[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve - Red Light District[/h3] [/center] “Go away!” Rayne shouted at the butterflies as her blasting at their mistress switched to blasting at the swarm of butterflies due to the latter getting in the way of her primary target. With how many of them there were, there was at last no end to the amount of mana globules being spawned, though the issue was that. Said issue was that she had to get close to them to absorb them, which would mean getting close to the butterflies and, well, they were losing ground. Especially once Rayne’s triple shot sputtered out. “No no no” Rayne half panicked, though not for her own safety it seemed, as she turned towards and stretched out to Sanae and began to call out “Link with me! I can at least get you out of here alive!” only for that defeatist plan to be put on hold when their foe screeched out in outrage at the appearance of a new ally. Or, as Rayne realized as the blue-haired woman spoke her response to their foe in a familiar voice, it was, as far as Rayne was aware, the miraculous return of “Qing!” The Witch Knight cried out in delight, both at the women’s survival, and for her impact on the battle, which turned a hopeless situation into one filled with opportunity. In Rayne’s case that opportunity was tunnels opening up in the swarm, holes filled with the mana globules of their fallen swarm-mate, into which the witch-knight dashed to seize hold of that power. Spell one was turning her magic shots into a flame tower like stream. Spell 2 an automated turret that copied that stream. Spell 3, a barrage of bombs that dropped down and cleared the space below them. Spell 4, two massive wrecking balls launching out to the side. With each burst of power, more space was cleared in the discordant swarm, exposing more mana for the furnace of burning spell cards, leaving Sanae more clear to execute her prayer for divine intervention. And what an intervention it was. If her own goddess could have done, or paid attention enough to do, such things, who knew what problems her world could have solved before it was too late. Rayne was going to have to ask them for tips on how to goddess correctly, assuming she was still in place to assume divinity upon returning home, because of all the ones she’d been blessed o(or ‘blessed’) to be influenced by, Sanae’s patrons were certainly winning when it came to straightforward helpfulness.