[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/su1oRzt.jpeg[/img][/center] [center] [color=cecece] [sub] [b][Location][/b] ?, ? [b][Time][/b] ?, ??:?? ?? [b][Interactions][/b] @[url=https://i.ibb.co/d6GGs7D/Ifrit.jpg]?[/url] [/sub] [/color] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] [color=808080] [i]The Flame loomed. Taller than the ceiling and as boundless as the sea -unconquered, unblemished, unmarred. In his hands, a fragment of starlight lay ignited, a small sun kindling the space in radiant heat. His hands shook, an emotion slipping through him too swiftly to grasp, vanishing before he could decipher it. Tempting whispers went ignored as he focused, a single mistake would mean death. The Flame struck before the thought had even settled. It moved with the speed of storms, its strike weighted as a mountain, he braced, and the Flameā€™s illusion shattered. He rolled, his vision blurred by the murder weapon slashing above him, a breath, then he rolled again as his ribs cried upon feeling the searing kick the Flame delivered. This is pain, the fire inside him purred, delighted at his struggle. The Flame waited, content in its power. Why would the Flame rush, when it knew all things would eventually be set ablaze? Air filled his lungs in gulps as he righted himself, steeling against a blow that would not come. Time stretched, and the fire inside him roared, drowning every other sound. The piece of coal in his hands let out a few sparks as it collided with the starlight. The starlight cast him aside. Once, twice. There was never a third. This time pain split his stomach as a blow found its mark. He crumbled, the piece of charcoal falling from useless hands, then kicked further away by a quick flick of flame. He forced his gaze upward, locking onto a face emerging from the fire, vibrant emeralds glinting from behind empty sockets as the figure cast judgment. "Burn" And as darkness folded over him, the same unknown feeling bloomed at his center, faint and precious. It was happiness. [/i] [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr] [center] [color=cecece] [sub] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EvzLJgC.jpeg[/img][/center] [b][Location][/b] Landow, Estren [b][Time][/b] Sunday, 07:00 - 07:30 AM, September 15 [b][Interactions][/b] [@TokyoPewPew] [/sub] [/color] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] [color=808080] As he made his way toward the next Shrine he couldn't help but observe the security standing around the Festival, their silent vigil was curious in its own right but what drew his eye was the equipment each sported. This was perhaps the first time he had seen such a quantity of advanced arms ever. The flame roused a little higher at the thought but just like with the Regalia he pushed it down, they were just people doing their job and were not looking to prove themselves, to test someone who isn't looking to be tested is not something he is eager to do. Although, considering what he was seeing perhaps he may be wrong. It was a subtle shift in posture, no doubt using one of those fancy ear devices that he heard so much about, whatever was conveyed to them was enough to light some tenseness on their frame, much like a cat who heard a predator. Slowly the security started to herd the masses towards downtown, it was subtle, so much so that he doubted most realized it but there was no doubt some were quick on the update. It wasn't long before he could hear the sounds. As he looked around he came to a decision, with quick steps he made his way toward the harbor, the location of the locker where he had stored his sword along with the rest of his pack, he didn't need to be some sort of seer to see the way the fire was blowing. Conflict was calling to him like a sweet siren song and he was going to be prepared to meet it. Before long he was in front of the locker, sheathed sword in his hand as he fiddled with the accessory to sloth it on his belt. Then he stopped. It was but a glimpse, nothing more than a shadow at the very edge of his visual range. The fire roared, unrestrained like it hadn't in a long time and he moved. That was how he found himself barely a couple of meters before a woman painted like a corpse, sheathed sword in one hand with the other beside his hip, curled almost like a claw. There was a curious aura around her, but what really caught his attention was the thing on her back. [i]A sword[/i] Ah, it seemed that his reckless tendencies weren't as burned as he thought they were. [color=ff2400]"...Hello Miss"[/color] [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]