[u][b]Madison Li - The Pitt - The Door of Haven[/b][/u] It had been a lengthy walk from the building they installed the relay terminal, but quite informative, from the glimpses she got through the close formation of guard around her as Abaddon and Harlock led her towards what was almost certainly Haven and an audience with Marie. The deference they showed to Marie's very name made it clear she was very much in command here. Thanks to Charlotte, she was able to read Ishmael Ashur's Scroll. It didn't surprise her at all that the man they described in that Scroll survived being abandoned and fought his way to the top of the Pitt's society. What did surprise her is that James's boy made a uncharacteristically pragmatic move by siding with Ashur. It's something Nathan would probably do, especially with a child involved, but The Lone Wanderer had been an idealist like James, which surprised her. Abbadon wasn't at all pleased to see Madison Li again, even though her presence was clearly a lifeline they they eagerly sought....the feeling was entirely mutual. She hadn't told Nathan, but she had been in A Ring at the Citadel the day Abaddon's treachery became manifest. She had seen with her own eyes poor Arthur give his life to save Scribe Valaincourt and others from the Sentry Bot. All the Brotherhood's hopes for the future cut down in a hail of 5mm. They promoted him posthumously to Knight and eventually he was buried with Owyn in Appalachia when he passed in turn. Arthur's death was the first of the series of blows that led to Owyn's early death. Valaincourt felt responsible and hasn't been herself ever since. Once her comrades learned Abaddon was still alive, a vendetta would be launched, unless stopped, that was a big problem for Nathan to manage. The former-Brotherhood faculty were every bit as vindictive as Nathan himself, just not as good at hiding it as he is. She knew a lot more about Nathan's doings on the surface than he thought she did. Sinjin and Kellogg were far from the only people he had personally disposed of with ruthless savagery for threatening something or someone that he cared about. She shuddered to think of the repercussions if Father hadn't been alive when he first found his way to the Institute. she squelched that line of thought and turned her attention to now. The antagonism between Harlock and Abaddon could be useful, but she didn't place much store in it. However much they hated each other, they would unify in the face of a external threat...Harlock out of zeal, and Abaddon to survive and hold on to what authority he had here. It had been embarrassing when one of the Raiders who greeted her had actually started worshiping her, what the street preachers were saying on the walk here was downright alarming. They were turning Atom, Ashur himself, and Marie into a form of the Christian Holy Trinity. An army of religious fanatics, powered by the very real and growing strength of the Pitt's industries, was an extreme threat. If the war was won, the Pitt would only grow stronger. They needed to be prepared for the Post-War situation....hopefully they would be able to maintain at least civil relations, but that couldn't be assumed...There was certainly much to discuss back at the Institute. She was drawing attention, a curious mob began to gather around them to get a look at her. With a shouted command, the guards began to threaten them with a power tool of some sort to open a path to the gates, they quickly opened, then closed again as she passed through. Now having a better view, she noted the large steel statue of Ashur, and the honor-guard around it. No sooner did they reach the massive doors they opened and they entered. Entering Haven, she saw that it had been completely restored, with great reverence and no expense spared. Then they entered the Throne Room, at the end of the room was aside from guards and courtiers, a slim young woman dressed in white, seated on her throne. Near her was a older woman, a Raider by the looks of it, carrying a staff with a blackened skull, presumably that of Wehrner, affixed to it. "“You stand before Queen Marie Ashur, Lady of The Pitt, daughter of Lord Ashur," the woman intoned gravely, "she-who-wades-the-three-rivers, Commander of Ashur’s Army, ruler of…” “That’s enough Lulu…thank you,” Marie interrupted as she rose from her Throne and stepped down off of the dais it sat upon and approached Dr. Li, “You may go.” Lulu bowed deeply to her God-Queen and stepped away from the throne. Harlock's body language immediately stiffened as Marie approached. Clearly this was not normal behavior for her. Madison concentrated on making no unusual moves. She looked so young, barely out of her teens, but was the undisputed sovereign of the largest industrial power East of the Mississippi. Hopefully her father had prepared her for the sternest test any of them had ever faced. “Dr. Madison Li I presume?", Marie asked, "I am Marie Ashur. Thank you for coming here directly, we greatly appreciate your assistance. My soldiers are holding the line as best they can against The Mutant Horde, but I’m afraid that without help we might be overcome in time much like The Brotherhood was. I have sent overtures to Commander Sutler of The Enclave as well who is facing the same threat we are…my hope is that we can all come together in some fashion to coordinate our efforts.” Madison, knew, of course that the Pitt was in contact with Sutler and his goons....nor did Madison blame Marie for it...but it was still painful to hear that man's name. She idly wondered who would be sent when the time came to open diplomatic channels to Sutler...Nathan was well aware of what happened at Project Purity and would never let her be in the same room with Sutler, even if there weren't standing orders in the Capital Wasteland to shoot her on sight. "Yes, Ma'am", Madison replied diplomatically. "As the Lead Scientist of the Advanced Systems Department, I am a member of the Directorate, the governing body of the Institute. The Enemy is too strong for any of us to face alone....it will take a concerted effort to survive this, and we are mobilizing to assist in any way we can." “Abaddon has relayed to me your offers and suggestions for mutual cooperation which you told to Harlock", she continued smiling warmly, "All of them are entirely agreeable to me, and I would like to start right away. For the railway - you probably already know that my raiders have a line that transports goods to DC. We could easily create a branch line which will connect The Commonwealth as well and allow for mass transport of men and material much more easily. Provided, of course, we break the siege of Cleveland quickly and ensure that the ore-road is reopened to allow for production of the rails” Cleveland, according to Ayo's briefing, was the Pitt's main sea port, it alone in their lands had the facilities for unloading the taconite pellets from the Great Lake ore carriers that the Pitt's steel industry depended on. Undoubtedly, the Enemy also knew that. Madison was a Scientist, not a economist or logistican, but she understood how grave the situation was. Intervention was unavoidable. “If you have any further questions for me - I will be glad to answer them", Marie concluded, "Otherwise I will allow you to do whatever you need to do to coordinate with your people. As Harlock has no doubt told you, you are also welcome to stay in Haven if you so choose for as long as needed. My handmaids have quarters prepared for you.” "If I may, Ma'am", Madison replied, "I would appreciate it if you could arrange a briefing for me on what is known of the situation in Cleveland. I will report back to the Institute, perhaps we can assist the garrison there in their defense. Also, I've brought with me reports on what we have on the Unity so far, which admittedly isn't much yet. Any information on the Unity and their forces you could provide would be of great assistance."