guard walked around behind the truck to poke his head in the back. [color=DarkKhaki]"Lot of you in here, ain't it? What yall doin' in a surplus truck?"[/color]