[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gcNgBzz.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][color=cecece][sub] [color=909090][b][Location][/b][/color] Harbor ➙ Food Stands [color=909090][b][Time][/b][/color] Sunday, 07:00 - 07:30 [color=909090][b][Interactions][/b][/color] [@vietmyke] [/sub][/color][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] [color=808080] A slight déjà vu befell Laura when he mentioned his name, Mathias Voss. Where had she heard that before? She could swear on all things holy that the name rang a bell. It must have been mentioned in one of the countless ‘lore’ videos about Regalia that Laura had seen, but she just could not place it in the heat of the moment. Her suspicion that Mathias was Regalia himself was just within reach of being revealed before they were all interrupted by the wonder in the skies and the children being elated. Laura wanted to ask Mathias what he was about to say about Regalia, but the security detail was so adamant about relocating that the inquiry slipped her mind. She returned Mathias’s bow and wished him well before the crowd of kids and parents surrounding her slowly set off towards the food stands. [color=b487d3]“Come on then!”[/color] Laura smiled at Akamu, as the jolly mountain caught up. No matter where they were in the world, children always came flocking and seemed to feel comfortable around the duo. Laura had not given it much thought before, but it struck her now that it was likely because of Gaia being the first Dominant that the children were introduce to, and Titan not only being a related element but also a friendly presence. [color=b487d3]“And you can never get rid of these kids easily!”[/color] Laura chuckled, watching the little one sit on Akamu’s shoulders and steer him like a robot. She threw a glance beyond Akamu, and slightly over her own shoulder, to see that herds of people were starting to move in the same directions as them. [color=b487d3]“Uhu, seems like they take this seriously,”[/color] she said with muted tone. There was little room for personal musings, however, as the talk of food was at the tip of everyone’s tongues. [color=b487d3]“Seafood for breakfast?!”[/color] Laura gasped. [color=b487d3]“What kind of seafood do you eat for breakfa—?”[/color] Laura’s words were interrupted by a powerful thunderclap sounding above them in the sky. It was followed by a rumbling roar that she had never experienced before. The shooting stars were all of a sudden extremely close, splashing into the bay just a few kilometers off of Landow’s shore. Laura and many around her flinched at the intimidating sounds, many of the children starting to cry and running for their parents. Small but burning hot debris from the meteors rained down over the festival. The thought of one of the meteors hitting the festival itself certainly began to spread a bit of panic. The security detail dropped all manner of formal courtesy and almost pushed Laura and Akamu forward – [color=cecece]“We really have to move,”[/color] one of the masked men said with a blank tone. Laura took a step back to avoid being touched by the soldier. Her composure was starting to wane. [color=b487d3]“If one of these meteors are about to hit us, then we have to change. Are you going to like shoot us or something if we do that?”[/color] Laura spoke with a hurried voice, her North Accadian accent starting spill into her words of worry. The security detail was silent for a brief moment. [color=cecece]“No, Miss Genevieve, we’re not going to shoot you, but we strongly advise that you use your form as a last resort, preferably at our request. So, with all due respect, let's move to a more secure position where you will not be hit by the debris.”[/color] The man did not wait for an answer or acknowledgment from Laura, but simply continued to conspire with Akamu’s security detail, urging everyone in the strongest possible fashion to move forward. The meteor shower refused to subside. Laura was too distracted to notice, but none of the impacts happened on land. Anything that was close enough to Landow to be seen and heard struck water, almost as if there was intelligence behind their trajectory. As intimidating as the spectacle had become, it was to no surprise that Laura and Akamu had amassed an even larger following of children and their families. If something were to actually happen, these people knew they stood a better chance of avoiding injury when close to Regalia, especially Laura and Akamu, who were known for being protective and healing. [color=b487d3]“What do we do, big brother?”[/color] Laura stepped closer to Akamu as they ventured further towards the food stands and downtown. [color=b487d3]“Like, are you able to stop a meteor? You can jump at it and punch it or something.”[/color] She chuckled, still keeping things lighthearted in a trembling situation. [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]