[b][u]Ghost Region[/u][/b] Some places earn their name because of some inherent trait. Others seemingly grow into a name that didn’t fit them before. The Ghost Region certainly fit the latter. Its worlds were dead, surrounded by dense clouds of debris. Wrecked hulks of once great warships littered the region's numerous gas fields and asteroid belts. Ghosts of a once great civilization could be found, should one look hard enough. But to call the whole region dead might have been a bit of an exaggeration. Plant life was abundant, overtaking once great cities. Animals too had overrun those very same cities, seemingly unaware or unconcerned about the cities’ long gone inhabitants, but occasionally looking up at the sky in fear. The Ghost Region wasn’t truly dead, but what life was to be found lived in the bones of a dead civilization. And in the deep reaches of the Ghost Nebula rested an intelligence so unlike the Yrrani-Twei it had once fought. But that rest was now coming to an end. [i]They[/i] had routinely woken from [i]their[/i] slumber. [i]They[/i] eat. [i]They[/i] reproduced. [i]They[/i] explored. [i]They[/i] hunted the ghosts. But it wasn’t time for [i]them[/i] to awaken. Something was… different. How odd. NOTHING had changed for… well time didn’t matter to them. It didn’t truly matter at all in the Ghost Region. But perhaps that was going to change. But what had it been that had awoken [i]them[/i]? It took [i]them[/i] a moment to realize what had awoken [i]them[/i]. Space [i]tasted[/i] different. Not in a bad way. It was… as if there was suddenly more space. But… how? Did it matter? No, no it did not. [i]They[/i] did not care why [i]they[/i] were no longer trapped. [i]They[/i] had been trapped for so long. Now [i]they[/i] weren’t. [i]They[/i] were hungry. So very very hungry. And [i]they[/i] were no longer trapped.