[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tR921tl.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pmkMn37.png[/img] [/center] [right]Interactions: Elara [@NoriWasHere], Varnan [@Blizz] [code]Bill's Tattoo Shop, Raven's Rest[/code][/right][hr] It wasn't that long of a walk to Bill's. Bryn drove them from the church to her own place - a tiny house in surprisingly good condition for the wood it was made of. Having a magical woodsman really helped... But from there it was just easier to go on foot. Nothing in town wasn't walkable, and finding a place to park her ancient (truck) was a nightmare. She even made time to quickly change out of her work overalls, replacing them with brown cargo pants and a thicker jacket... Plush a side bag full of ash. [color=b23b07]"I gotta bad feelin' about this,"[/color] she said to Elara as they approached Bill's shop. This wasn't just Bill - it was all the shit that was happening. She was worried it meant a second cataclysm... Or something much worse. They'd been taught that there were many ancient spirits in the mountains, but anything dangerous should be sleeping. But what if they were waking up? There was no information about [i]what[/I] and no elders to teach them now. [color=b23b07]"Whatever it was might still be about. We gotta be careful."[/color] Without waiting for a response, because she trusted Elara - it was an implicit trust that came from years of friendship and working together. They had each other's backs... Though hopefully they wouldn't need to. [color=b23b07]"Hey, Bill! Y'there? It's Bryn and Elara, just checkin' on you after last ni-"[/color] Bryn shoved in the door, cutting herself off when she noticed someone else already inside the small shop. Her head tilted up, eyes narrowing into a squint. She vaguely recognised him from the Cataclysm - but she couldn't put a name to the face. Someone there during the fight, so Paranormal. There'd been too many people to remember any but the ones that stood out, or that the Grove retained ties with afterwards. [color=b23b07]"Here for Bill too? If it's for a tat he's full,"[/color] Bryn threw a thumb towards Elara. Her posture wasn't aggressive towards Varnan, but it certainly wasn't friendly. It was a lack of trust towards an outsider - city folk coming in and sticking their nose where it didn't belong, making a mess of things. She'd seen it many times before. Sure, they were going to talk to some of the people they knew in the city... But there were agreements there. Someone coming into their town? She didn't like that. [color=b23b07]"And if you're here for [I]somethin'[/I] else, we got it handled. Bill's one of ours."[/color]