So, [@rabidbacon] will take a break from us as well. Hopefully we can reconnect later on when things are stable. [@Aeolian][@vietmyke][@Tlaloc][@Teyao][@TokyoPewPew][@Silly] I think it might be time for me to say something about activity/consistency: I don't want to have to remind people to post in a game that I run. It only shows that the person isn't interested [i]enough[/i], so there's no point in participating. It also makes it seem like I'm forcing someone to do this, which isn't the case as you are here of your on volition. If the game is no longer interesting to you, then just tell me. I respect that a lot more than half-assing everything, making others wait. This leads us to the posting schedule. The 10-day limit is there to allow other things in life to disrupt you. It's not there to stroke laziness and everyone posting at the last minute. I don't like to type this kind of stuff up as rules beforehand because it's just common courtesy, adult responsibility, or just friendly consideration -- call it whatever you want. This is especially true if others are waiting for your posts in order to continue. This is a very team oriented hobby, so selfishness and lone-wolf stuff doesn't really work.