[center][h2]H.E.R.O. Sidestory 1: 「Dirty Work」[/h2][/center] [quote][sup]Three weeks earlier. 5:44 AM. September 20th, 2029. North Brigold suburb, Castleburg[/sup][/quote] [color=dfe7f5]"Oh, God..."[/color] [color=f5e9df]"S-should we run? What if it happens [i]again?[/i]"[/color] [color=dff5e2]"We can't! The Hacketts, the Bensons--they might still be alive under there!"[/color] [color=f5dfdf]"9-1-1... Hey, has anyone called 9-1-1 yet?!"[/color] On a normal morning, most people in the quiet neighbourhoods of North Brigold would still be in bed at this hour, or groggily pulling themselves out of sleep with cups of coffee. Today, however, as the sun was still midway through its climb over the horizon, they were on the streets. Bewildered and horrified families gathered outside their homes, many still in housecoats or pyjamas, to look upon the disaster that had befallen the northwestern edge of their suburb. From one street to another, the sight was nearly the same. The rows of cute houses that had once stretched to the end of each block were now interrupted by a tremendous mound of earth, stone, and debris. A landslide had torn its way into the edge of town, swallowing up dozens of homes in its path. While many citizens sheltered in their homes or ushered their children into cars to flee, more still stood stunned in the streets, gazing hopelessly through the dust clouds and trying to guess the extent of the destruction. The homes on the hill overlooking the neighbourhood? The highway beyond that? To the left and right, how widely did the destruction spread across the suburb? How much had been lost? [hr] [quote][sup]5:47 AM. September 20th, 2029. H.E.R.O. One, Savior Island, Castleburg.[/sup][/quote] The rest of the city was enjoying the peaceful morning that North Brigold had been denied. Even on the island fortress that marked the centre of H.E.R.O.'s power in Castleburg, things were quiet. Peaceful. At least until a small Toyota screeched into the parking lot, stopping haphazardly as the driver emerged in a tense power-walk towards the door. Assistant Director Emily Duff had taken her time getting ready that morning. She had picked out a nice outfit for the day--white pants and a creamy brown jacket that she thought went quite well together--and she was trying something new with her hair. But then, any good mood she might have been in was quickly spoiled when the bad news had turned her peaceful morning drive into white-knuckle race to get to work and coordinate the rescue effort. [color=lightcoral]"Alisa. Alert the night patrols, and activate emergency alarms for our off-duty heroes. Anyone who can get to North Brigold within twenty minutes needs to start moving right now."[/color] Duff spoke into her watch before she was even inside the building. [color=turquoise]"Already done."[/color] Face twisted with worry, the Assistant Director stepped inside H.E.R.O. One and rushed to her office. If lives were going to be saved today, she had her own role to play. [hr] Whether they had been patrolling through the night, getting an early start on the day, or still getting some well-earned rest in their beds, the heroes of Castleburg would soon be awoken by a piercing alarm from their watches. The sound was a cruel hybrid between whistle, bell, and screeching chalkboard. For some, it may have been their first time hearing it. It was a signal that was rarely used, only activated when an urgent situation was unfolding during off-hours in the city. [color=turquoise]"A landslide has consumed multiple homes on the northwestern edge of North Brigold. Current count of missing civilians: nineteen. Current extent of the disaster area: unknown. Report to the scene immediately to assist with search and rescue."[/color] The voice of the organization's powerful AI called out to each of them at once. Even when heroes earn their rest, they rarely get to enjoy it for long.