[quote=@Thunder999999] So how often does that quota need to be filled, just once or is it an ongoing thing? Oh and is there a particular reason not to just murder 100 normal people for their souls (sure it's a lot of people, but I bet the average human can't fight back nearly so well as other sorcerers and demons) or is it just that that would be boring? [/quote] The soul quota just needs to be filled by five years, how you accomplish it or at what rate doesn't matter. [i]Most[/i] people probably would have qualms with murdering 100 strangers but, conversely, yeah there is nothing directly stopping you for doing that. Keep in mind that souls have to be caught relatively quickly post mortem, so you can't just expect to blow up a building or something and collect souls on mass. It would have to be a 1 at a time kinda deal. And also, another sorcerer team might have no qualms killing the soul of someone just committing murder straight away and take them out instead for those 25 points. With the option of getting points from flowers or rogue demons though, I'd imagine many would be willing to risk waiting instead of mass murder.