[COLOR=808080][CENTER][COLOR=8ECDB7][sup]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/j1Y1xJM.jpeg[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=8ECDB7][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Crestwood Hollow[/I] - [I]New Hampshire[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=8ECDB7][b]Human #5.036:[/b][/COLOR] [I]I Can't Handle Change[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][center][COLOR=8ECDB7][SUP][sub]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][/center][indent][sub][color=8ECDB7][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/color][I] [color=#fe650d]Lorcán[/color] [@Lord Wraith][/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=8ECDB7][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=808080][I]Starting Over[/I][/color][/right][/SUP][/indent][/color]
[indent][color=808080]Before either Aurora or Lorcán had the opportunity to open the door to the Jones’ house, it flew open to reveal Ripley’s wide smile. Completely ignoring her cousin, Ripley flew down the front steps, practically launching herself from the last one before tackling Aurora with a hug.

The redhead barely had time to brace herself as the brunette barreled into her, small, slender arms latching around her waist as though they’d been separated for years rather than just a few days. Aurora stumbled back a step, letting out a soft laugh, and gave the younger girl a gentle squeeze. Ripley’s joy was infectious, and she couldn’t help but smile, but inside, she felt as if she were teetering on the edge of being completely overwhelmed.

[color=#8ecdb7]“Whoa, you really missed me, huh?”[/color] Aurora said, trying to inject her voice with a lightheartedness she didn’t quite feel. She looked into Ripley’s bright eyes, forcing herself to focus on the younger girl’s excitement. [color=#8ecdb7]“And here I thought you’d be happier to see your cousin, I didn’t think I’d get such a warm welcome.”[/color]

[color=#ffe599]“Who him?”[/color] Ripley teased, [color=#ffe599]“Eh, he’s old news and a boy, ew gross.”[/color] She continued while guiding Aurora inside and towards the stairs. [color=#ffe599]“You’re going to be staying in my room, I’ve got it all set up for you. We can stay up late swapping girly stories and in the morning, I’m making waffles.”[/color]

[color=#fe650d]“Do I get waffles?”[/color] Lorcán asked from behind the pair while he carried their bags inside.

[color=#ffe599]“Uh, no, I’ve seen the way you put away food. You’re fending for yourself.” [/color]Ripley called before she and Aurora were stopped by a lean woman, once golden hair spilling over her shoulders as it cascaded between gold, silver and platinum white. 

[color=#ea9999]“You must be Aurora, between Ripley and Tori, I feel like I already know you,”[/color] Alexis said with a smile as she initiated a hug with the copper-headed girl. [color=#ea9999]“I’m Ripley’s Mom, Lorcán’s Aunt, Alexis, and this scruffy fellow is my husband, Calvin,”[/color] She added, gesturing towards a more rugged-looking man, his longer dark hair flecked with silver that was more predominate in the rough beard that covered his lower face.

[color=#3d85c6]“Glad to have you both here, please make yourselves at home. Mi casa es su casa. If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. Pizza okay with both of you for dinner?”[/color] Calvin asked, looking from the eagerly nodding Lorcán back to Aurora.

Aurora let her eyes wander as Ripley pulled her along, taking in the new, unfamiliar setting that was the Jones household. From a first glance, their home was warm and inviting, lived in, with well worn couches adorned with colorful cushions and soft throws. There was an abundance of natural light from the large windows, and many plants sat in the sunny spots around the living room. It felt similar to the Roth’s home in the Alumni Village, had the same feel, which should have settled something within her. But she still felt uneasy, all the emotions she’d been mulling over the entirety of their journey bubbling to the surface.

Even Alexis’ embrace felt familiar and comforting, the kind older woman welcoming her quite literally with open arms, Calvin too greeting her with compassion. And yet, the redhead found herself mustering a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, nodding in response to the latter’s question.

[color=#8ecdb7]“Yeah, pizza’s great.” [/color]Aurora replied, eyes darting between all the people looking at her, feeling her heartbeat pick up, [color=#8ecdb7]“I- uh,” [/color]She looked back towards the front door, which still sat open, the cool Autumn breeze calling to her, [color=#8ecdb7]“I’m just going to take a second, get a bit of fresh air,”[/color]

She glanced at Lorcán apologetically before slipping her hand from Ripley’s grasp, quickly turning on her heel and stepping out onto the porch, inhaling and exhaling deeply as she leaned against the banister to ground herself. 

[color=#fe650d]“Where’s Cass?”[/color] Lorcán asked, giving Aurora space as he watched his girlfriend go by before turning to see the inquisitive faces of his extended family. When he was met with silence, Lorcán raised an eyebrow before moving to head to Cass’ room only to be stopped by Calvin before Ripley interjected. 

[color=#ffe599]“Like, I know you’re new to this whole boyfriend thing, Leo,” [/color]She monotoned, [color=#ffe599]“But uh, when you’re girl leaves, you’re supposed to go after her,”[/color]

[color=#fe650d]“Oh, it’s ‘Rora, she does that all the time.” [/color]Lorcán protested before Calvin gently turned him around.

[color=#3d85c6]“I think she might be a little more overwhelmed than usual, I know your dad is used to only raising you, but I have a bit more insight here.”[/color] He smiled, [color=#3d85c6]“Go, listen. Don’t try to solve anything, just let her talk to you.”[/color]


[color=#ea9999]“Ripley, that’s enough,” [/color]Alexis interjected as Ripley stuck out her bottom lip.

[color=#ffe599]“But, Mom!”[/color]

[color=#ea9999]“Enough, go upstairs, I’m sure Aurora will join you shortly.”[/color] Lorcán heard his Aunt add before he stepped outside and leaned against the railing beside Aurora. October in Crestwood Hollow had always been a favourite time to visit. Due to the town’s connection to Witch Trials, they had a tendency to go all out for Hallowe’en. But at the moment it was more of a distraction than anything.

He bowed his head, mustering the words to initiate before finally speaking.

[color=#fe650d]“It’s a lot, Lady Dude, I can’t begin to like imagine what you’re feeling right now.”[/color] He began to say, [color=#fe650d]“Crestwood Hollow is safe, probably one of the safest places for Hyperhumans on the entire East Coast. It’s not without its vocal minorities, but it is safe.” [/color]He repeated, almost like a recited mantra at this point before stopping himself and allowing the words to hang in the air.

Aurora could see Lorcán approach in her periphery, but didn’t immediately turn to face him, her gaze unfocused but directed towards the houses on the other side of the street. The trees that lined the sidewalk danced in the wind, their leaves rustling and falling to the ground peacefully. 

Peaceful. Crestwood Hollow seemed peaceful. If the rug hadn’t been pulled out from under them so rapidly she imagined that she and Lorcán could have visited under better circumstances; planned a little getaway for just the two of them, a break from classes, from the stresses of senior year. But this escape was the more literal sense of the word instead of the romanticized variety.

[color=#8ecdb7]“You know that was only my second time on a plane, right?” [/color]The redhead broke the silence, finally shifting her sapphire eyes to look at her boyfriend. [color=#8ecdb7]“The first was when I flew from Arizona to Vancouver as a kid to get to Dundas,” [/color]She explained, [color=#8ecdb7]“And when we hit turbulence I was convinced we were going down, so when we landed, I was happy that I’d never have to go on a plane again.” [/color]

[color=#8ecdb7]“Because I never thought I’d leave, genuinely,” [/color]Aurora stated in earnest, before sighing. 

[color=#8ecdb7]“I have no doubt that Crestwood Hollow is safe. It seems so lovely here and I can’t express how thankful I am that your Aunt and Uncle are hosting us,” [/color]Her gaze shifted back to the front yard and the pavement. [color=#8ecdb7]“But this is just a lot of change to wrap my head around, Lor. I’m trying my best, but it’s hard.”[/color]

Lorcán nodded whilst listening, trying his best to empathize. But it was an unspoken sentiment that they both knew he couldn’t. How could the Prince of P.R.C.U. possibly empathize with a girl who didn’t even know if her own mother was still alive out there? Lorcán never had to want for anything, he was an heir apparent to everything his parents had helped Jonas build. 

Even with all that stripped away, he still had two loving parents and a place to call home. Aurora on the other hand was trying to move upstream without a paddle. She had to feel like she was moments away from drowning.

[color=#fe650d]“No matter how hard it gets, I’ll always be right here.”[/color] Lorcán offered, finally breaking the silence as he put his hand on hers and intertwined their fingers. [color=#fe650d]“Whatever you’re facing, we’re facing now. I’m with you until the end of the line,”[/color] He smiled, scooting closer and wrapping an arm around her before softly kissing her forehead. 

Aurora leaned into Lorcán, resting her head on his shoulder and inhaling the citrus and smoke scent of him. It was a foreign feeling, being adrift in this way, but she just needed to continue reminding herself that she could plant roots wherever he was, [i]he[/i] was the only constant she needed in this ever changing landscape. Her gaze lifted to look at him again.

[color=#8ecdb7]“I love you,” [/color]She stated, a small smile appearing on her face as the words flowed freely from her lips. It still was taking some getting used to, but it sounded better each and every time she said it. [color=#8ecdb7]“Sorry to ruin the welcome party.” [/color]The redhead shook her head,[color=#8ecdb7] “I didn’t anticipate how ecstatic Ripley would be to see us,” [/color]She nudged him, a small laugh akin to a breath escaping her.

[color=#8ecdb7]“Well, [/color][i][color=#8ecdb7]me.[/color][/i][color=#8ecdb7]”[/color]

[color=#fe650d]“I love you too,”[/color] Lorcán replied, softly kissing her forehead again. [color=#fe650d]“Ripley sees you as the sister she’s always wanted, she can come off a little strong, but like she means well.”[/color] It was a tender moment, but his stomach had other ideas as it loudly growled, interrupting their conversation. 

He looked down at his stomach, smiling sheepishly before offering a small apologetic shrug.

[color=#fe650d]“Calvin did have to like go and mention pizza.”[/color][/color][/indent]