[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OlhFGWT.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=Phonk Drift][youtube]https://youtu.be/Ct0VuYnOVoA?si=V4wV6LupUILd5kh4[/youtube][/hider][/center] [color=gray][h3]Asher Estate, Realspace[/h3][/color] [sub][@Asuras][/sub] [hr] Reina gave a look to Cygni as she languished in her seat. He was trying to get her killed, the sooner the better. Yes, send [i]her[/i] to deal with the Anomaly, alone. If he wasn't so powerful, she would have stripped him of his position and exiled him long ago. But House Asher needed strength. And he knew this. She'd deal with him. But first- Reina glanced up at the servant beside her, then gestured with her chin towards the double doors. The servant, Isabella, with her ashen hair and wary eyes, understood immediately, and left through the doors. She returned momentarily with a prison inmate in tow, cuffs still on his hands. He was made to stand beside Reina's seat. The look on his face was aghast, with darkness brimming around his eyes. He knew what his fate was, as a death row inmate, but the nondescript woman seated beside him, was she really the one who'd- She looked up at him, her red eyes flashing, and she [i]smiled[/i]. Before taking up one of his cuffed hands, she kissed the back of it. Nothing would appear to happen in real-time there except for the magically adept. Well, they were all magically adept after all, weren't they? There was a draw, a suction, like hungry jaws clamping down on the sinews of the soul, and eating them up like a hearty stew. Minutes passed… Before the man's breath hitched, and he fell backwards, collapsing dead on the floor. Reina had let go on the hand a second before, and brushed fingertips to her lips, savoring the taste. Her insides were enlivened, and her mind sharp. A much better state of mind, a much better… [i]atmosphere.[/i] Her eyes glanced cooly at Cygni, and she spoke in a crisp voice. [color=916BB4][b]”I think a Dungeon is a brilliant idea. However, I will not be entering it alone.”[/b][/color] Her hand gestured to Cygni, [color=916BB4][b]”You will be joining me.”[/b][/color] A chin rested on a curved fist as Reina glanced over at Erina. [color=916BB4][b]”And you.”[/b][/color] If any House member was looking carefully, they'd realize they were both chosen for what they said. Cygni daring to even breath a hint of a plan that could get their precious head killed. And Erina, spouting opinions instead of facts at [i]her[/i] table. Of course, it was a small correction. Reina would be present, and would ensure nothing happened to her enemy, and her faithful. They were both skilled, exceptionally so, making her command more like a slap on the wrist than a true punishment. Alas, she had her own ulterior motive. She wanted to bring Cygni with her so he didn't make a mess of her House while she was gone. And Erina would be a witness so Cygni would have a harder time trying to kill Reina. Apostles knew Cygni coveted her position, but she would thwart him at every turn. As the servants lifted the body of the prison inmate out of the room, Reina continued. [color=916BB4][b]”We will discuss with Lord Yusei, [i]and[/i] we will ascertain this Anomaly with our own eyes. I will not rest until this threat to our shores is dealt with.”[/b][/color]