[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tJg106o.jpeg[/img][/center][hr] [center] [color=cecece] [sub] [b][Location][/b] Landow, Estren [b][Time][/b] Sunday, 07:30 AM [B][Mentions][/b] [@Mirandae] [@Aeolian] [@Silly] [/sub] [/color] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] [color=808080] The rather mystitical and whimsical nature of the event quickly turned sour as the sky cracked with loud, unnatural thunder. The falling stars, once distant wisps to wish upon were now suddenly much closer- though none had fallen onto the town of Landow yet, the strikes into the bay themselves were already way too close for comfort. Their security detail had already begun pushing them forward, urging them not to change, but rather to begin evacuation. A strong, broad arm pressed on Laura's shoulder reassuringly as Akamu almost casually lifted the child off his shoulders and returned him to the ground, the child's mother quickly sweeping the little one up into her arms. Where Akamu's face was once jovial was now replaced by a more serious grimace as he looked around the town. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Akamu was rather calm in the panic. [color=cyan]"Not to worry Kika,"[/color] Akamu murmured reassuringly, [color=cyan]"Haven't fought a meteor before, but there's always a first time for everything. Hakuna Matata- everything will be fine, I'll take care of you kaikuahine."[/color] They were interrupted by a few figures, one another Regalia, Cecile of Anima, Akamu had heard news of him a few times here and there, but this was the first time they'd spoken directly, the man with him Akamu didn't recogize. The other figure was a woman Akamu didn't recognize either, though she spoke with quiet authority. Laura and Akamu's combined security detail, just noticing them moved to begin pushing them away from the Gaia and Titan's location, but Akamu quickly waved them off. [color=cyan]"She's right."[/color] Akamu noted softly, nodding at Nia, [color=cyan]"Letting panic spiral out of control will cause more harm than good. Kika, help keep things calm, they listen to you."[/color] Akamu turned to Cecile, offering the regalia a faint grin. [color=cyan]"Ah, pleased to meet you as well Dreamer, I apologize for the unfortunate circumstances of our meeting, but formalities may have to wait."[/color] Akamu's gaze returned to the town's skyline, watching the encroaching arc of the mentors before back to the town, his eyes scanning for anything that could be useful as shelters. Luckily none of the buildings in Landow were [i]too[/i] big, so the worries about being buried in rubble weren't too extreme. Akamu turned to his security captain. [color=cyan]"Does Landow have anything akin to Underground shelters? Basements will do in a pinch, but preferably any place that one might use as an air raid shelter. Begin escorting the people to these places if you would."[/color] [color=silver]"Our orders are strict, Mr. Lafaele, we are to prioritize Regalia-"[/color] The security captain shook his head, even as he glanced at the people around them. [color=cyan]"I was not asking, captain."[/color] Akamu's voice took on a faint rumble, reminiscent of ground tremors. [color=cyan]"We won't be far behind, but we must prioritize the safety of the children. Take them, to the shelters, and have a few of your men begin to look for stragglers and do the same. [i]Now, please[/i]."[/color] Akamu turned to Laura, pulling her into a hug, a comforting hand patting her head. [color=cyan]"You should go with them, Kika. Help keep everyone calm and safe. I'll hold up the rear."[/color] Pulling back, Akamu fixed her with a smile, [color=cyan]"I already see what you're thinking Kika, mai hopohopo. I'll be right behind you."[/color] [color=cyan]"Cecile and Cecile's friend, go with Laura."[/color] Akamu said with a calm authority about him, he glanced at Nia and shrugged, [color=cyan]"You seem calm in the chaos. A good quality to have. I'm unsure how well my stone walls would protect against falling meteors, but if it comes down to it, I'll stop them as best I can. In the meanwhile, I'd appreciate your assistance guiding the remaining civilians here."[/color] [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hider=EZ Glossary] Kaikuahine - little sister (Southern Accadian [Hawaiian], formal) Kika - little sister (Southern Accadian [Hawaiian/Polynesian], informal) Hakuna Matata - No Worries (Southern Accadian [Swahili], describing a way of life/philosophy) Mai hopohopo - Do not worry/stop worrying (Southern Accadian [Hawaiian], informal) [/hider]