[quote]I mean for the other residents. [/quote] ??? [quote]Each time the angel goes to clean her room, asleep or not:[/quote] That's half angel to you, mister. 🧐 [quote]No no, I don't think you get it. If Angel got within twenty feet of Velvet when she was sleeping she would be up instantly. Like when you're sick, and you wake up to puke. I don't think you quite realize how painful Angel's presence is going to be for Velvet.[/quote] [i]Sucks[/i] for Velvet. In all seriousness, I think Angel really just doesn't like the concept of seeing Velvet in general, so she'll probably change her mind. She has to stop by the front desk to get the key to the room anyway, so she'll ask there if Velvet is in her room, and if it's a yes, then she'll stay away. But she doesn't know about the pain her presence causes Velvet.