[hider=Ghost Region Remnants] [h2][color=39b54a]Ghost Region Remnants[/color][/h2] [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58a5e94bbf629a9623ff80f9/1547845181538-90FCX1V0JM97HKJ968V0/Lansing_FINAL2.png?format=500w[/img] [h3][color=39b54a]Ghost Nebula Republic, Ghost Region, The Remnants[/color][/h3] [h3][color=39b54a]Government Type[/color][/h3] Defunct State Formerly classified as a Bioriod-Assisted Democracy [h3][color=39b54a]Demographics[/color][/h3] Historic Statistics: [list] [*] Yrrani-Twei: ~30 Billion [*] Humans: ~5 Billion [*] Yrrani: ~1 Billion [*] Other Species: ~1 Billion [*] Bioroids: Indeterminable number [/list] Current Statistics: [list] [*] Yrrani-Twei: DATA NOT FOUND [*] Humans: DATA NOT FOUND [*] Yrrani: DATA NOT FOUND [*] Other Species: DATA NOT FOUND [*] Bioroids: DATA NOT FOUND [/list] [hider=Yrrani-Twei][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/90/9e/4c/909e4c91c284b07a1cd298e7188fafa9.jpg[/img][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/90/5a/a8/905aa8ea8013e7fcd24ea8249270c8d7.jpg[/img][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/048/670/315/large/jenna-vanpelt-jennavanpelt-soulmaster-01.jpg?1650624006[/img]An offshoot of the Yrrani, the Twei are an ethnic minority that are most easily distinguished by the fact that they have longer ears. They are usually fair skinned, pale even, but can be darker skinned, often as the result of cross breeding with humans. Much like their cousins, the Twei are blessed with longevity, general physiological resilience, unnatural beauty as well as graceful aging, and generally keen minds. They are also noted as possessing great spacial awareness and reflexes, both of which are often further enhanced by cybernetics.[/hider] [h3][color=39b54a]Military[/color][/h3] The Republic Joint Armed Forces (RJAF), initially formed by the Ghost Nebula Provincial Defense Legion, were the military services responsible for the defense of the Ghost Nebula Republic. The military was broken up into two competing branches: the Republican Navy (RN) and the Republican Ground Forces (RGF). The Republican Navy was considered to be the more senior and prestigious of the branches and received the bulk of the military’s budget. As a general rule of thumb The Republic Joint Armed Forces had a strong bias of quality over quantity, although this was slightly less so for the Ground Forces. The Republican Navy was a battle-hardened, highly loyal, force and was often referred to as the Sword of the Republic. Much like the navy, the Republican Marine Corps was a highly effective offensive combat force. As a general rule of thumb Republic Navy warships were very durable and very effective brawlers. Republic Navy warships each possessed a spinal particle beam cannons that served as its primary killing weapon. Very effective CIWS provided protection against longer range attacks and acted as secondary guns. As a general rule of thumb Republic Navy warships tended to lack very long range weaponry, relying on a few missile launchers per ship and fighter craft to cover combat ranges outside the reach of their particle beam cannons. On the subject of fighter craft: every Republic Navy ship carried at least a few fighters and shuttles, although the bulk of fighter operations were still centralized on specialized carriers. The Republic Ground Forces were the shield of the Ghost Nebula and historically were regulated to defensive and holding actions, although the Ground Forces was responsible for conducting the majority of combat operations during the [color=B80F0A]DATA NOT FOUND[/color] Campaign. The RGF existed primarily as a defensive force, responsible for directly protecting the Ghost Nebula’s citizens and holding territory recaptured by the Navy and marines. [h3][color=39b54a]Technology Overview[/color][/h3]The Ghost Nebula Republic was very advanced when it came to AI, robotics, cybernetics, and energy storage. The invention of room-temperature nonpressurized superconductors and bioroids were some of the Ghost Nebula Republic’s greatest technological advancements. [b]Superconductors:[/b] The creation of room-temperature nonpressurized superconductors had contributed greatly to the Republic. These superconductors were used in digital circuits, magnetic levitation devices, robotics, energy storage devices, particle beam weaponry, and electric motors to name a few. [b]Bioroids:[/b] Bioroids, or more properly named biomimetic AI, are highly advanced AI that saw widespread use throughout the Ghost Nebula Republic. Bioroids are distinct from traditional AI (called nominal AI in the Republic) in that they are an artificial brain based on biological brain mapping (bioroid brain is the term used to talk about the actual artificial brain hardware). Bioroids are broken up into four classes based on the size and general capabilities of their bioroid brains. Class A bioroids possess very large bioroid brains, often about the size of a car, and have a lot of processing power. They often have numerous “built in” supportive nominal AIs that help them perform numerous tasks at once. These levels of AI are often used to control spacecraft and stations. Class B bioroid brains are the same size as a human brain. Intellectually they are the same as a cybernetically enhanced human. Class C bioroids are considered to be a sub-human intellect bioroid. They aren’t exactly unintelligent, only super focused on one specialty, thus comparably inflexible. Class D bioroids utilize very small bioroid brains and are considered to be animalistic in intellect; people often compare them to canines or birds of prey. They are often used in robots that don’t require high levels of intellect or where the use of a man-machine link is likely to be employed. At the height of development, Bioroid developers had gotten very good at creating and altering bioroid personalities; they could give a bioroid any kind of personality they desire. In practice this was often used to make a bioroid enjoy whatever task they are likely to be given, turning what might be argued a state of slavery into a blissful existence. Bioroid developers had also gotten very good at making humanoid, or animal based, bioroids as indistinguishable from the living beings they were based off of as possible. Synthskin and artificial muscle could make a bioroid feel perfectly human; in fact some are advanced enough that without performing a specialized scan or invasive search, it would be impossible to tell that a bioroid is not a human. [b]Cybernetics:[/b] Cybernetics were a fairly advanced and common technology in the Ghost Nebula Republic. Most citizens had nanomachine grown brain circuitry that acted as an internal computer. This brain circuitry could be connected to via a terminal that was usually located on the index finger. Cybernetics were also used to delay the effects of aging by a decade or so. [b]Robotics:[/b] Robotics was a very developed field of science in the Republic. Android bodies could be built that are nearly impossible to distinguish from a biological body without specialized scans or an invasive search. [b]Man-Machine Link:[/b] Man-Machine Links, shortened to MML, use a humanoid’s cybernetics to directly connect his/her brain to a bioroid through the use of specially designed ports usually installed at the base of the human’s skull. MMLs allow a bioroid to effectively read a human’s mind, thus enabling it to act on the human’s will before they have even given their intentions coherent thought. An example of this link in action would be a fighter pilot determining that he wants to attack a target and the bioroid performing the act of aiming and firing weapons. In other words it allows for superhuman reactions at human direction. [b]Adaptive Camouflage:[/b] In short adaptive camouflage changes patterns and color schemes to match the surrounding environment. This is not to be confused with active camouflage or cloaking and instead is more of a “pallet/pattern” swap. For example a soldier’s uniform would have a woodland pattern when in the forest and if he walked into a city the uniform’s camouflage would change to an urban design and color set. At first adaptive camouflage was limited to armored vehicles, but advancements in the technology and general reduction in price has expanded it to clothing as well. [h3][color=39b54a]History[/color][/h3] Historically the Ghost Nebula had always been a somewhat isolated region. Intelligent life was slow to evolve in the region and a mixture of gasses and heavy asteroid presence made navigation and exploration more difficult than other regions of the galaxy. What intelligent life did evolve in the region was all but exterminated when the Yrrani expanded into the Ghost Region. Development of the Ghost Region was never much of a priority for the Yrrani Empire. The aforementioned lack of natural resources and difficulty in exploring made it useful for little more than military outposts. And once the Yrrani empire had expanded its borders further still what little importance the Ghost Region had dwindled even further. The Twei Expulsion changed everything. The Twei were a Yrrani ethnic minority, notable for being physically distinct from Yrrani due to their long ears, who were more democratically leaning then their Yrrani cousins. Relations between the two ethnicities had never been warm, but what had previously been a lack for warmth turned to downright freezing after a number of large-scale Twei protests over the mistreatment of non-Yrrani species. The Empire cracked down on the Twei, prompting a brief, but bloody, insurrection. This insurrection ended when the Yrrani gave their Twei cousins an ultimatum. Leave or die. Some of the Twei remained to continue their fight against the Empire, but once Imperial troops began executing women and children, the fight left the Twei populace, which fled their homes by the billians. The Ghost Region proved to be the Twei’s only safe haven. It remained an undeveloped, nearly resourceless, region, but it was now home to the Twei. The Twei proved to be an industrious people, quickly building cities to house their population as they explored the largely unexplored Ghost Nebula. Once these explorers began finding resource rich asteroids and planetoids, Twei society experienced an economic boom. By 1800 years ago, some of the largest cities had begun to rival those of Pax Yrrani’s greatest cities, if not in size then in wealth. And it wasn’t just Twei that lived in the Ghost Region by this point, humans, numerous other species, and even some Yrrani had come to call the Ghost Region home. Had nothing changed, perhaps the Ghost Region might have developed into a true rival to Pax Yrrani’s core worlds. Or perhaps the Ghost Region might have led a revolt against Pax Yrrani. Either way, the Yrrani had other plans. One day without warning Pax Yrrani deployed the [i]Astral Sword[/i] against the Ghost Region. This superweapon literally tore holes in space around the Ghost Region, isolating it from the rest of the galaxy. These tears in space would take over fifteen hundred years to close and until they did so the Ghost Region was truly isolated from the rest of the galaxy. Travel into and out of the Ghost Region was impossible and this proved to be the case for all forms of information as well. At first the people of the Ghost Region panicked, but this quickly bled away and was replaced with relief and excitement. For the first time the Yrrani-Twei didn’t have to live under the boot of the Yrrani. Within short order the Ghost Nebula Republic was formed, where all were equal regardless of species. The old Ghost Region Provincial Defense Legion formed the core of the Republics Armed Forces, the founders of the Republic were forward thinking enough to realize that there was always the risk of rebellions or Pax Yrrani somehow finding its way back into the Ghost Region. The next one hundred years was a golden age for the Ghost Nebula Republic. Technological advancement, economic development, social and cultural revolutions all were center stage during these hundred years. But like all golden ages, the Republic’s ended. There was virtually no warning before- [color=B80F0A]DATA CORRUPTED ATTEMPTING TO REPAIR DATA … … … REPAIR FAILED ATTEMPTING RECOVERY FROM OFFSITE BACKUP … … … UNABLE TO CONNECT WITH OFFSITE BACKUP CONTACT TECHNICAL SUPPORT[/color] The Ghost Nebula Republic is gone. Its people are gone. Nothing looks up at the night sky with hope or aspirations as the astral tears repair themselves. The Ghost Region is once again accessible to the rest of the galaxy (although travel to the region is still limited to a few access points and the trip itself is hazardous), no communications leave the region. No ships exit to inform the rest of the galaxy of the good news. It's almost as if it, and all who lived in it, are dead. [/hider]