[@Shinny] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOXRxdjcwNWQ3NjJiMmc0eHgzNmtzZTRodmxrbTI2bTRyaXluZmdkdSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l0Iy8hSJalxmgTOF2/giphy.webp[/img] Our characters were turned into toys and put inside some weird death game in a toy store. But what sort of combat are we looking for here? Are we going to "play it straight" where everyone is more or less "human powered" relative to their size or are we going for lightly powered, heavily powered, or anime powered? There's a lot of wiggle room between "Don't blow up the store" and "be a dangerous toy." Since our characters are toys, do they have human vitals? Will a gut wound cripple someone? Does a toy have to be totally destroyed or do they have a sort of heart/brain that needs to be destroyed to end the toy's life? Do they need to breathe and can they get tired? Do you care where the characters in question come from? Is the toymaster just pulling these people out of a sort of multiverse and turning them into toys? Related to this, can toys have abilities/powers/magic that are similar to how they were before being a toy or would everything have to conform strictly to how they would function as a toy? Is there going to be a character sheet?