Human: [color=82ca9d]็”ฒๆ–็„กใ—[/color] Pronounced [color=82ca9d]Kai Nashi.[/color] (translates to useless) [img][/img][img][/img] Toy: Look up [i]deeplus toy.[/i] He starts with all the weapons, and he is made of metal on the outside, but plastic on the inside. the weapons are all metal. He also has a face drawn on for the lols. [img],600_.jpg[/img] Face he drew on: [img],360x360,075,t,fafafa:ca443f4786.u1.jpg[/img] Kai was cast out By everyone he's ever met for being homeless, but when you're wanted by the police, there's not much you can do except leave and keep your family safe. Kai was wrongly accused. He was there when the murder happened. He saw it with his own eyes. It had been too late. He tried to tell the murderers to stop, but when they heard the sirens, the murderers ran. kai didn't. [i][color=82ca9d]I'm innocent.[/color][/i] he thought. [i][color=82ca9d]They'll know who it was.[/color][/i] and then he was on the run. That's when he found the toymaster. the toymaster offered him an escape from this life of cat and mouse. And without a second thought, he took it. now look where he was.