[color=lightgray][center][h3][color=D0B4EC]Charlotte[/color], [color=lightpink]Olivia[/color], [color=F26522]Kazumin[/color], [color=9AF781]Leo[/color], [color=9354FF]Fritz[/color], [color=ab274f]& Wulfric[/color] [color=lightpink]Part 2[/color][/h3][/center] [color=9AF781]Time:[/color] Evening - [color=red] 5pm - 2 hours before timeskip at 7[/color] [color=9354FF]Location:[/color] Vikena Estate [hr] He was very much trying to behave and maintain the role, but then the prince walked in, bringing with him a most unexpected opportunity. Now it was clear why he had truly donned this outfit today; his tasks in this moment formed. The dashing gentleman strolled over to the couch, the gentle thump of his cane followed by a light thunk as he placed a chair beside Leo’s. He then sat upright, his hat nearly slapping Leo in the face in the motion, now giving him unlimited access. [color=f26522]“My dear Lord Prince! What an honor to be graced by such a distinguished presence. A shame the rest aren’t appropriately dressed for one so imposing. Apologies for the lack of a proper greeting, but Sir Leo is in need of distraction… Would you like to try, my lord?”[/color] He gave a light nod, nearly knocking off his majestic hat, offering it to any in need in this tense situation. Wulfric denied the silly man with a curt shake of his head. A cold dismissal, but not surprising with this icy prince’s stubborn wall. [color=f26522][i]I will get you to ruffle my feathers by the end of this meeting… I promise you this, dear princy. [/i][/color]He thought, bemusedly twirling the tip of his mustache. A cacophony of voices in the background made Olivia’s stomach drop. Nonetheless, she did as Charlie asked and left to get water. Olivia returned from the kitchen with two full pitchers of water in her hands. It seemed impossible, yet she set them both down with ease. Once settled, she looked up and stared with bewilderment at the group in front of her. Her gaze slid to Fritz, and she offered him a courteous nod. He waved back with a smile, but tilted his head when she moved on without saying anything to him. Next, her gaze fell on Prince Wulfric, and she bowed politely. [color=lightpink]“Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prince Wulfric. My name’s Olivia.”[/color] She smiled at him, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. [color=ab274f]“Pleasure,”[/color] he retorted, uncertain why someone who appeared to be a servant was introducing herself to him. Or why, if she was a guest, she had taken on a servant’s duties. Afterward, she turned to Leo, and her brows furrowed. [color=lightpink]“What happened to him?”[/color] She quickly poured him a cup of cold water and handed it to him. Her gaze shifted to Kazumin, her eyes widening with awe. Then she smiled with amusement and waved at him. [color=lightpink]“Hi! You’re Kazumin, right? Nice to meet you. That’s, uh, quite the outfit!”[/color] A pang in her chest reminded her how difficult it was to act like strangers in front of others, but she hoped he’d understand. Briefly, Ryn wondered why these two were acting like strangers, then remembered that the other men were not aware of the situation. [color=9354FF]“I agree, it’s truly eye-catching, My Lord.”[/color] Kazumin's smile gleamed as he waved gently, the feathers atop his glorious hat bouncing with the motion. He bowed lightly. [color=f26522]“Indeed, lovely miss! I’m glad you approve, for I feared my attire might be too much, or perhaps too little in this case.”[/color] He shot a sly, cheeky glance in the prince's direction, thinking of even bigger flourishes. [color=f26522]“And you are Lady Olivia, yes? I’ve heard and seen your kind deeds for this unfortunate fellow.”[/color] He paused to let her tend to Leo. [color=9AF781]“I’m fiiiine,”[/color] Leo insisted, clumsily accepting the water from Olivia. [color=9AF781]“Fisticuffs. You should see the other guy,”[/color] he said, nodding as if what he said made sense. [color=9AF781]“I win.”[/color] He boasted, even though it was a draw and his best hit had been a sucker punch. [color=9AF781]“No more Leo talk. We dis-dis-cuss the invest… the spooky magics and bad rose.”[/color] He grimaced at the water, holding the cool glass to his blackened eye, spilling some of it as he did so. Kazumin moved fluidly to Leo’s side, gently placing a hand on his shoulder to steady him, his grip firm yet hardly felt. [color=f26522]“This lad is fortunate to have such kind and thoughtful ladies tending to him, an act so seldom seen in… these kinds of parts,”[/color] he said, gesturing broadly to the noble district. Charlotte straightened gracefully as Wulfric entered, offering him a polite bow. Her voice was steady but carried a hint of nervousness. [color=D0B4EC]“Your Highness. Good evening… Thank you, I-uh. We’ve made it as far as cold water, at least.”[/color] She gestured to Olivia, who had entered with the pitchers. From behind them, Delilah's gentle voice chimed in. [color=7ea7d8]“I’ve got it! I’ll return with everything in a jiffy and ask Gilbert or Nathaniel to call for a doctor.”[/color] As she delicately set down the tea, her eyes met Wulfric’s for a brief moment. The prince smiled politely, and her cheeks flushed a rosy pink. She quickly exited the room with a bright, flustered smile. Ryn raised his hand in greeting, only for it to fall unnoticed. He chuckled. [color=9354FF]“Well, Your Highness, it seems you’ve charmed yet another admirer into your circle.”[/color] [color=ab274f]“A natural by-product of my existence,”[/color] he drawled, amused. [color=9354FF]“Ah, the burden of being irresistible. How do you manage?”[/color] Wulfric’s lips twitched into a smirk. [color=ab274f]“With ease, of course.”[/color] [color=9354FF]“I noticed,”[/color] Ryn winked. Charlotte sat beside Leo, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead, worry in her eyes. [color=D0B4EC]“I don’t think this is something he’d normally do. This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed something... strange.”[/color] She paused, searching his face as if she could find answers beneath the surface. Her eyes trailed down his torso, checking for wounds. [color=D0B4EC]“Just the other day, you were speaking in that high-pitched voice and having giggle fits,”[/color] she said softly, [color=D0B4EC]“and then you turned... well, pink. And now this?”[/color] Her brows furrowed in concern. [color=D0B4EC]“What’s going on, Leo? We can get to everything else, I promise, but I need to know.”[/color] Without waiting, she carefully took the glass and pressed it to his eye. [color=D0B4EC]“...Maybe you should stay in one of our guest rooms tonight,”[/color] she suggested gently, her tone insistent. Her gaze shifted to Fritz. [color=D0B4EC]“Fritz, do you still have those spectacles? Is this…”[/color] [color=9354FF]“Drug-induced? It’s possible,”[/color] Ryn replied, mindful of their company’s unknown views on arcane matters, the prince among them. He had checked Lord Smithwood’s magicae, but the energy suggested a strong magicae imprint rather than a residual hex. The idea of a cursed object crossed his mind, though the effects seemed inconsistent and short-lived. Drugs, mundane or magical, seemed a more plausible cause. Lottie’s brows knitted thoughtfully. [color=D0B4EC]“Maybe…”[/color] Wulfric eyed the count, intrigued. Charlotte’s mention of ‘those spectacles’ caught his attention. He had seen the man wearing them twice, despite having no apparent need for glasses. He didn’t address it but said instead, [color=ab274f]“We cannot hold a discussion with Leo in this state. I suggest we postpone.”[/color] He turned to Charlotte, indicating his departure. [color=ab274f]“This was brief, but I appreciate the invitation. Please list all expected guests next time.”[/color] He bowed. [color=9AF781]“Pranks,”[/color] Leo said, focusing his words. [color=9AF781]“Silly voice, pink skin, now water drunk. Always fine after.”[/color] He set the glass down. [color=9AF781]“I’m handling it.”[/color] Speaking slowly, he added, [color=9AF781]“Gonna deal with it tomorrow.”[/color] He suspected who the prankster was but held back, recalling his talk with Morrigan after the Alidasht dinner. Leo found his notebook, flipped a few pages, and tore one out, placing it on the table: Hendrix: ugly glasses, why? Trying to look smarter? He looked at Fritz, expecting an answer. Ryn chuckled. [color=9354FF]“Did it not work?”[/color] [color=D0B4EC]“Wait, Prince Wulfric,”[/color] Lottie objected, frowning. She squeezed Leo’s hand before rising. [color=D0B4EC]“Your Majesty, if I may, Lord Smithwood, Count Hendrix, and I questioned attendees of the Black Rose’s party. Could we share our findings, if you can spare a moment, please?”[/color] [color=ab274f]“If you have anything to share, then by all means.”[/color][/color]