[hider=Vin Garcia Rodriguez] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/GiyXHlG.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVKAE3ZmN74&ab_channel=TheWarning[/youtube][/CENTER] [i]"I’ll tear down the Upper District with my own fucking hands if I have to."[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gB5PdM4.png[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=51684c]Silvina “Vin” Sitlali Garcia Rodriguez[/color] [color=51684c]They/Them/She/He[/color] [b]|[/b][color=51684c] 22[/color] [b]|[/b][color=51684c] Mexican[/color] [b]|[/b][color=51684c] 5’6”[/color] [b]|[/b][color=51684c] 131lbs [/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=51684c]Relentless[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=51684c]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"I ain’t tellin’ you where I learnt that."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub][color=51684c][b]Violence ⫻[/b][/color] The thing Vin would say they’re most talented in. They love, and are talented at, beating people up and winning fights. Be it with a crowbar, baseball bat, or just their fists, Vin is adept at beating someone up and doing it painfully… for the other person, that is. They know how to fight and they fight dirty. They grew up tussling with other kids in the street, and now as part of the Hollow Tap, they use these skills near daily.[/sub] [sub][color=51684c][b]Criminal ⫻[/b][/color] Vin won’t try put any pretty words to it - they’re part of a criminal gang, and have the skills that go with it. Lockpicking, breaking down doors when they get too frustrated at that, theft, conning people, avoiding the police… all skills they have under their belt thanks to their time in the Hollow Tap.[/sub] [sub][color=51684c][b]Unphased ⫻[/b][/color] It takes a lot to phase Vin - they’re not easily scared, and they’ll never run from a fight. They’re always in the thick of it, and they never back down. It’s easy for them to keep a cool head even in some of the worst situations. After all, they probably saw that same shit just last week.[/sub] [sub][color=51684c][b]Sealing ⫻[/b][/color] Magically, Vin specialises in Apparition suppression. Because of this they’ve also mastered sealing - they can seal most Apparitions after beating them down.[/sub] [/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][color=51684c][b] Appearance[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Y’saw me on the fucking North Side? Nah, that was my twin, I ain’t the one you’re lookin’ for."[/i] [indent]A person who’s appearance varies greatly, Vin can pull off roguish charm or sultry flirtation depending on the day and mood. How they feel about their gender is fluid day by day, and how they present themselves is reflected in that. Normally androgyny is the name of the game. Their soft curves are easily covered with a bit of binding or baggier tops, and the slight muscles they’ve developed add to the look. Vin doesn’t seem particularly muscular - and they don’t need to thanks to their Green Lux. But they’re fit and in shape. Their lips often pull up into a smile that doesn’t quite reach their eyes, closer to a smirk in most instances. Their thick, dark brown hair falls just below their chin - cut into shaggy layers. They normally leave it loose unless their niece has decided its dress up Uncle Vin day. Their bangs fall messily above their eyes. Their warm brown skin is hiding scars only seen up close - wounds from knives, or bullets, and stretch marks from constant shapeshifting. Their hands are rough, nails often chipped from hard work. They have two lobe piercings, often adorned with hanging chain earrings, and their right nostril pierced. They have a tattoo of a lark on their upper left thigh with radiant light around it. Vin’s clothing varies depending on how they’re feeling, but it all follows a similar vibe - Hot Topic punk or streetwear style. On more masculine days they like their baggy cargo pants in greens, blacks and camo print along with sleeveless crop tops or hoodies. The neutral days can be anything they feel like pulling out of the wardrobe. On the feminine days they can go fully into it, with tartan skirts and see through net shirts. They’re always found in lace up boots or battered trainers, whatever seems more practical for the job they’re doing that day. [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][color=51684c][b] Psychology[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I’m doing this for them. That’s why they can never fuckin’ know.”[/i] [INDENT][color=51684c][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b] [/color] Vin’s primary goal is to protect their twin sister, Loni, and her daughter. They want them both to have a good, fulfilling life. To have that, they need better opportunities. And with that comes their second goal, and the reason they’re in the Hollow Tap coven - to see the Lower District thrive like it should, and to destroy the North Side. Or at least, knock it off its pedestal. [color=51684c][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b] [/color] You don’t get anything by being nice. Peace just helps the ones on top. Violence is needed to pull them down - they need to be hurt and dragged into the mud with all those they oppress. [color=51684c][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b] [/color] Being part of the Hollow Tap is something Vin keeps a secret from their Loni. They know they’d disapprove. Of course the fact that they’re a criminal is a general secret. They also hide how much they just don’t care about most people, and would just stand by and watch them die. [color=51684c][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Pansexual. Vin likes most genders, and has had flings with a mix, but hasn’t been in a long term relationship since they lost their last partner in the Cataclysm. [color=51684c][b]FEARS ⫻[/b] [/color] Vin fears losing Loni and her daughter. Not only to death, but also to his actions - that she may find out and never want to see them again. Their fight years ago hurt them deeply even though they always made sure Loni was safe. [color=51684c][b]WHAT DID THEY DO DURING THE CATACLYSM? ⫻[/b] [/color] Vin was actively fighting with the Hollow Tap coven during the Cataclysm. [color=51684c][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b] [/color] Vin can be, at times, apathetic and brutal. They don’t care what they have to do to survive and protect their loved ones, or who they have to hurt. For them there’s family - Loni and Lu, and their coven - and there’s others. Others don’t matter to them. They’ve been jaded by losing people they’re close to, and witnessing the cruel realities of the world from a young age, meaning they’re closed off. They’re also incredibly stubborn and will rarely back down from their opinion, leading to arguments that get increasingly heated. They can be reckless and are quick to jump to violence. Often they’d rather let their fists do the talking. [/INDENT] [sub][color=51684c][b] Backstory[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Fuck all the rich bastards that keep us down."[/i] [indent]Born to a young immigrant couple, Vin wasn’t given the best start to life. With a father that abandoned them when they were young and a mother who had to work herself to the bone for them to just get by, things were difficult. While Vin was the younger of the two they were the more responsible one, and from a young age felt the need to be strong and to protect their sister. But it wasn’t the worst childhood. They had to get tough, but there was always food on the table, and a bed for them to share. Vin was part of a little gang of hooligans in their neighbourhood, who got into trouble brawling with kids a few streets over and destroying property. They were constantly getting into fights - ‘one of the boys’ is how they were viewed. Vin identified with it some days, other days not so much. Some days they chose to stay inside with their sister and play dress up… really, it depended. They didn’t have a word for it until they were older. But most of their time was spent fighting and raising hell. Loni would often go off on her own, calmer adventures while Vin played with other kids on the street. It was during one of these times that Vin experienced the more brutal side of the city - and the contempt the North Siders had for people like them. Only ten, they ventured further than they had before with a small group of friends - all the way to the bridge connecting the North and the South. They were young and recklessly curious. So they dared each other to cross. Vin ran over, through the legs of people passing, and back without a problem. But their friend, Greg, didn’t. He crashed right into a North Sider crossing… and the North Sider didn’t take it well. Not only did he beat Greg - but he kicked him to the side. And off the bridge. Vin couldn’t do anything to prevent their friend from falling to his death and drowning. From there, Vin’s hatred of the North Side and the rich grew. Then, at fourteen, he got into a fight with some North Side teens that had snuck over to ‘experience what it was like.’ It was in that moment that their hatred switched to apathy. They didn’t care - and they could kill them. Vin kindled. Their kindling, and the brief moment with their ancestors, saved the North Siders as Vin was dragged away by their friends. The magic didn’t scare Vin. It was hereditary… so when there was time, they went to their mom. She explained more to them, but said she wouldn’t teach them anything until Loni kindled too. So Vin practiced by themselves, learning to transform their body into various forms, taking on aspects of animals they wanted while discarding those they didn’t. They spent all their free time alone practicing. Then, after a few months, Loni kindled too. They were both taken along for their mother’s second job, where she invited spirits of the dead into her body using Black Lux. To Loni it was terrifying. To Vin… it was thrilling. They couldn’t do what their mother did, and didn’t want to - but the other Ghosts that roamed around while they were doing it? The Apparitions. They wanted to fight and kill them. Vin began to develop their Black lux too, combining it with their Green until they could fight both Appartions and Humans with deadly efficiency. But as they did this their mother got sicker and sicker. It was horrible. But Vin felt a detachment Loni didn’t - a deep sorrow, sure, but apathy at the same time. As if their mom was already gone. But they still tried to step in, to take on the financial burden instead. But they didn’t get to. And just before the two turned seventeen, their mother passed away. There was just enough money for a funeral, and to last until they were eighteen. Vin did what they could to make things work, because Loni couldn’t. She withdrew into herself… and Vin had to be the strong one. They were pissed, angry where Loni was sad. But it wasn’t the magic killing their mother that drew Vin’s ire - it was the situation that forced her to work with it to the point it killed her. And they couldn’t let it get to them. So when they ran out of money, they were also the one that had to find work. To protect Loni. They decided they’d find work killing Apparitions. It was what they were best at, and there were a fair few within the woods - and people who needed to get rid of them. Rich Adepts from the North Side looking for some muscle to protect them. Dangerous, but lucrative. They didn’t want to work with the North Siders, but for Loni… Except Loni didn’t want Vin to put themselves in danger. Vin didn’t want to hurt Loni like that, but they [i]had[/i] to. How else could they support them both? Both were too stubborn to listen to what the other was saying, and the argument ended with Loni walking out. Vin waited a day. Two days. She didn’t come back. Then, after a week, they went out to find her. It took a while, but they did and she was… fine. She’d even found somewhere to work, and was easily integrating themselves. It hurt, of course, but what Vin wanted was for her to be happy - even if that was without them. Without anything to support anymore, Vin turned to violence. They got into fights, beat up people for petty change to cover the rent, then beat up the landlord when he came around to try kick them out. It wasn’t sustainable, but it was addictive. The thrill, the adrenaline, the close brushes with death each time… then they picked a fight with the wrong guy, and ended up in deep shit with the Hollow Tap coven. In the end, Hollow Tap was exactly what Vin needed. Their leader, Gideon, saw something in Vin - in their hatred of the North, their magic and their want to fight. Vin found a home in Hollow Tap. And they also found love with another coven member - Ali, a slightly older woman who’d been with the Hollow Tap since she’d become an adult. Vin fell hard and fast, and the two worked closely together. After a year in Hollow tap, and a year and half after Loni left, things changed again. Loni came back. Vin found her on their doorstep in tears. They had no questions at first - hugging her and reassuring her while silently vowing to hurt whoever had done this to her. A man, it turned out. She was pregnant, and left alone expecting the child. Vin knew they had to do anything they could to help her. So Loni moved back in, and her ex-boyfriend’s body turned up downstream a couple of days later. Vin kept their work with Hollow Tap secret from Loni, pretending they just worked in the bar without any connections to the coven. They were delighted to become an Uncle-Aunt-whatever and did everything they could to act as the second parent. When the Cataclysm struck, they were with the Hollow Tap, fighting Nyrah the Ravager and protecting the South Side from as much damage as possible. They were in the thick of it - getting hurt, and in turn losing many they cared about. Fellow coven members, friends… and their partner, Ali, were washed away by acid where Vin managed to stand strong. They came out of it more resentful, more scarred, and more apathetic. From then, things have gotten worse. The divide is greater and Vin’s burning desire to bring down the North Side has only grown stronger. Eventually, they get what they want. They’d see to it. [/indent] [sub][color=51684c][b] Paranormal-Abilities[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I got a lotta my ideas from these ‘weird animal defences’ videos my partner showed me."[/i] [indent][color=51684c][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Adept [color=51684c][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] [i]Green & Black Lux.[/i] Channeler: A silver chain bracelet with their name engraved on it [color=51684c][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b] [/color] Vin is a talented Green and Black Adept that specialises in physical transformation of her own body to take on aspects of various animals, Apparition suppression infused into her own body, and various more practical spells to aid in surveillance and survival. [indent][color=51684c][b]The Warrior ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s first discipline represents their brutal side, mixing Green and Black Lux to become a violent force against both Humans and Apparitions alike. [indent][color=51684c][b]Beast Knight ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s primary Green-Lux spell which allows them to transform into a beast-person: taking on animal aspects while retaining their humanity. They can mix and match which aspects they have with sub spells that they layer upon a base form, or replace aspects of them. When Vin casts Beast Knight, they must choose a base form. There are some shared traits between the base forms: enhanced strength and magical regeneration. They’re strong enough to lift up a small car, and can regenerate from most wounds that wouldn’t immediately kill them. [indent][color=51684c][b]BASE FORM: TIGER ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s first base form, and the most… typical. They shift into a humanoid tiger, with their face morphing into something more akin to a tiger’s, with a slightly more elongated snout - and sharp teeth to match. Their legs are muscular and digitigrade - they walk on their toes, but it allows stronger, quieter movement. They grow a tiger’s tail, and their arms also grow more muscular with sharp claws. In this base form, Vin has incredible strength, able to lift a truck. They have the ability to tear through flesh with claws and teeth. Their jaws are strong enough that their bite could break a bone, and their enhanced stamina allows them to keep fighting for the whole hour they’re transformed. Their skin is covered in russet fur like a tigers. While powerful, and relatively quick, they have few natural defences in this form. Their sense of hearing is massively improved by the tiger ears on the top of their head. They grow in size in this form, to about 5’10”. [color=51684c][b]BASE FORM: ERMINE ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s second base form, in which they shift into a humanoid-ermine. Their neck elongates slightly, and they're covered in dense fur with a long fluffy tail - with the colour varying depending on the season. Pure white in winter, and russet brown with white on the front. Their face elongates, and they grow incredibly long claws from their now paw like hands - more claw than digit. In this form they have incredibly enhanced speed - able to move fast enough to seem like a blur to normal humans. Agile and fast, they rely on deadly targeted attacks in this form. Their sharp, hidden teeth are enough to cut through flesh - but not tear it. They primarily target the back of the neck, looking to incapacitate or kill. This form allows them to climb buildings easily, and get round incredibly quickly, while being weaker than their tiger form and lacking extra defences. They get smaller in this form, shrinking to about 5’. [color=51684c][b]BASE FORM: PANGOLIN ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s final form, and possibly the oddest choice - shapeshifting into a humanoid-pangolin. Their face elongates, along with their fingers - with long, tough claws at the end. They grow a long tail, almost as long as themselves. But most notably, their skin is covered in large, protective keratin scales - like a natural scale armour all across their body (except their stomach). This makes them incredibly sturdy in this form, able to tank hits - both magical and mundane, with the scales strong enough to tank bullets and magical attacks alike. While their claws are sharp, they’re incredibly slow in this form. They can, if they really want to, enact a defensive mechanism just like the animal itself - curling up into a ball. This allows the scales, which are incredibly sharp, to stick out slightly - cutting anyone who tries to hit them. [color=51684c][b]Dragonfly Eyes ⫻[/b][/color] Taught to Vin by Loni, Vin can replace their eyes in their beast form with Dragonfly Eyes. These allow them to see in every direction at all times. Their vision is incredibly sharp allowing them to easily track moving things. They can see faster than humans with these eyes, making everything seem to happen in ‘slow motion’. [color=51684c][b]Snake Venom ⫻[/b][/color] A subspell added on top the base form, Vin’s teeth elongate further and sharpen at the ends - like snakes. This allows them to penetrate the skin of someone and shoot venom into their veins. This venom causes intense pain in the target, eventually leading to difficulty breathing, paralysis, and death. Emotional fields protect against it - they cannot kill other paranormals with this, and the paralysis wears off quickly… but it still hurts like a bitch. [color=51684c][b]Stag Horns ⫻[/b][/color] An additional subspell, Vin grows horns out of the top of the head like stags. These can be used to gouge out people, or alternatively for a strange sword fight using the horns instead. They’re strong enough to pierce right through someone, but unwieldy. [color=51684c][b]Kangaroo Legs and Tail ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s base form legs and tail are replaced by a kangaroo’s - incredibly powerful legs with long feet and sharp claws. This allows Vin to jump incredibly high - up to 6 feet into the air. Their legs are also incredibly powerful, and they can deliver strong kicks with them (with sharp claws that would easily decapitate the Blind). There are some obvious downsides - they can’t move normally, only hop. [color=51684c][b]Mantis Shrimp Hammer Claws ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s arms are replaced with useless in all but combat situations hammer claws, just like the Mantis Shrimps. These hammer-like appendages sit against their chest until ready to strike - and when they do, they shoot out at incredible speeds (though not quite as fast as the mantis shrimp itself). This punch can [i]shatter[/i] bones, punch through steel and bricks - incredibly powerful… but very limited to punching only. [color=51684c][b]Ribbed Newt Rib Attack ⫻[/b][/color] Inspired by a video of an Iberian Ribbed Newt that they watched, with this subspell Vin shoves their ribs through their back, creating a sharp (but strangely placed and grotesque) extra weapon. These ribs are coated in poison, which causes intense burning pain on top of being pierced by sharp bone. Once the ribs are pulled back in, Vin can regenerate the flesh there without… killing themselves via rib displacement. [/indent] [color=51684c][b]Apparition Weakening ⫻[/b][/color] With this spell, Vin infuses their body with Black Lux to make their physical attacks weaken Apparition’s. It drains the emotions that fuel them, making them physically and magically weaker, allowing for them to be sealed more easily. This infusion is only on their body, not any weapons they may have, and is often used along with their Beast Knight spell. [color=51684c][b]Apparition Endurance ⫻[/b][/color] Vin coats their body with Black Lux, making them more resistant to Apparition’s attacks. This casting requires ‘attunement’ with whatever Apparition they’re fighting - manipulating it in a way to defend against and endure any attacks it may have. For each different Apparition, it requires a fresh cast of the spell. [color=51684c][b]Apparition Wounding ⫻[/b][/color] Infusing their body with Black Lux, this spell allows Vin to cause Apparitions [i]overwhelming[/i] and painful wounds. While it doesn’t directly weaken them like their Apparition Weakening spell, it does hurt and damage them with the Black Lux. Directly damaging them like this can allow Vin to tear of Apparition limbs and similar, if they have limbs that could be removed. [color=51684c][b]The Final Blow ⫻[/b][/color] A powerful Black-Green lux spell, which infuses Vin’s hands (or other limb of choice) with potent Black Lux. This allows them to deliver a ‘final blow’ to an Apparition, incapacitating them - ‘killing them’ in as much as an Apparition could be killed. Of course, they’ll respawn after being destroyed - but the Black Lux slows their regeneration. [/indent] [color=51684c][b]The Survivor ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s secondary discipline, and one they’ve concentrated on less than the spells that aid them in fighting. These are more practical spells with use outside of combat. [indent][color=51684c][b]Rat Transformation ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s only full animal transformation, primarily used to get places they can otherwise. Vin turns into a rat and gets all the advantages that come with that - small size, heightened sense of smell and hearing (but poor vision), and an ability to jump incredibly high, climb up practically vertical surfaces, and squeeze through incredibly tight spaces. They also have a bite strong enough to make someone bleed… though they’re still a rat. They can’t use any magic in this form, aside from transforming back. [color=51684c][b]Small Animal Reanimation ⫻[/b][/color] A pure black lux spell, this allows Vin to reanimate the bodies of small animals - the largest they can do is something the size of a rat. They control this creature magically, and can use it as a spy or decoy - it can be sent up to fifty metres away from them, and they can see, hear and smell through the creature reanimated. [color=51684c][b]Apparition Detection ⫻[/b][/color] Vin can detect Apparitions in a radius of twenty metres around them. This allows them to pinpoint where Apparitions are, and how many there are, but they’ve not refined it enough to get more information. [/indent][/indent] [color=51684c][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] [indent][color=51684c][b]The Warrior ⫻[/b][/color] [indent][color=51684c][b]Beast Knight ⫻[/b][/color] Vin can only remain in the Beast Knight state for an hour, before they forcefully transformed back to normal. Then they need to rest for at least four hours before using it again. They can only take one base form, and takes five minutes to change base form while already transformed with full concentration - fifteen with less concentration. Each base form has limits - Tiger is strong, but with weak defences, ermine is fast, but needs to attack in targeted ways otherwise it is weak, and Pangolin has strong defences but is incredibly slow. They can layer on up to two subspells on top of their base form, and are able to actively swap between them while in this form. They can’t have two of the same appendages, so subspells often swap out the base forms’, which can result in some difficulties. Swapping takes thirty seconds to a couple of minutes depending how large the physical changes are, and whether they’re completely focused on the changes or doing other things at the same time. The initial transformation takes about a minute. Dragonfly eyes allow them to see all around, but it also gives them a lot more to process, making it difficult to keep up with the speed with which they see. They can only inject snake venom once every fifteen minutes, needing to regenerate it everytime. The stag horns are heavy and unwieldy, making them hard to use. The kangaroo legs and tail prevent them from walking normally, and make stealth impossible - and the hopping can be difficult to control, resulting in them overshooting where they're aiming a lot. With the hammer claws, they functionally don’t have hands. They can’t pick up anything, they can only punch. The rib attack is difficult to hit, and requires slamming someone with their back. Also even though it doesn’t damage them, it’s painful. [color=51684c][b]Apparition Weakening ⫻[/b][/color] Vin can be infused with this spell for half an hour, before needing an hour break to cast it again. They can’t use it along with Apparition Wounding. This only infuses their body - no objects, no other people. This means they effectively have no range in it, and have to essentially punch Apparitions to sealable weakness. [color=51684c][b]Apparition Endurance ⫻[/b][/color] Vin can be infused with this spell for an hour, but its limited unless they attune to the Apparition they’re fighting - making them only slightly more resistant. With ‘attunement’, using their black lux to subtly manipulate the Apparitions attacks to not affect them as much. This attunement can take seconds for incredibly weak Apparitions, to minutes for stronger ones. [color=51684c][b]Apparition Wounding ⫻[/b][/color] Vin can be infused with this spell for half an hour, before needing an hour break to cast it again. They can’t use it along with Apparition Weakening. This only infuses their body - no objects, no other people. This means they effectively have no range in it, and have to essentially punch Apparitions to sealable weakness. [color=51684c][b]The Final Blow ⫻[/b][/color] Vin can only use this once a day, and it massively drains their magic, meaning they can’t use any spells for another hour after it. For weaker Apparitions, it can be used to immediately kill them - the stronger the Apparition, the more they need to have been weakened first.[/indent] [color=51684c][b]The Survivor ⫻[/b][/color] Vin’s secondary discipline, and one they’ve concentrated on less than the spells that aid them in fighting. These are more practical spells with use outside of combat. [indent][color=51684c][b]Rat Transformation ⫻[/b][/color] Vin can only transform into a rat for thirty minutes, and this transformation is painful. Plus, they have to leave behind their clothes, because human sized clothes just won’t fit a rat. [color=51684c][b]Small Animal Reanimation ⫻[/b][/color] Vin can only reanimate one animal, and it can be no larger than a rat. They need a dead corpse they can see to reanimate. [color=51684c][b]Apparition Detection ⫻[/b][/color] Vin can detect Apparitions in a radius of twenty metres around them. They can’t tell anything about these Apparitions, and will always detect all Apparitions in the area - if there’s loads it could be overwhelming. [/indent] [/indent] [color=51684c][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] [indent][color=51684c][b]Beast Knight ⫻[/b][/color] Vin's many beast forms all come with the same weakness. These base forms have an increased cost of stamina, energy, and even parts of their life force. While subtle at first, the more Vin changes their form within their the higher the cost each subsequent change will carry. They will get slower, weaker, and their defensive forms will become more fragile and prone to failure if they change their form often. Thus, Vin will need to examine the situation in full and commit to fewer forms in a fight less their forms become weakened to the point of failure. As well, by adopting these more animal like features, Vin will accidentally catch the eyes of many. As Cloverfield is now the location of the most magically aware people per capita in the world this means that they can cause kindling events in their wake. Vin will also have to contend with the numerous freaks who find magical monster women attractive. As well, injuries sustained in these forms will prevent her from shifting unless she is able to mend them. Smaller cuts and scrapes would not trigger this weakness but a broken bone or deep laceration could. This means if she gets into the thick of it she may end up stuck in a form until the timer is up, and the resulting transformation back to human will be both painful and traumatizing. [color=51684c][b]Dragonfly Eyes ⫻[/b][/color] Maintaining these eyes requires total concentration and focus. If it is broken her eyes will revert back to normal in a painfully quick transformation. As well, she’ll lose her vision for five seconds if this happens as her brain struggles to adjust to the new input. [color=51684c][b]Snake Venom ⫻[/b][/color] Like the weakness to Beast Knight, too many rapid transformations within an hour could render her vulnerable to her own venom. [color=51684c][b]Mantis Shrimp Hammer Claws ⫻[/b][/color] While the form is incredibly powerful, the force of the impact can work both ways. Even when she is fresh she'll feel the strain on their arms and shoulders with each strike, and if she has shifted forms numerous times it could even shatter her own arms or shoulders, possibly both. [color=51684c][b]Apparition Weakening ⫻[/b][/color] If she fails with this spell the effect will rebound onto her. She’ll feel weakened, tired, and may fall asleep in a precarious position. [color=51684c][b]Apparition Endurance ⫻[/b][/color] The attunement for this spell can also cause her to fall victim to apparitions with strong physcic attacks as they will also become attuned to her. [/indent] [/INDENT] [sup][color=51684c][b] Other[/b][/color][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Vete a la chingada."[/i] [indent]Vin speaks fluent Spanish. While they dress differently, Vin and Loni are identical twins and can be difficult to tell apart if you don’t know them - something Vin uses to their advantage when needed. [/INDENT] [/hider]