[quote=Walker of Darkness] MANY bosses fight alone, just near the mid-early it's mainly lackey/multi bosses. [/quote] Indeed. I'm on New Game+ and I will say that end game has maybe one multi fight. And that multi fight can be done easier if you know what to do or herp derp it like i did. (I'm a dual wield straight sword heavy armor guy, 1000 defenses against all types of physical and then two +10 Broadswords, now up to +10 Drakekeeper swords) I have been invaded but the cost of red invasion is extreme. Instead most go for bell keeper or rat lord to reduce costs of invading. I notice that lag happens occasionally but not often and the most annoying thing is people camping bell keeper spawns with firestorm and lingering fireball. Those two pyromancies are too goddamn strong for pvp. Also, poison is a dick move since invaders cant heal but hosts can. I have to run Warmth just to survive some people.