[color=silver][h2][center]Stella Lumite[/center][/h2][/color] [hider=Inventory]GP: 1500 Items: PokeBall 6x, Potion x5, Antidote x5, Escape Rope, Repel[/hider] [hider=Roster][hider=Kaebe]Tyrunt ♂, Lv 8, Full HP Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Roar, Ancient Power Ability: Strong Jaw[/hider] [hider=Ocul]Blipbug ♂, Lv 7, Full HP Moves: Struggle Bug, Infestation Ability: Swarm[/hider] [hider=Scamp]Yamper ♀, Lv 5, Full HP Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Nuzzle Ability: Rattled[/hider] [hider=Niblet]Joltic ♀, Lv 7, Full HP Moves: Absorb, Fury Cutter, Electroweb Ability: Compound Eyes[/hider] [hider=Sterk]Rookidee ♂, Lv 5, Full HP Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip Ability: Big Pecks[/hider] [hider=Spoops]Gastly ♂, Lv 6, Full HP Moves: Lick, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis Ability: Levitation[/hider] [hider=PC]Empty[/hider][/hider] The image on the screen of the Pokedex was clearly that of a Zoroark in its prime. Or, perhaps, within its normal lifespan. When she looked up from the image, it was almost shocking how different the Pokemon looked. She questioned for a second if the Pokemon was a shiny version, but quickly swatted the idea. No, this Pokemon looked.. weakened by time. That was the impression she got. Nothing about this was comforting. Just the opposite, it set her on edge, it made her dread. She listened intently all the same, knowing, feeling the importance of this moment and this meeting. She didn’t dare interrupt, but took notes, mentally. Stella looked down at the egg as Zoroark pointed to and spoke of it. The home was being refurbished for a community center, the family had abandoned the property, everyone the Legendary Pokemon before her had loved had long gone, and so tragically. [color=silver]“This egg is that old..?”[/color] She looked from the egg to Spoops, who bobbled and shook his face as though shrugging. She wasn’t sure how that impression came across with only a “head” to work with, but it did. Zoroark suddenly asked her for.. advice!? She thought deeply for a moment, once the questions had been posed to her. It wasn’t an easy thing to answer, but the creature before her needed rest, respite. She swallowed her nerves, [color=silver]“I can't tell you what you should do, but it sounds to me like you’ve been trying very hard, for,”[/color] she paused and shook her head, [color=silver]“longer than I may ever know.”[/color] [color=silver]“It could be worse. They could want to tear the whole thing down and build something else.”[/color] She took a deep breath and sighed, thinking over the questions that had been asked of her, [color=silver]“the memories? The history?”[/color] She thought, and thought a little more, before offering, [color=silver]“memories live in our minds. As long as there is someone or something to remember them, they’re still there. As long as someone is taught it, the history will be remembered.”[/color] Stella looked at the Zoroark, smiling sadly, [color=silver]“you look very tired. You’ve been trying so hard for so long, all on your own. When is your duty complete? Rest. I will care for the egg. If I do not hatch it, I will find someone else. As for your home..”[/color] She looked around and sighed, whinging and eventually turning back to Zoroark, [color=silver]“is it really your home, anymore..? It seems more like you’ve imprisoned yourself here. With your bad memories. Your sadness.”[/color] The young scholar leaned back on the couch, dragging the egg back against her with her arms wrapped around it still. She took a ponderous breath, [color=silver]“you said she was saying, 'time is a.. tree'? Like, what, [I]branches[/I]? Like.. each choice you make is.. a fork? A new branch? A tree like that? I guess she didn't tell you, huh..”[/color] She groaned, throwing her head back and whining, [color=silver]“I really don’t wanna go in those woods, now..”[/color]