[@samreaper] Well, fortune favored the bold and Ace was certainly not a bold bird. However, as to the rules of the game the Torchic could not disobey its trainer as the fire bird was still within the level cap, so the poor thing rushed towards the green murder lizard that was already dashing towards it screaming in what some would mistake as a war cry. It was a split second and in that second it would've seemed that Ace would've been too late; the Grovyle was already looming over it about to tackle the bird into the ground when Ace erupt in flames and collided with its opponent. Ace flew into the air from the force of the attack, tumbling along the ground to Tristan's feet. It suffered from a hard hit, but what of the Grovyle? Looking up, Tristan would see that the Grovyle had fallen on its knee shaking. It glared at Tristan as it tried to force itself up back to its feet, but repeatedly kept falling to its knee. For the first time in Tristan's life, he had seen something with an absolute will to not give up until the bitter end. This was a creature with determination and drive that he himself never had before in his life and yet even with all of that its own body failed it. [color=00a651]"That's enough Grovyle. You have fought well."[/color] Ramos said with a kind smile. The Grovyle reluctantly nodded before it finally collapsed onto the ground. Louis raised a handkerchief towards Tristan and Ace, shouting "Grovyle is no longer able to battle! Ace wins! The winner of this battle is Tristan!" [center][i][color=6ecff6]Ace is now level 15! Ace has learned Detect! Ace had learned Sand Attack! Ace does not have enough slots to learn Sand Attack. Would you like to forget a move?[/color][/i][/center] There was a polite hand of applause from the staff that were watching the match on their break. Some even gave Tristan some shouts of encouragement, telling him that he did a good job. Louis glanced around with a scowl and shouted, "Get back to work all of you! We do not have time to waste!" Ramos approached Tristan with a with smile. For Tristan this was contradictory to his world view. There was nothing to be happy about losing and yet, there was the contradiction standing face to face with him. [color=00a651]"Do you feel better now, Tristan?"[/color] It was an odd question, but Tristan began to realize that it really was never about the Gracedia Flower. This was about an older, much more experienced trainer and worldly person helping an insecure, inexperienced trainer caught in his own anxiety with their new role. [hr] [@Joshua Tamashii] And thus began the medium's first ever battle! Well, there were no rules that Pokemon that can float naturally couldn't try to float too high, so the two ghosts simply did. However, they were maneuvering the air while trying to avoid poison stings hurtling at them and luckily, they just whizzed past them. Once in range, they shouted at the targeted Spinarak which someone caused damage to them. The one that they focused on flinched and was completely unable to stop the incoming globs of mud flying towards hitting it for admittingly mediocre damage though its vision was completely obscured the by the mud caked around its eyes. The three other Spinarak, including the ghost-type one, shot sticky strings of webbing at Yamask, the Mimikyu, and the Golett to try and restrain them. How does Amelia react? [hr] [@Zarkun] And the crowd watched in both amazement and horror at the sight of the burger just slowly being chunked away by this skinny man with blue hair, but by God he did it. At the end of it all, there was nothing left. There was no burger, no fries, not a crumb left to act as evidence that there was even a burger to begin with except for how extended his stomach was. Jason had never felt so full before in his life. Even though he ate it with ease, he still ate four pounds of meat and that is not considering every other aspect of the meal. When asked about the money, the cook's wife look at him starstruck before she came back to her senses. "Uh, yeah it's yours, kid." She walked over and grabbed the jar from behind the counter before she gingerly handed it to him. [center][i][color=6ecff6]Jason earned 10,000P![/color][/i][/center] Jason felt his sleeve being tugged. He turned to look at the Chansey that was holding a pink egg towards him. [color=f49ac2]"Chansey chansey chan chan chasey!"[/color] Apparently it was so moved by Jason eating that burger with such ease and saw his indomitable spirit as a trainer. She wanted to give him her egg since he seemed like a strong trainer. Weird logic, but hey, he rolled the 20 so he got the secret prize. [center][i][color=6ecff6]Jason received an egg! Eggs count as items in this game and will be left in the bag. [/color][/i][/center]   But life was funny. At times you roll a twenty and then you roll a one. As soon as Jason walked out of the restaurant, he felt the food was going to violently leave his body and had to search for the nearest trashcan to unload himself. [center][color=6ecff6][i]The sight of a burger will now cause Jason to become nauseas, but 10k and an egg is still 10k and an egg.[/i][/color][/center] So, now what? [i]Connected Areas[/i] Starbor Forest. [i]A forest filled with ungodly huge trees and many secrets.[/i] Lake Charity. [i]A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.[/i] Blue Lichen Cave. [i]South of Starbor Village. [/i] [hider=Suggested Actions] 1. Find Pokémon.[i] Can still search for Pokémon in towns and cities.[/i] 2. Talk. [i]In cities, there are considerably more people one can talk to. Specify what kind you’re looking for.[/i] 3. Exit. [i]Exit the town to any of the connected areas.[/i] 4. Specify. [i]If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result.[/i] 5. Trigger random event. [i]Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you.[/i] 6. Notable Buildings. [i]Visit any of the facilities of the city![/i] 6.1. Pokémon Center. [i]Heal all your Pokémon.[/i] 6.2. PokéMart. [i]Go to a store and buy things.[/i] 6.3. Gym [i]???[/i] 6.4. Kiosk. [i]Great place to ask for directions.[/i] 6.5. Battle Square [i]A place for trainers to battle to win bragging rights and be crowned King of the Battle Square. Good place for gossip too.[/i] 6.6. Elder Tree [i]The tallest and largest tree in the village. Has a look out at the top where you can see a large portion of Eastern Evig.[/i] 6.7. General Places [i]Theatres, restaurants, bars, and whatever else you feel like wasting your money on![/i] 6.8. Contests [i]For when you want to show off how good you and your Pokemon look. Popular all over Evig.[/i] 7. Rail Carts. [i]Take a cart to help you get around the village. Agriculture District, the Scholar District, the Market District, and the Entertainment District[/i] [/hider] [hider=Starbor Village: Entertainment District] Common: #273-Seedot #396-Starly #731-Pikipek Uncommon: Rare: [/hider] [hr] [@CitrusArms] The Zoroark dryly laughed. "And yet you feel compelled, just as my master was before and just as Aria. Perhaps that forest is cursed." It stood back up, its figure looming over Stella though she tried to crouch as if to make sure to not tower over Stella threateningly. She smiled at her. It was worn and fanged, but friendly, nonetheless. "Forgive me, I suppose asking advice from you, a child, was unfair. It wasn't the answer I wanted, but perhaps it was the one I needed to hear." She turned her gaze to a portrait of the family, her gaze tired with feelings that were too complex for an outsider like Stella to surmise, except she could tell there was a bittersweetness to it. A longing, perhaps someone looking for understanding. "They all would've hated it, what I've been doing. A forced penance for what I could not prevent, isolating myself in a home that no one walks in anymore, but this [i]is[/i] my home, and they were my family. Someone has to remember them or else it's not like they existed at all." Her gaze focused upon the strange egg upon Stella's lap. "The egg is yours. I know that I cannot defend it, not really. I know that this is no place to nurture it but know this young miss. That egg is final wish of Aria Eberg. She desperately wished to keep it hidden. To what end I do not know except that I know that trouble will follow you." [center][i][color=6ecff6]Stella acquired the Strange Egg![/color][/i][/center] Then a smile curled at the corners of her mouth. "Though perhaps this is exactly the day I've been waiting for. I have one more task for you, if you can indulge a selfish old Pokemon for a moment." The Zoroark stepped towards her, its claws clacked against the wood flooring. "If you are drawn to the Illusive Woods, then please uncover its mysteries so I can at least understand why things happened the way they did." Her claw fingers rummaged around her fur until she pulled out a small red jewel in the shape of star. "Regardless of whether you accept or not, this does not affect your reward for what you did for me. I am of my word." [center][i][color=6ecff6]Stella acquired a Star Piece![/color][/i][/center] What does Stella do?