[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PeDKNDL.jpeg[/img][/center] [center] [color=cecece] [sub] [b][Location][/b] Food Stands [b][Time][/b] Sunday, 07:30 [b][Interactions][/b] [@Aeolian] [@vietmyke] [@Mirandae] [/sub] [/color] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent][color=808080] Fire blazed overhead as the meteors continued to fall. Smoky streaks filled the air as they crashed into the water, causing the waves to turn rough and roar, as they splashed hard against the harbour. Their darkness shrouded what would have been a bright, clear day, and an eerie tension filled the air ominously. This was no good omen or blessing from Uilethoir's, but rather a potential sign of Ifrinn's fury. As Nia walked through the stalls, a woman was hawking her wares, offering ‘black magic’ solutions to everyday problems. [colour=black]“Genuine black magic specialist! Spells, mantras for all! Marriage, divorce, love, death—subjugate or control people or events!”[/colour] the crone cried out loud, as she darted her head about as she displayed her mystic goods. [colour=black]“For even the stars above follow thy command of Vashikaren unsuspectedly and fall!”[/colour] she exclaimed, waving her hands in the air. [colour=black]“Buy protection spells for you and your loved ones!”[/colour] Her words created a murmur of unease in the crowd. Some appeared interested in the snake oil she was selling, but her claims attracted the wrong kind of attention, and security firmly escorted her away. Too late for some, though, as they were now afraid to look up to avoid her curse. Nia reached towards the butterfly on her shoulder, allowed it to perch on her finger. She gazed at it with curiosity, and attempted to communicate through it in response. [colour=purple]“Cécile, the sky is falling.”[/colour] She paused, waiting for a gravity of the situation before added, [colour=purple]“You should come; you may be needed.”[/colour] Gently, she lowered her finger, and the butterfly took flight before it returned to rest on her shoulder again as she continued her exploration. Security continued to usher the crowd toward the food stands from the Harbour area, where the sudden influx of people caught the stalls and queues unaware, and disrupted the usual flow of business due to the volume of people. Nia blended into the crowd easily, moving and mingled along with them. An unexpected commotion arose that caused the crowd to began abruptly parting as a high-security detail forcefully escorted their charges through the thicket of people, including an accompanying retinue of several children and their parents. Standing to the side, Nia overheard a voice remark about seafood for breakfast, and she caught a glimpse of the Regalia of Gaia's confused but cute expression. Amused, she decided to follow the crowd in an attempt to learn more about the current situation from their conversation. [colour=white]“Mama, what’s happening?”[/colour] a frightened child who appeared lost in the throng and crowds tugged on a dress, seeking comfort. The woman smiled down at him, and he gasped as he realized he had pulled on the wrong person. [colour=purple]“Don’t worry, trust that Gàileadh will be here for us,”[/colour] she reassured him with a soft and confident tone, giving him a gentle pat on the head before nodding towards his real mother, who expressed gratitude at the reunion at the temporary separation and hugged her son tightly. Nia began weaving her way closer to the two Regalia, as she attempted to listen in on their conversation. She wasn’t inspired by the idea she overheard of Akamu jumping up to smash one of the meteors—doing so could cause dangerous debris to rain down on the parade and put many lives at risk. She thought it would be better to simply do nothing, but then realized that wasn't quite right—there were still important roles for them to play in this situation. Nia approached and, breaking into their conversation, interrupted, [colour=purple]“Wise Mother, your flock seeks your reassurance.”[/colour] She gestured towards the retinue following the two Regalia. [colour=purple]“They could do with guidance through this uncertain time and could be soothed by your presence.”[/colour] Given Laura’s Dominant and her connection to nature, and her wide publicity, Nia imagined she had the ability to influence those around her subtly, perhaps soothe them through calming scents or aromas, like a freckled human-shaped scented candle. [colour=purple]“And Lord Titan,”[/colour] she continued, addressing Akamu, [colour=purple]“we may need your strong arms to shield and protect us with the land itself.”[/colour] She mimed a gesture resembling a protective hug, hoping to guide their actions in a positive direction. [colour=purple]“Forgive the intrusion,”[/colour] she added, as she bowed her head respectfully toward the pair. [colour=purple]“It seemed like you were seeking insight in this predicament.”[/colour] [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]