Turns out stabbing someone was the one thing he never practiced. You don’t stab with practice swords, see. There’s actually a lot of people who put in a lot of work to make sure you don’t stab with practice swords. There’s special helmets, there’s padded clothes, there’s swords with the tips blunted, there’s the duelists never [i]really[/i] thrusting with all their might, etc. Come to think of it, had he ever imagined it? Stabbing someone? He’d made a lot of imaginary AMVs in his time. Had quite a lot of material to choose from. And. Well. There’s a woosh. An attack lands. The opponent falls over. Never really dove into the in-between bits. Cutie has to learn. Now. (This is bad. We need to get out of here. We need to stop her. We [i]promised[/i] we’d stop her. That Nagi is counting on you, Alcideo is counting on you, Yuki is counting on you, and two of those people are watching you right now. You’re so close. You beat her in your first ever real duel and you’re about to throw it all way. Just lift your hand up. Lift it up. You’ve got to lift it up.) That Nagi, Purnima? She’d looked at him like that. Almost like that. She wasn’t as…warm. Soft. Sweet, a-and, adoring? Purnima was happy to have him in her clutches. Right now, she, this pretty lady, she looks so [i]happy[/i] to have him. To. To. To, do, this, with him. Like she’s been looking forward to this for a long, long time… (These people are wrecking the Crysthanamum. They hurt everyone they could get their hands on. The dragon could’ve [i]got[/i] Yuki. They’re going to do horrible, awful things to Thellamie if they get their hands on you, and you can stop it. You can stop it right now. Do it. Stop it. Stop her. What are you waiting for?) She’s tilting his chin up. She’s holding him. She’s holding his head, in her hands. Her thumbs carefully wipe the dust from his cheeks. Brush. Brush Brush. It feels. She feels. Every time, it’s. W. Waow. (Go go go go what are you doing lift your sword stab her stab her right now stupid Hazel what are you doing you can do this why aren’t you doing it why aren’t you listening why aren’t you listening you’re messing up what’s wrong with you no no no no no don’t don’t you can’t you can’t you’ve got to run run run run run run-) He’s. Breathing really hard, from. The duel. His heart. Pouding. Really, really fast. Hands trembling. Flowers, and fruit, and, it’s all around him, getting thicker, she, she’s so close and, and, something fascinating might happen next, if he just, ”Wh…what are you…” he whispers. It’s so easy to make a mistake when you don’t have to [i]do[/i] anything. “Mmmph!!!” Time gets a little funny. There’s a jolt, surprise and rushing and [i]oh[/i] all knocking him flat at once, and it’s only a jolt, right? But, in the space of a jolt, she. She. She engulfs his lips in hers. And! There is! A lot! To be engulfed in! And she’s going so, so, [i]slowly[/i], caressing, humming, tasting, and then pressing [i]deeper[/i], again? Somehow?! How?! Every, she, with every, every time, there’s explosions scattering his thoughts, melting them all to mush, and, there’s probably something he ought to be doing at this part? But nobody ever told him and he’s not really had time to, practice? “Mm! Mrr! Mmm, [b]mmmphrrrrrrrr!!![/b]” Right! Yes! How! How dare she?! This is, this has got to be, she, you, you can’t just, in the middle of, duel, like this?! His hands find her shoulders and oh no there’s also very soft but that’s not the point he’s got to, he’ll, if he can just, get, push, some distance- Wait when did her arm wrap around his back? [i]Wait when did her arm get that low on his back?![/i] [b]”Mrrrrpp!!!!”[/b] Hey! Bad! Extra cheating! On top of cheating! He wiggles, and he squirms, and he strains with all his might, but. But. It’s like he’s pinned against stone. It’s like he’s sinking into a pile of plush cushions. He. He can’t do a thing. Without her. And then. She. She guides his head up, up. Her lips part. He tastes. Sweet. And distantly, bitter. “Mm-!” She [i]pours[/i] herself in. [i]”M-mmmmmmm-!!!”[/i] Is he still trying to wriggle free? Or are his legs threatening to give out? Are his fingers sinking into her shoulders to grip and throw her off? Or is he clinging on for dear life? How long does she spend savoring his mouth, filling him with breath after dizzying, melting breath, before she at long last pulls away? He’s not aware. Time got a little funny. Let’s see… He’s aware she’s up to something. He’s aware she tugged at his lip just now with an indulgent purr. He’s aware she can’t beat him here. He’s aware of her eyes, her curls, her cool skin, her wonderful perfume, her glowing smile, her, her lips… “You…I-I…y, you…I’m, st-still…not, gonna, be king…” He’s not aware of much else besides. Not even how his defiance fades off into a tiny, tiny whimper. [Rolling with Allure to [b]Entice[/b] Walking Elm: 6 + 5 - 1 = 10. Cutie takes a String on her, Walking Elm chooses one from the Entice list.]