[quote]Yeah, it's going to be probably the worst holy sickness that Velvet has ever experienced by a pretty decent margin. @AlmostEternity Realistically, if this isn't Angel's actual first day, she probably has an outstanding order to stay away from Velvet's room if at all possible.[/quote] [@Lemons] What I'm thinking is that Angel has been timing her visits to the point where Velvet is a) not in her room(which is what she does every other day/0, or b) asleep when she comes in, so Velvet never knows Angel comes in to clean. But since Angel slept in today(she gets up super early to clean the rooms of those who are up at night instead of the day), she missed her window of opportunity to get in Velvet's room while she wasn't in there. [quote]I'm assuming the maid service isn't free? It's like a special thing we pay for each month or something if we want it? Or, like is it like a hotel?[/quote] [@BunniesOfDoom] I can answer that. Angel is being maid in exchange for a room.