[COLOR=GRAY][CENTER][COLOR=dimgray] [sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/1GReMnw.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=silver][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Melville Island[/I] - [I]Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=silver][b]Human #5.035:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Knights of Cydonia[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=silver][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=silver][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Madness[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT][color=#ffffff]“You wanted to meet?”[/color] Maya stood barely illuminated by the moon above the trees, tablet in hand as she turned to the source of the voice. She brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, before flashing a shy smile at the man before her. His brassy baritone voice was recognizable anywhere, even without his trademark armoured suit. Tight silver curls stood out starkly contrasted against the darker hues of his complexion as James Robert King towered over Maya Eve Almassian. [color=#ffffff]“We could have chosen a better location, perhaps one with more visibility.”[/color] James stated as Maya sheepishly smiled back. [color=#ffffff]“Sorry, Steel Shell, Sir, I just know how those H.E.L.P. types are about their technology.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“There really isn’t a H.E.L.P. to be concerned with is there?”[/color] James replied with dry amusement, “It’s more the government we have to contend with.” [color=#ffffff]“What do you make of H.E.L.P. using anti-Hype technology though?”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Frankly, it should be destroyed before it can be used against any of us.”[/color] The older man motioned for Maya to follow him. [color=#ffffff]“My abilities allowed me to build a suit that augments my physical state to rival that of my teammates. I don’t employ weapons that make anyone less than what they are. Nothing sporting about that.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“I thought all was fair in love and in war?”[/color] Maya retorted while looking down at her tablet. [color=#ffffff]“Last I checked, we were neither in love nor in war.”[/color] James replied before spinning around on Maya and ripping the tablet from her hands. His eyes widened at the correspondence he read on the screen before words seethed through his teeth. [color=#ffffff]“You treacherous witch.”[/color] He waved the tablet in Maya’s face, [color=#ffffff]“Who are you corresponding with? I am not a bargaining chip to be bought nor sold!”[/color] Indignation and rage were laden in his tone as he took a step towards Maya. [color=#ffffff]“You will not touch me,”[/color] Maya replied defiantly, [color=#ffffff]“You have no idea what’s coming, first they’ll take you so-called heroes and show the world you bleed, then they’re coming for all these insolent brats you’ve conveniently gathered together in one easy target.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Your ignorance blinds you, you’re as Hyperhuman as I,” James retorted, “They’ll come for you all the sa-”[/color] His words were cut short as a bolt flew from the darkness, burying itself in his chest. James dropped to one knee, reaching to his belt only to stop as the bolt suddenly expanded before spinning and burying itself deeper. His anguished cry fell upon deaf ears as the armoured pair stepped into the limited light. Maya felt her stomach turn as her eyes were drawn to the glowing lights on both sets of pauldrons. Waves of nausea washing over her as the power inhibitors built into the suits nullified both her and James’ abilities. [color=#ffffff]“My debt is paid, I have delivered as promised.”[/color] Maya stood tall, doing her best to appear fearless in the presence of the pair of knights. The one holding the crossbow turned his helm’s visor towards her and nodded slowly. She turned to leave before the other raised his hand and stopped her. [color=#ffffff]“But your allegiance is so easily bought,” [/color]The filtered voice stated, [color=#ffffff]“Was it not merely weeks ago you sold students to the one known as Daedalus?”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“I-”[/color] Maya stammered, [color=#ffffff]“That was different.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“It led to the creation of that beast, Hyperhumans are already an affront to what is pure, and your actions directly led to further monstrosities. You are not to be trusted.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“No, I am loyal to you, I can bring you more like him, please I-”[/color] Her words hung in the air, only seemingly dissipating as her head hit the ground with a dull thud before her body crumpled alongside it. The steady hum of the glowing blade danced until the moon’s pale light before the two knights turned back to the former Steel Shell. [color=#ffffff]“Get. It. Over. With.”[/color] He growled as the one holding the sword raised the blade above his head. [color=#ffffff]“As you wish.”[/color] His head rolled along the ground, coming to a stop beside Maya’s before the pair looked to one another and then towards the abandoned compound left behind by H.E.L.P. [color=#ffffff]“Secure the weapons, the Grand Master’s plans will surely be accelerated by this quantity.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Help me..”[/color] A faint voice suddenly interrupted the pair as they looked between the two deceased bodies before locating the source in the bush surrounding them. Branches snapped and leaves crunched before the frame of a young girl came into view. She looked up at them with weary eyes before they glowed red. Salvia began to drip from her mouth, her jaw unhinging as her yellowed teeth gave way to a maw full of long, piercing fangs. [color=#ffffff]“Delicious.” [/color] And then she pounced.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]