[h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2] Given the jiangshi is warding everyone away from the mausoleum, or at least trying, it's probably true that Kaku Seiga has set herself up inside. And on top of that, given that the necromancer hasn't shown up the whole time we've been here since we showed up that means she's probably elsewhere at the moment. So, there's really no choice. It's clear what we have to do to learn more about what might be going on, despite the fact I'm not particularly excited about it. It's not that I'm not confident I can do it, I just would rather not have to deal with Kaku Seiga if I can avoid it. But the jiangshi isn't prepared at all, she's busy with eating part of one of those spirits, so this won't take very long at all. It only takes a few steps for me to get in front of her. This isn't danmaku, so it's not a problem if I take the quick and easy path while she's not ready for a fight. My fingers grip the talisman on her head. It's not like this will do anything worse then make her forget what she's doing. That soft brain of hers isn't good at retaining orders. In the same motion that I pull it off the jiangshi's forehead, my leg moves forward to set her off balance. She's probably too stiff to get up if she falls forward. That should take care of the biggest obstacle. It'd be more involved if she actually managed to resist and fight, but I'm still pretty certain I'd take her out regardless. [@Raineh Daze][@FujiwaraPhoenix] [hr] [h2]The Wandering Cat[/h2] The needle left the oiran's throat in a spurt of blood, as the blue-clad woman smirked the moment she witnessed the appearance of the truely-divine Yasaka Kanako. Certainly, it wasn't her preference to be involved with such gods, but at the moment that was enough to guarantee this wicked spirit would be crushed. Especially when combined with the knight-witch's efforts, ensuring not a single obstacle remained to reaching the evil ghost. With the butterflies cleared away, her own body still struggling to move with the ghostly hands restraining her, the oiran couldn't do anything to evade attack. "I'll drown you in---" The ghost's snarl was cut off when the pillars reached her. The onbashira slammed into the oiran all at once, skidding across the ground and dragging her body with them. Their divine nature only made them all the more potent against such a wicked ghost. As they dragged her body against the ground, a crimson smear was left behind. The ghost's phantasmal flesh was being shredded, torn apart, bones and organs ground into unrecognizable states as her fine clothing was torn apart. Pieces of her body were spread across the empty street in a near-totally destroyed state, as nothing but phantom meat. When they came to a halt, blood seeped from around the point where the onbashira had stopped, the pillars thankfully obscuring whatever gory mess remained beneath them. But the oiran was not a living person. A chunk of her head that had been thrown free, harboring her right eye, was still in sight. Despite the destruction of most of her body, that remaining eye was wide, burning with fury. [@DracoLunaris][@FujiwaraPhoenix]