[@FujiwaraPhoenix] [@Drifting Pollen] [@Lugubrious] [@VitaVitaAR] [center][h2][color=8dc73f]Fran[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]Nieve — Magic Shop[/h3][/center] A downed, bisected skeleton dragged itself across, trying to reach its weapon to continue fighting- [b]CRACK![/b] But Fran put a stop to it by stomping on its skull, destroying it and rendering the skeleton dead once more. As the berserker checked on her companions, she would see that the last of the remaining undead being dispatched, ending the threat. In the Servant's honest opinion, this fight was too easy. Clearly, whoever summoned these skeletons were [i]not[/i] expecting a ragtag group of otherworlders with otherworldly abilities to show up. Still, the path was now clear for them to continue. Fran was all for proceeding down the passageway further, confident in dealing with anymore surprises that may pop up. The others, however... [color=8dc73f]"Do...we..."[/color], Fran spoke, turning to her teammates as she pointed her mace down the darkened path. [color=8dc73f]"...pro...ceed?"[/color]