[hider=Svart's Rest: Space Dwarves, Milked Frogs, and Trans-dimensional Kudzu] [center][h1][color=#8834D4]Svart’s Rest[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][color=#8834D4]~ The Svartnik Nebulae ~ [/color][/h3][/center] Once a great hotbed of mining and industry, these binary star systems played host to the might of squat-kin who swarmed to her rich prospects during the time of Pax Yrrani. The mining operation lead by the legendary squat, Svart, quickly turned into a capitalist bordello where labor laws of the empire were overlooked in the name of raw production, a quality of life that the squats claimed to value above all. Squat pilgrims from across the galaxy flocked, mined, trafficked, and died in the purple hazed fodder of the Svartnik nebulae. The mercantile power heavily settled a number systems which they rotted and plundered -quite literally- to their cores. When a neighboring system, the Oogmanik, was conquered for its agricultural support, a great floral infestation was unleashed. [b]The Desperation[/b], [i]Pueraria Desporata[/i], native to the Oogmanik system, ravished the holdings of the Svarts. Though appearing as a simple leafed vine of violet hue, the scourging vine grows rapidly without the observed need for light, water, or soil. It is capable of growing in space, leading to the destruction and abandonment of many Svart vessels and satellites. Unless destroyed at the atomic level it is capable of replicating. Early attempts at destroying affected systems (of which multiple were sacrificed) found the particles of the Desperation flung into neighboring areas, much less the craft that had delivered the salvos. It is presumed that the “plant” draws its lifeforce from some other dimension, that it is perhaps grown from “infected” connections of atomic particles, and –if one believes the acolytes of Oogmanik– that it is destined to spread through all matter in the galaxy. The frog-like beasts, the Oogma, who have inhabited the Oogmanik system have suffered predation by the [i]Desperation[/i] since recorded time. However, they do appear to have acquired a resistance to its growth within their bodies. Despite this resistance, all of the Oogma eventually die from its infestation; a fate which they hail as the natural course for all matter. The Oogma’s mammary milk (a purple hued beverage tasting like vinegary peat) appears to be the only substance in which the [i]Desperation[/i] cannot replicate. As such, it has become the almost sole foodstuff consumed within Svart’s Rest by non-Oogma, the consumption of standard foods proving too risky for most. In fact, death from ingested [i]Desperation[/i] and its internal replication has claimed lives of the vast majority of the once vibrant Svartnik realm. [center][hider=Quarantine Isolet: Oogmanik Diaspora The Desperation, Pueraria Desporata][img]https://images.playground.com/4ccdda66f4d24747b742403603118350.jpeg[/img][/hider][/center] [color=#8834D4][center][h3]~ Government ~[/h3][/center][/color] Since the spread of the [i]Desperation[/i], much of the Svart resources have been dedicated to the self (and intergalactic) imposed quarantine. Interactions with outside powers is often remote; media, banking, and other hyper-commed engagements being the primary export. Though scanning for the [i]Desperation[/i] is quite possible, many polities have embargoed physical trade given the severity of risk to life and tech alike. Most incoming goods are seen as one-way trips. Once in the confines of Svart's Rest, it is never certain if one could (or should) leave. In the spirit of their founder, Svart the Dusted, Svart’s Rest remains a highly capitalistic, industrialist oligarchy with the citizens united by the vision of their respective corporations. Voting is granted to system governors (three) and a contingent of representatives from the top nine production powers in the realm. [u]The Wise[/u] [u]The Nine of Might[/u] Perscilla - Harold of Anooknik, the capital system - Aphorisms: Stability, Constitution, Honor Slougk - Harold of Tanooknik, the industrial system - Aphorisms: Production, Vision, Relevance Vilk - Harold of Oogmanik, the agricultural necessity - Aphorisms: Thought, Adaptability, Survival [color=#8834D4][center][h3]~ Demographics ~[/h3][/center][/color] [b]The Svarts[/b] - A catch all of squat-kin from around the galaxy. Industrious, disciplined, lovers of vibrato songs and moist stones. [hider=Space Dwarves!] [img]https://images.playground.com/07951cfd836842b7a5bf27e562f9c2c0.jpeg[/img][/hider] [b]The Oogma[/b] - Amphibian mammaloids whose shamanistic relationship with the [i]Desperation[/i] is vexed by the Svart’s need for their milk. They are seen as unproductive, unintelligent, and frankly deranged by the Svart’s; though they are beautiful singers. [hider= Space Milk Frogs!][img]https://images.playground.com/184c15e63af04c3e82438d8a05b9ba7b.jpeg[/img][/hider] [color=#8834D4][center][h3]~ Military ~[/h3][/center][/color] Largely focused on harmonic weaponry, an extrapolation of their mining technology. The Svart’s have a large standing fleet, a rusted holdover from their time as major magnets of piracy and external interest. This bygone era of mining ventures and galactic power parity has few resources left in its contemporary coffers. When budget meetings cycle, the fleet is a regular victim of austerity measures. Since the spread of the [i]Desperation[/i], much of the military presence has been used to destroy those trying to escape rather than assault. With the [i]Desperation[/i] claiming more vessels each day, and with supply and technologies from abroad so difficult to come by, the admiralty of the Svarts is decrepit and outdated. The once proud standing army has been mothballed into a militia force, as answers to their plight and crumbling infrastructure have become a blackhole of mental and financial capital. Land: [hider=Cogs][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1294887283539050566/1302800939207491695/Artist__Lukasz_Jaskolski_aka_fadingray_-_Title__axe_bearer_aule_adv_-_Card__Unknown.jpg?ex=6734a42c&is=673352ac&hm=2dd38df9a792c1a1d563668fe0a7a52c68b7a86f1dc30bcf21e8c6d88b8dc5e2&=&format=webp&width=396&height=528[/img][/hider] Naval: [hider=Mec, Orbital Trade Port][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/62/ce/5b/62ce5b78c401f363da949b2375111ad4.jpg[/img][/hider] ---- [hider=Thorium Class Capital Ship][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f1/4e/9a/f14e9af1ef1883c2db7b6e5eeba204bf.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Harmonic Class Battleship][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/18/cd/ee/18cdeea0d02cbdb1ef0b39a99bc81e6b.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Sol Class Cruiser][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/6o9_JiqgTprmh5WsFc3ThG-INgBd1UZt9rIbG3Z8rA8/https/images.playground.com/264a098e616747c5a189487e2e696fbe.jpeg?format=webp&width=942&height=528[/img][/hider] [hider=Anvil Class Destroyer][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/o_pAebomCedt_fNZJAExKf-tdDOkSr12IG3bz4cOs3o/https/img.freepik.com/premium-photo/battlecruiser-space-game-scifi-spaceship-terms-space-ship-spaceship-photo-mining-ship-spaceship_388313-2942.jpg?format=webp&width=528&height=528[/img][/hider] [hider=Concordant Class Frigate][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/07/cf/1e/07cf1e477c1d78fa6ca6d9d8f18865c7.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider]