[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/autumn-flowers-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240703/2088c5ef58c4d09c76265a3f4214c9be.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] Eva's room at H.E.R.O. One was dark and cold, which she believed was the same as her. Like all if not most of the other little kids, she was afraid of the dark and especially when she was alone. She only got used to the chilly darkness of her room when her sisters and mother were sleeping in their own rooms. Warmth and affection were hard things to come by after all, especially for a villainous family like the Death Boquet. In time, she learned to love the dark and cold such that she could only sleep once the two conditions were met. Additionally, she also liked being alone. At least no one would see her crying to sleep at nights. She was an early bird as well, always waking up just at the break of dawn. Eva had this routine where she would make up her bed and open the blinds of her window. She then sat on her bed in a lotus position, arms at rest at her side while she was facing the window. She had her eyes closed but she could always tell when the sun was rising over the horizon when her body was bathed in its warm light. Her once dark room was gradually getting filled with the orange, almost golden light of the sun, and she would just sit there, accepting all of it silently and graciously. She cherished these peaceful fleeting moments as an official start to her day. As she did her breathing exercise, the once quiet room was filled with the blaring alarm from her watch on the nightstand. [Color=Chartreuse]"This is Dahlia, reporting. Over."[/color] Eva announced back at her watch as she wasted no more time putting on her outfit: white trench coat, black turtleneck, white pants, and black boots. She then got outside her room and knocked hard on every door she passed by. [Color=Chartreuse]"Gear up people, this is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!"[/color] She shouted loudly enough so it could be heard even through the alarm, not that her fellow heroes needed help waking up anyway. When she arrived at the scene, Eva's heart fell from the sight before her. There were ambulances and police cars everywhere. Citizens in their pajamas were out in the streets, some were begging even arguing with the police to let them go back to the remnants of their home to search for their loved ones or prized possessions that were under all the rubble. She saw Amuné on top of a hovering piece of earth as he made his way somewhere, so she approached Jareth and nodded in greeting. [Color=Chartreuse]"Listen up, those who can hear me."[/color] Eva said through their comms. [Color=Chartreuse]"As Alisa said, this is a search-and-rescue operation. Don't rush into action immediately. Acting without guidance from the authorities might lead to even more accidents and tragedies. Ask the authorities first, see where your powers and expertise may be more of help to everyone."[/color] Eva paused when she could hear a mother wailing at the rubble, clutching a dirtied teddy bear in her arms as she knelt to the ground in despair. Eva breathed deeply before speaking at her comms again. [Color=Chartreuse]"I'll ask the firefighters, maybe my poison could help with all the debris and the posts that were about to fall. Let's make ourselves useful, everyone."[/color]